WTF Satoshi

WTF Satoshi is a alt right white supremacist

sell all the bitcoins now

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This is actually Bullish!
Right wing/ conservatives are better at handling finances.


Also, OP is a pajeet communist steamy piece of shit.

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he's based and redpilled

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Commies just want their free airdropped tokens so they can spend in starbucks. Fucking scumbags

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based adebowale putting streetshitters where they belong

fucking based. need more satoshi red pills

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based and redpilled doggo
it's no wonder subhumans don't like them, you can't propaganda hate of blacks away in doggos

Satoshi forsaw the meme power of Doge!
He tried to tell us to harness it for bitcoin

big if true, just bought 100k

lol is there any doubt at all this guy is satoshi.

I could've told you that a long time ago. I've seen him like or retweet Trump shit for years.

satoshi wasn't an idiot so yes

Dude he's retweeted way worse shit than that. Those are Szabo bluepills

>infinite money on war
>exclusive military contractors charge $1500 for a standard philips head screwdriver
>fucked healthcare so everyone goes to ER which ends up costing more
>punitive approach to drug use where drug users basically get "super welfare" called prison which costs 6 figures per inmate per year when they're not even violent
>free reign for corporate oligopolies to make private profits, have their workers paid so little they're literally subsidised by the govt, then park their profits offshore
>massive increases in deficit
"Better at handling finances" LMAO

>have %70 of the foreign world reserve currencies be your currency.
>be the most power civilization the world has ever seen
added a couple more for you

Wait...what? He was responding about "right wing conservatives". What does your comment have to do with anything?

Szabo is a badass, shame he’s so anti-BCH

bcash? that shitcoin is still going? how on earth...

based and fucking redpilled satoshi hates pajeets


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