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fuck you chink
give the natives their clay back and give spain their clay back
I am 1% cherokee and therefore native american
America is an european word
This whole planet would be better without the anglo menance.
>This thread is about to die with only 9 replies
I will bump this shit forever
Sabotage of the nord stream Corporate totalitarianism Hong Kong 2019 Invading afghanistan to restore opioid industry Color revolutions Operation dropshot Puerto rico riots Cia smuggling drugs from latam Black operations in the triple frontier Murder of Patrice Lumumba American companies financing hitler Exporting degenerate identitarianism Gulf of tonkin incident 60 trillion dollars in private and public debt Supporting Idi Amin Dada and Ngô Dình Diem and Suharto and Franco and Salazar Operation condor Trying to steal venezuelan oil Financing Bin Laden and taliban Mossadegh 53 Brazil 64-16 Argentina 76 Greece 67 Haiti 15 Ukraine 04-17 Kyrgyzstan 05 Georgia 03 Mexico 14 Honduras 09 Stolen mexican lands Supporting pedophile paraguayan dictator Paying corrupt jurists and politicians in latin america War on terror Patriot act PRISM Guantanamo bay CIA black site NSA Zbigniew brzezinski Warrantless Wiretapping Julian Assange Halford mackinder Nicholas spykman Eugenics policies Corporate interests Police militarization Incarceration rate False flags Petrodollar warfare Boycotting Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad Ignoring the geneva convention Agent Orange Smuggling drugs from Vietnam in coffins My Lai Massacre Contras Chile 73 CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal occupations Guatemala 54 Cuban missile crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib MKUltra Tuskegee Syphilis experiment Sedition Acts Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya and Yemen and Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippines 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists ICE children in cages One drop rule McGeorge Bundy Lynchings and hangings of blacks and italians Racial segregation Ostracism of slavs and italian and irish immigrants Concentration camps for asians 1924s immigration act Iran Air Flight 655
give your land back to the aboriginals
Sabotage of the nord stream Corporate totalitarianism Hong Kong 2019 Invading afghanistan to restore opioid industry Color revolutions Operation dropshot Puerto rico riots Cia smuggling drugs from latam Black operations in the triple frontier Murder of Patrice Lumumba American companies financing hitler Exporting degenerate identitarianism Gulf of tonkin incident 60 trillion dollars in private and public debt Supporting Idi Amin Dada and Ngô Dình Diem and Suharto and Franco and Salazar Operation condor Trying to steal venezuelan oil Financing Bin Laden and taliban Mossadegh 53 Brazil 64-16 Argentina 76 Greece 67 Haiti 15 Ukraine 04-17 Kyrgyzstan 05 Georgia 03 Mexico 14 Honduras 09 Stolen mexican lands Supporting pedophile paraguayan dictator Paying corrupt jurists and politicians in latin america War on terror Patriot act PRISM Guantanamo bay CIA black site NSA Zbigniew brzezinski Warrantless Wiretapping Julian Assange Halford mackinder Nicholas spykman Eugenics policies Corporate interests Police militarization Incarceration rate False flags Petrodollar warfare Boycotting Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad Ignoring the geneva convention Agent Orange Smuggling drugs from Vietnam in coffins My Lai Massacre Contras Chile 73 CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal occupations Guatemala 54 Cuban missile crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib MKUltra Tuskegee Syphilis experiment Sedition Acts Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya and Yemen and Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippines 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists ICE children in cages One drop rule McGeorge Bundy Lynchings and hangings of blacks and italians Racial segregation Ostracism of slavs and italian and irish immigrants Concentration camps for asians 1924s immigration act Iran Air Flight 655
are you okay
>Sabotage of the nord stream Corporate totalitarianism Hong Kong 2019 Invading afghanistan to restore opioid industry Color revolutions Operation dropshot Puerto rico riots Cia smuggling drugs from latam Black operations in the triple frontier Murder of Patrice Lumumba American companies financing hitler Exporting degenerate identitarianism Gulf of tonkin incident 60 trillion dollars in private and public debt Supporting Idi Amin Dada and Ngô Dình Diem and Suharto and Franco and Salazar Operation condor Trying to steal venezuelan oil Financing Bin Laden and taliban Mossadegh 53 Brazil 64-16 Argentina 76 Greece 67 Haiti 15 Ukraine 04-17 Kyrgyzstan 05 Georgia 03 Mexico 14 Honduras 09 Stolen mexican lands Supporting pedophile paraguayan dictator Paying corrupt jurists and politicians in latin america War on terror Patriot act PRISM Guantanamo bay CIA black site NSA Zbigniew brzezinski Warrantless Wiretapping Julian Assange Halford mackinder Nicholas spykman Eugenics policies Corporate interests Police militarization Incarceration rate False flags Petrodollar warfare Boycotting Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad Ignoring the geneva convention Agent Orange Smuggling drugs from Vietnam in coffins My Lai Massacre Contras Chile 73 CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal occupations Guatemala 54 Cuban missile crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib MKUltra Tuskegee Syphilis experiment Sedition Acts Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya and Yemen and Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippines 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists ICE children in cages One drop rule McGeorge Bundy Lynchings and hangings of blacks and italians Racial segregation Ostracism of slavs and italian and irish immigrants Concentration camps for asians 1924s immigration act Iran Air Flight 655
stop spamming your shitty pasta, and as an American this pasta is extremely ineffective at doing anything
Wasn't this a Varg tweet, and Gandalf defended us in a reply?
Cemanahuacans, not americans
the red circle is wrong, tiwanaku and nazca are southern than that, the rest except for moche mildly touch the circle
thank u
this desu.
I dont think its indicating tiwanaku and nazca are in the red circle, it seems like the red circle is just for the supe valley
shut the fuck up amerigoblo
oh right I forgot supe valley is off too, that valley is located in the central peruvian coast and is tiny
You wanna fix it?
don't you ever slee..... .ah shi, it's the Australian fag. kek
interesting... I wonder if it's true
You thought it was the mex Neet?
yes, I thought it was the chicanofag when I saw the post.
Chicanos dont post that its a guy from your country who does
Callate puto autista retrasado
te mato guey
really? I would swear it was a chicano. But heck, I don't mind. I wonder why would an Australian say that. Greetings from Jalisco. where are you from, man?
fucking dreamers afe fucked up in every way... I love them, tho.
>Make Russia hate thread
>instantly deleted
>Make USA hate thread
jannies are pochos/chicanos/dreamers/mexicans?
No eres indio ni azteca, deja de decir free aztlan
De nuevo mexico con padres michoacanos
cringe, Aztlan is not a native American movement
keep being a faggot nu-Chicano and you will be eliminated Michoacanito, maricon
brasileiro basadinho
sweet... yo pense que eras gringo
Dont use words with native american origin, say what you really mean; free nueva españa
Why do you larp as an indio, did you not say you were from jalisco last time?
you're confusing me for the other retard
That used to be nueva españas territory not the aztecs so why say aztlan?
Chicanismo is heavily dependent on being more similar to indios instead of wh*te people
Hes right u trans racial larper.
Look at me im german now...that was u
>Sabotage of the nord stream Corporate totalitarianism Hong Kong 2019 Invading afghanistan to restore opioid industry Color revolutions Operation dropshot Puerto rico riots Cia smuggling drugs from latam Black operations in the triple frontier Murder of Patrice Lumumba American companies financing hitler Exporting degenerate identitarianism Gulf of tonkin incident 60 trillion dollars in private and public debt Supporting Idi Amin Dada and Ngô Dình Diem and Suharto and Franco and Salazar Operation condor Trying to steal venezuelan oil Financing Bin Laden and taliban Mossadegh 53 Brazil 64-16 Argentina 76 Greece 67 Haiti 15 Ukraine 04-17 Kyrgyzstan 05 Georgia 03 Mexico 14 Honduras 09 Stolen mexican lands Supporting pedophile paraguayan dictator Paying corrupt jurists and politicians in latin america War on terror Patriot act PRISM Guantanamo bay CIA black site NSA Zbigniew brzezinski Warrantless Wiretapping Julian Assange Halford mackinder Nicholas spykman Eugenics policies Corporate interests Police militarization Incarceration rate False flags Petrodollar warfare Boycotting Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad Ignoring the geneva convention Agent Orange Smuggling drugs from Vietnam in coffins My Lai Massacre Contras Chile 73 CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal occupations Guatemala 54 Cuban missile crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib MKUltra Tuskegee Syphilis experiment Sedition Acts Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya and Yemen and Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippines 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists ICE children in cages One drop rule McGeorge Bundy Lynchings and hangings of blacks and italians Racial segregation Ostracism of slavs and italian and irish immigrants Concentration camps for asians 1924s immigration act Iran Air Flight 655
You are the retard from jalisco, you always post this image
there is a myth in prehispanic hisotry that aztlan came from north america which are mexicas from. Mexicas are the ones who founded Teohtihuacan, which is now Mexico City. If you wanna take the conspiracy theory even further, is that aztlan is actually atlantis.
I only post it when I see you posting in a thread to make you seethe putito michoacanito
You are not an indio tho you are mestizo with hispanic origins
si wey, no soy indio
The Mexica/aztec indian ruling class were pueblo asanazi indians from the southwest but most modern day chicanos and mexicans are not indios anyways,We are novohispanic
Stop it with your cringe aztlan larp then
Aztlan is Mestizo clay retard
also this thread is now /chi/
I didn't say chicanos were indios or not. I'm stating the fact that mexicas came from northern mexico, and that mexicas ( nowadays called aztecs ) and that aztlan was their promised land.
Yeah thats true
Kys larper
kys tranny
Your stupid larp just makes people hate us
kys tenochoa
indios seethe at the sight of a united mestizo state
Im not that retard
Like I said, Aztlan is Atlantis... why would the greeks talk about a land that's far away, built on top of water and gold?... think about it niggers
Meanwhile, the average modern American be like:
Lula imprisoned snowflake