>Indian people teach their children how to rape at a young age
It really be like that
>Indian people teach their children how to rape at a young age
It really be like that
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based. teaching boys how to be men from a young age
india population:billions
wh*toid population: declining every day
white boy: lol india teach sex funny
how did that girl get overpowered by a small child lmao
lol ok
All women are pedos
Why do the ugliest people mange breed the most?
I wish I could do that as a child. I was very horny.
im not clicking that
can something tell me what is going on.
what the fuck since when does twitter allow porn
Nigga it's on twitter stop being a pussy
based and shotapilled
i aint clicking that shit nigger
Little Indian boy rapes big Indian lady
Superpower by 2020
uff... like a diamond.
kek, not everything is like back in Kansas, huh?
>filename "rape.webm"
>nothing happens
>the pajeets dont even molest them
the one on the right looks like she was enjoying the attention.
High test chadpreet
God i wish it was me.
Hes high test n strong...baby chadSaid rhe incel
she is already smelling the pajeet dick inside her mouth. Would totatlly rape
high testosterone
>Would totatlly rape
calm down juarez. dont get too excited.
sorry, i thought I was in Memexico.
Well indians do gave the highest test if u google it
Does that mean Canada is a police state country that would hunt down and arrest its citizens for viewing something on Twitter that they weren't allowed to? Or are you just a bitchboy?
I don't see how you could possibly even run that in court. It's literally twitter
based shota learning to dab on roasties
im not scared. all im saying is im not clicking that. thats all im only saying. i have my reasons.
>Meanwhile Americans teach their children how to correctly shot in Schools
>Any one have child videos please send
user if that were true you'd be fucking girls every single day.
that's literal fake news
Because nature doesn't care about what you call "beauty".
Based, i wish i was indian now
A redpilled post
Have sex