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Robert Clark
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Christopher Nguyen
The sheikh may have grown his first pube. Waiting for confirmation.
Easton Gonzalez
>Only 32,51% up
Still 60% below ICO, bagholders are getting desperate
Juan Wilson
Just let us have this you negative nancy
Luis Nelson
Patience and balls of steel is what is happening.
James Ortiz
+49% against ETH
Elijah King
Is this due to the gate USDT pair again?
Liam White
just a temporary pump as my son wants to sell his last bags ahahahahahahahallah akbar
Camden Nguyen
jcash just released.Team confirmed exchanges coming q4 now regulations are sorted.. Team confirmed they are ahead of the q2 report. Stablecoin is the furthest ahead in regulation, way passed the winklevoss twins..user its like you hate money.
Isaac Russell
All good things but they don't cause a random pump like this do they?
Carter Turner
Im sure there a shit ton going on behind the scenes, its been implied theres alot they cant talk about.
Cameron Gonzalez
ok he's sold the last of his bags, see you later ahahahahahahahahallah akbar
Zachary Richardson
back to break even, nice
Leo Hall
get in now
Camden Reyes
You will soon see enough.
James Campbell
Samuel White
You literally hate money if you don't sell now. Already correcting.
Kevin Reyes
Sorry, my post isn't aging well.
>only up 23%
Still below 70% below ICO, bagholders are getting desperate
Nathan Myers
Oh my god shut up
Dominic Collins
Gtfo from telegram and write Talal a nice Email.
Christopher Martinez
Back up to 32% on bibox
Chase Morales
i warned you kuffar scum but you no listen hahahahahahahahallah akbar
Hudson Parker
The coordinated pajeet pump is losing momentum as the eternal bagholders race each other to dump their bags at >50% loss.
Cooper Barnes
Big exchange rumor
Liam Green
and I have some friends high up in finance systems on wall street, apparently the gemini stablecoin has made everyone notice that Jibrel is way ahead of everyone to release a fully regulated coin.Take it fot what its worth.
William Gonzalez
>Some friends high up in finance systems
Hudson Diaz
Not a larp.For once.Jibrel is also going to be used in a stock exchange targettted at busineeses to tokenize funds.The guys behind it are some of the biggest in the middle east.
Jace Howard
Holy fuck I love biz; wouldnever have discovered this token without everyone here. Picked up a 3k bag this month. Very solid no hype team, long term hold but moon is certain
Jayden Anderson
That's not going to convince anybody pal, common knowledge
Connor Ortiz
Tokenized fiat and assets has been brought to the mainstream finance world by the winklevoss twins,You dont think wall street has done a 5 second google search since to find out who is furthest ahead...?
Brandon Wilson
Just Don Tapscott things btw
Tyler Rodriguez
it takes a little while for things you see on biz the minute they are posted to filter through to the market
Lincoln Carter
yeah. I'm heavy in JNT but I'm not blind. Sell the tops, but the dips. This has been happening fairly consistently on the weekends. It's going to bounce around .00045 all weekend, then volume will dry up and it will slide back down early next week.
Brayden Perry
you must be new. JNT was biz'z golden child earlier this year....then it shit the bed. biztards sold the bottom and curse it as the scamel coin now.
Josiah Wilson
The bizelite warned you to sell way before Q1 because they have missed every single deadline you could imagine.
But hey, now you are here and enjoy your 30% pump from the bottom. Gz
Anthony Evans
check them
Brayden Russell
I quite like buying coins at the bottom.
Dylan Howard
I was planning on buying more at 1100 sats. Guess I will have to wait a few weeks to do it.
Ryder Turner
Absolute state of this telegram. 10c after a pump and apparently $100 is mathematically guaranteed
Leo Cook
it's just basic algebra bro or are you too stupid to figure it out?
Lucas Mitchell
They were probably people who held from 50 cents down. A 3 cent rise makes them put the nooses away.