N*ggerzilian is whipped by other 2 n*ggerzilians for steal in the market


Attached: 1512776544575.jpg (865x500, 27K)

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Me and my bachelor mates had someone break in

We forced him to cook and clean for a week before taking him to the police station

Based rare flag!!1

I love Mexico


this only made the news because it's the fetish of some gay pedophile working for globo

Looks like a chicken without the head

>this only made the news because

Só apareceu nas notícias porque a bosta do movimento negro começou com o papo de "jovem negro é espancado como na época da escravidão mimimimimimi"
Como se fio enrolado fosse igual a um chicote.
Tu já viu o que um chicote pode fazer?
o moleque estaria sem metade da pele.

Além disso, quem meteu a chicotada foram dois pretos vivendo num bairro de periferia onde só tem pretos

mexicans are truly subhuman. granted the guy in the video probably deserved it though, but they're the vilest of the vilest. from the tong twister of an accent to the very bone structure. a race of ever-violent dwarves

The nigger is good with this whip

Why tho?

They are based

just what happens when you get caught robbing in the third world


in Africa they light you on fire

Brazil is Africa since 85% or people have nigger blood



Why is he naked? Just to humiliate him more?

>even a mom gets involved

Attached: 1372884462360.jpg (600x569, 91K)

Not a race faggot

very middle eastern

when you this shit just remember mexico is 1 step ahead
>thief shits himself

do you light people on fire

They look like hapas

>do you light people on fire
Drug dealers in favelas do it


Because they are drug dealers

God I wish that were me

What are you even saying you schizo??

They are niggers

do the burned owe them money, or are they rival drug dealers

quiet snow chimp

Why are american continent so violence?

Canada seem safe county though.

sometimes it is better to settle things with fisticuffs and violence


theres one thing they love to do and they call it "microwave oven"
they stack tires and put you inside then light you on fire

in South Africa they call it necklacing they used to do it too South African policemen, for collaborating with wh*toids

Sabotage of the nord stream Corporate totalitarianism Hong Kong 2019 Invading afghanistan to restore opioid industry Color revolutions Operation dropshot Puerto rico riots Cia smuggling drugs from latam Black operations in the triple frontier Murder of Patrice Lumumba American companies financing hitler Exporting degenerate identitarianism Gulf of tonkin incident 60 trillion dollars in private and public debt Supporting Idi Amin Dada and Ngô Dình Diem and Suharto and Franco and Salazar Operation condor Trying to steal venezuelan oil Financing Bin Laden and taliban Mossadegh 53 Brazil 64-16 Argentina 76 Greece 67 Haiti 15 Ukraine 04-17 Kyrgyzstan 05 Georgia 03 Mexico 14 Honduras 09 Stolen mexican lands Supporting pedophile paraguayan dictator Paying corrupt jurists and politicians in latin america War on terror Patriot act PRISM Guantanamo bay CIA black site NSA Zbigniew brzezinski Warrantless Wiretapping Julian Assange Halford mackinder Nicholas spykman Eugenics policies Corporate interests Police militarization Incarceration rate False flags Petrodollar warfare Boycotting Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad Ignoring the geneva convention Agent Orange Smuggling drugs from Vietnam in coffins My Lai Massacre Contras Chile 73 CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal occupations Guatemala 54 Cuban missile crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib MKUltra Tuskegee Syphilis experiment Sedition Acts Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya and Yemen and Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippines 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists ICE children in cages One drop rule McGeorge Bundy Lynchings and hangings of blacks and italians Racial segregation Ostracism of slavs and italian and irish immigrants Concentration camps for asians 1924s immigration act Iran Air Flight 655

why are their bodies so tiny

>no beheading
WTF, you have gone soft Mexico.

Because he is a homeless


dois crioulos chicoteando outro crioulo