Do you want a Japanese GF?
I do, they are so cute
Do you want a Japanese GF?
the average Japanese woman doesn't look like that
no i am not worthy
pic unrelated
A Japanese women who looks like this would never even consider a white guy
Aren't these Chinese?
Lightly dressed maiko
They are probably Koreans who are either processing photos or performing plastic surgery.
In Japan, such an unnatural face is a person who has undergone plastic surgery.
Recently, many Japanese women have imitated Koreans and have lost their original faces after extensive plastic surgery.
>I LOVE japanese girls, they are so cute
This is objectively real Japanese face
Balance of ugly and cute is like this
OP pictures is probably fake face by plastic surgery.
i think so
that's not cute, that's ugly as shit
are you a real jap? how do you feel about people pretending your people look like kpop and jpop idols?
>how do you feel about people pretending your people look like kpop and jpop idols?
Based. Very impressive.
Question. I know you guys are gonna basically kill me, but I’ve been spending a bit of time on Jow Forums the past few months, and I see a LOT of WMAF threads. Is it just me or are the people who prefer Asians getting more prevalent?
That was one of the most soul crushing webm I have ever seen.
You need to get your eyes checked, if you think these surgeried creaturas are Japanese women.
Only you.
Do you want to be the Japanese GF?
I do, they are so cute
Yes it is. the Japanese girls average aren’t good.
there aren't has many Japanese people with faces like J-pop and K-pop.
the most of them are like faked makeup or plastic surgery.
anyway that isn’t average in here.
I don't hate Mongoloids but weebcels made me hate incels and mongoloids with a burning passion.
I prefer Gaijin girls than Japanese girls desu
well its a personality problem
please forgive me
I just posted the first picture I had
you're welcom.
ah generally japanese people who dating Americans or other gaijins(specially whites) they have high average
I think they are not plastic surgery.
my favorite av star got herself plastic surgery and turned into most basic looking korean ever. Sad!
maybe yes. but she’s high tier in japan
I feel like I can be honest with you guys, but I need a fuckin break from messing with Jow Forums. The past couple of days there have been absolute cancer. WMAF threads and these anons all post models. (Make up, obvious airbrushed faces, and tops way too small.)
You tell them “the average Japanese woman doesn’t look like that”, then this happens in this order.
>”seething roastie, cooope”
>then they tell you that white women are a lost cause.
>white women age like milk, are fat, and fuck Tyrone
>”they’re so traditional!” (Like a traditional woman would go for a gaijin)
The list goes on. It’s literal incel shit that infuriates me. They have the mindset of an antivaxxer. They think it’s ok to go to Japan and be like this, but God forbid a foreigner do it to their country.
weebcels act like programmed bots tbqh
wmaf threads have been around for years on Jow Forums it's nothing new. just report those threads.
Define high average.
Don't be fooled by these scams of plastic surgery.
plastic surgery should be illegal
why do people still make threads like these
every nation has attractive and ugly people
Real ones with not chinky eyes have heavy eyebrows/eyelashes.
It's easy to spot once you learn the difference between Jomon/Yayoi.
At the end of the day, I’m happy with how I look. I’m not a chad, but I’m not ugly either. Fuck, I’m 23 and have literal wrinkles left under my eyes when I smile. I’m happy with me. Unless someone is an absolute troll, I think this should be everyone’s mindset.
Good to know at least they aren’t new. Haha
I like you guys. No homo. This is a calm, peaceful, relaxing thread. I needed this...
still jerk off to this bitch multiple times a week
yeah make sure to use the report button. remember Jow Forums is for news and politics, not incel tirades.
Threads like these are a massive cope for some white women. They can't stand the thought of even a single Asian woman being better looking than them. Not that weebcels don't get annoying with their cherrypicking shit too. But neither side is very honest with the pics they post. It's mostly just typical insecure Jow Forums shit.
Japanese most popular porn actress Kirara Asuka
lost her original face by many times plastic surgery.
4th from left is cutest!
Thanks user, I will.
Not gonna lie it’s a cope for me (not a female). I just get tired of the weebcels. They put Japanese women (sometimes Asians in general) on a massive pedestal, and act like they are the most gorgeous things to walk the face of the earth. Don’t get me wrong, yes, I find many (that you see online) cute, but damn dude, get over yourself. Ever nationality has the same amount of pretty and ugly. Nobody is better or worse.
That’s honestly disturbing the lengths some go to achieve “beauty”.
She unironically looked better in the older pics. She looks like an alien now. What a dumb bitch.
She didn't even purse her lips.
They are so cute.
The man who feels ugly with them should continue to masturbate while watching the anime.
I understand what you mean, and yeah weebcels can get really dishonest when they just constantly post models and idols and try and pass them off as the average. But it works both ways, there are some out there that will literally post pics of the ugliest Asians they can find, sometimes even resorting to blatantly photoshopped pics. Like I said, neither side seems very honest, and incredibly insecure.
the one on the left looks like she hasn't showered in a couple days, and there is so much oil in her hair the u.s. might invade
hyperbole and persistence is what makes us human
I know exactly what you mean by the weebcels.all there shit is cherrypicked. I didn’t know the other side would go so far as to photoshop pics. I guess it shouldn’t surprise me though. I think a big thing at least over on the threads at Jow Forums is like a defense mechanism. The weebs post all the model pics, so maybe the other side knows that they won’t shut with logic, so they photoshop the pictures, maybe. One thing is for sure, I’d love to see the dreams of the weebcels crushed when reality hits; and damn.. reality’s gonna hit someday.
>braces are fine
>otoplasty is fine
>make up is fine
>shaving is fine
>plastic surgery not fine
never understood this meme
if i had the money i would get a better nose like literally everyone in hollywood
Yes! I want Japanese GF!
She is cuter on left desu
>>braces are fine
>>make up is fine
>>shaving is fine
If you actually think this is the same as plastic surgery, you're retarded.
>>otoplasty is fine
For actual defects.
Why the fuck is it always the same mentally ill poster making the same thread?
having your ears stick out isnt a defect
All of those are altering your natural appearance. Seems pretty similar to me
>Threads like these are a massive cope for some white women.
??? Why would white women make yellow fever threads? Are you retarded?
>They can't stand the thought of even a single Asian woman being better looking than them
Chinks are hideous to look at and it's evident by your constant cherrypicked pictures of them.
>But neither side is very honest with the pics they post.
What side? Chinks are LITERALLY hideous and the most ugliest people. This isn't even debatable. Why are you pretending there are sides, you autistic faggot?
I wanna elbow her face
Same desu
You guys should've dropped more nukes on them.
I never said it was.
>denotes the surgical and non-surgical procedures for correcting the deformities and defects of the pinna (external ear), and for reconstructing a defective, or deformed, or absent external ear, consequent to congenital conditions (e.g. microtia, anotia, etc.) and trauma (blunt, penetrating, or blast)
You're merely pretending or being disingenuous as fuck.
>All of those are altering your natural appearance
So is clipping your nails, getting a haircut, or brushing your teeth. Flicking someone is also "pretty similar" to breaking their limbs because they both hurt.
Now post a picture with their unedited faces.
Actually yes, the average Japanese girl is incredibly cute.
These are better than what OP posted.
Yeah a bit more. A few years back any white girls whould hardly date an asian guy, now there are legions of akward pink hair teenage girls who want a korean gf.
I also prefere asian girls they are miles ahead of whites in every aspects. Ppl believing the contrary never went to asia and trust Jow Forums memes.
seething roastie cope
white women are a lost cause who age like milk, are fat and fuck Tyrone
asian girls are traditional
They are probably plastic faced Koreans. Asakusa has many Asian tourists wearing rental kimonos.
they are all cute
Based Jomon ancient semite poster
they look like normal girls, so i think they are pretty
No their pussy is hairy and stinks and they squeel like pigs when you fuck them
Also this
then fuck off
>seething roastie cope
Why are you projecting yourself?
>white women are a lost cause who age like milk are fat
Poor little chink in New Chinkland can't date white women because they are out of his league :(
>and fuck Tyrone
Why do you have a BBC fetish? Is that why you sit in the corner while your Mongol sister or "girlfriend" is telling me to fuck them with my mighty Nordic cock because they are retarded enough to believe their Mongoloid wombs can give birth to a blue eyed child?
>asian girls are traditional
8 out of 10 slit-eyed goblins want a white cock and 1 out of 10 slit-eyed goblins have participated in porn videos where they get fucked relentlessly by fat old men from Japan. So much for being traditional.
mentally ill Incel
ahahaha the austrian shit is in this thread
Why is the mentally ill incel from Austria replying to me?
why is she kissing my eye
is she retarded
am i 140
fuck off
because you are a delusional mentally ill Incel that needs a good beating
He’s mad he’ll never get an Asian gf, poor guy. He’ll probably settle for some flip slag who’s been creampied by 5 other white tourists in the past few days before he met her
He's in every thread. First thing he does when he wakes up is to go on Jow Forums and look through every thread and attack anyone who isn't praising slit-eyed goblinos.
No dude I will get a pure Japanese gf :)
Austrian is smart and based
Right is cute
imagine smashing a japanese woman's head like a pumpkin with a piece of rebar
Shut the fuck up, you retarded fuck. Asian girls are superior to roastie whores in every way.
Roastie is seething again I see.