How can christcucks ever compete?
How can christcucks ever compete?
I wish Goku appeared in real life and he was Muslim and destroyed Israel
>he follows a brown man's religion
say what?
>official state religion is that of brown man
Muhammed was a pale ginger
Jesus was a bronze skinned man with wooly hair a stereotypical Semitic person
Cope you worship a man that looks like me
name one (1) religion that wasn't founded by a brown man
Satanism (made by an edgy brit kike)
Then why isn't portraying Muhammad allowed in Islam? Was he ugly as fuck?
there's no actual religious ban but portraying him is idolatry and they hate that (christians did too during the byzantine empire)
To discourage idolatry and practises based on images
He was too white
>To discourage idolatry
india is quintessentially brown
He did not want people to know that he was a wh*toid so they don't reject the religion
which failed horribly, classic islam, copout: the religion
Fair enough, but isn't worshipping Kaaba and the black meteorite quite similar to polytheism?
Okay okay
The timeline for the establishment of the Kaaba is nonsensical
Muhammed couldnt radically alter Arabian paganism so he adopted the circumambulation around the Kaaba, the prayer 5 times towards it and the black stone, he only destroyed the 300 or so idols inside but the rock would've been problematic
intelligent doctor speaks with nuance and class
You don't have to be an asshole, just criticize it directly
Arabian paganism sounds cool desu. Too bad they wiped it out.
By not being m*slims.
any east asian religion
The Romans invented Christianity