Non-meme, non-sopa de macaco answer please. All I know about Brazillian cuisine is what they serve at fogo de chao.
What is the cuisine of Brazil?
> they serve at fogo de chao.
Like all the grilled meats and feijoada. It's like a high end restaurant in my city
One of those high end rodízio churrascarias like Porcão. They actually have more restaurants in the US than in Brazil.
Staple food is the rice you see in fogo de chão+some kind of meat+beans(feijão), feijoada is very common at weekend family reunions and festivities. I can't really tell much more because I'm an autist with extremely limited tastes, eating at the NY fogo de chão on the last day of my trip was genuinely one of the most enjoyable meals of my life, eating there after two weeks surviving on mcdonalds, Italian food and eventually sticky and tasteless Asian rice made me realize how much I love Brazilian rice.
same shit they eat in the rest of SA Mediterranean cuisine + rice and beans
For snacks: coxinhas, sfihas, kibes, acarajés (only in Bahia), pastéis and empadas.
Main dishes: feijoada, shrimp bobó, fish moqueca, escondidinho (made out of dried meat or chicken, with cheese and cassava or potato pureé on top).
salads: vinagrete and mayonaise sallad (cooked veggies mixed with mayo)
meat swords
Does everyone in Ibero-America eat these things?
Same as portuguese but with added fatty nigger fried crap
yes it comes from north african arab food
We didn't inherit anything at all from Portugal other than the language.
you must think the feijoada comes from africa you retard chimpazilian
t. João da Silva
No, it comes from slaves.
and those slaves came from hell? your're very stupid lmao
>A empada ou empadinha é uma espécie de salgado popular em Portugal e no Brasil.[1] Normalmente consiste numa caixa de massa de farinha de trigo com um recheio, muitas vezes uma tampa da mesma massa, e se assam no forno.[2]
Just because you're the bastard child of a Portuguese immigrant it doesn't mean Brazil has a Portuguese culture. We didn't inherit anything from Portugal other than the language, go ahead and prove me wrong, I'll wait.
t. mom is south brazilian
>rice and beans
>sizable amounts of soda
>a lot of meat (steak, sausage)
>some fried stuff (coxina)
You inherited Portuguese genes when your nigger grandparents got fucked with big Portuguese cocks
feijoada comes from the north of portugal you dumb chimp
Brigadeiros and bolo milho are top tier in deserts
Fried dog
Do Brazillians eat spicy food?
Also we eat a dish called Buchada de Bode. It seems that it's very close to the Haggis that the Scots eat.
Your mom is a goddess
they brought their religion
their architecture
their genes
their names and surnames
their royal family
i doubt you are braizlian.
I always imagined Argie cuisine to be Italian food with more meat.
The sincere, honest and helpful answers get no (You)s while the stupid inbred macacos get all the attention.
seething negroid (with portuguese blood)
Any special fillings Brazillians put in theirs? I just came back from Peru and eating lomo saltado and aji de gallina empanadas was weird.
It's a self hating afro-portuguese aka pardo
thats pretty white dude
shut up wh*toid we are MEDgods
>they brought their religion
Christianity is a Middle Eastern religion. You literally worship a dead Jew.
>their architecture
A few isolated towns in Minas Gerais isn't Brazil.
>their genes
Irrelevant when >95% of the country is considered black by any legit standard.
>their names and surnames
Same as language, and it was forced upon us through Marques de Pombal.
>their royal family
Monarchy is dead. We're a republic now.
>i doubt you are braizlian.
Mora than you apparently because I'm not spending my time sucking gringo dick for approval on the internet, cuck.
im show respect to your half med BVLL superior
>Irrelevant when >95% of the country is considered black by any legit standard
Another nice thread ruined by the NIGGER incel.
And then the macacos get mad when they're labelled as the worst posters on this site. Y'all are pathetic, how can you derail a simple thread as this into racebaiting? Oh God, why my countrymen are so stupid?
Stfu nigger
>Another nice thread ruined by the NIGGER incel.
>y'all gtfo faggot
See for true Brazillian cuisine
>Catolicismo foi desenvolvido na Europa, na maioria
>A few isolated towns in Minas Gerais isn't Brazil.
Todas as cidades têm o "centro velho'', onde há arquitetura colonial portuguesa
>Irrelevant when >95% of the country is considered black by any legit standard.
Não, o dna do brasileiro médio é mais europeu do que negro.
>Same as language, and it was forced upon us through Marques de Pombal.
Não foi forçado, sendo que a maioria das pessoas já falava português muito antes do marques
Também esqueci de mencionar que nossas leis e nossa constituição são extremamente parecidas.
A lot of rice, beans and meat
Also, pastel and coxinhas are a gift from heaven and hot dogs here can look like pic related
What's this taste like? Is it just cream cheese?
>>Brazil is white and European
Never have i said this. You are probably not even brazilian
It has a stronger taste to it compared to cream cheese
They eat kibbeh
based obsessed merdestino
yep we do, it's quite popular.
I want to put my kibe in ur esfiha
Wow thats some advanced schizo posting
go to fucking hell you disgusting nigger incel, nobody cares about your autism
>There are 19 posters in this thread.
macacos e bananas
manda uma tuguinha pra mim ae kkkj
>go to fucking hell you disgusting nigger incel, nobody cares about your autism
It is pretty cool when you read about Brazil
you are the real worldwide nation not America
We call it manaqish here because esfiha means butter bar
O think levantines call it esfiha tol
yeah lol at your >life ha
>you are the real worldwide nation not America
Chinese and middle Eastern food I see in American food chains or cooking channels are nowhere like the original one for example
can't say the same for Brazil they have a lot of Japanese dishes iirc
In a lot of ways, we make all those cuisines better.
>posting the same pics because you have run out of your incel shit
won't lie you add some ingredients that makes the one want to eat more
True to some point
>filename is brazil_is_white.jpg
>pic talks about argentina
anyway, have sex
seek help
That's how delusional you are for thinking you're white while unironically calling other Brazilians niggers, mongrel complex. You're the bottom of the bottom, the dreg of this country, a monkey on a leash constantly seeking approval from its human masters. You're a joke.
Take your meds, you are not even making sense anymore
Did I strike a nerve, mongrel complex?
I never implied I'm white (I am though ha get fucked), I only said you are a disgusting incel, which is true.
I thought this thread was about food
it was before the incel came
At this point i think you are just talking with your own head or something
Go to CAPS asap
Another important discussion is the relation between social class and "race" in Brazil. It is commonplace to say that, in Brazil, "money whitens". There is a persistent belief, both in academy and popularly, that Brazilians from the wealthier classes with darker phenotypes tend to see themselves and be seen by others in lighter categories. Other things, such as dressing and social status, also influence perceptions of race.
However, some studies, focusing in the difference between self- and alter-classification show that this phenomenon is far more complex than "money whitens". For instance, according to a study conducted by Paula Miranda-Ribeiro and André Junqueira Caetano among women in Recife, while there is significant inconsistency between the "parda" and "preta" categories, most women are consistently classified by themselves and interviewers into "brancas" and non-brancas. 21.97% of women were consistently classified as White, and 55.13% of women were consistently classified as non-White, while 22.89% of women where inconsistently classified. But the inconsistently classified women reveal an important aspect of economic "whitening". "Self-darkening" women, i.e., those who view themselves as "pretas" or "pardas" but are classified as "brancas" by the interviewers (4.08% of women) have above average education, while the 18.82% "self-whitening" women have a low average education, lower indeed than that of consistently non-White women.
Well, brigadieros look delicious.