>I'm a nationalist and I love my country because I was born here.
I'm a nationalist and I love my country because I was born here
Other urls found in this thread:
*emerged from my fathers balls, direct lineage
>i'm a nationalist for a country that doesn't exist based on made up semantics that i've invented and no one else will ever follow
Actually part of the reason that America is good is because I was born here
The nation was created by my extended family (tribe).
>I'm a nationalist because I am grateful for being born in the country that I am and do not want it to become like third world shitholes. I do not hate the place I was born in and try to flood it with the brown horde like l*beral women but instead use the history of the soil I stand on and the ancestors that preceded me as drive to be the best person possible. Oh yeah, I'm a National Socialist, how could you tell?
>brown man bad because orange man said so
>Well yes I don't think we need protections against the interests of global powers how could you tell?
brown man bad because low IQ, increases crime, increases housing prices, lowers wages, brings in incompatible foreign culture, only loyalty is for own people and actually sends money to home country instead of building up economy here...etc
Its continually shifting though as former cultural denigration disappears. The Irish, Italians and slavics were let in, east Asians are on the cusp and now South Asians with their excellent demographic performance
Imagine being a leaf nazi lmao
South Asians smell disgusting and are ugly, East Asians are ugly. They will never be considered white by any white person. Irish and north-west Slavs were always considered white, there is debate whether south-east Slavs and Italians are white (strict definition doesn't consider them white).
It's no different from saying "I love my family".
yeah who cares about all those people that died for you, your family, friends, and people to live in your country today safe and sound
There is more balkanization occurring within communities than 60 years ago when canada and america were majority white (which included, wops, slavs and the irish). East asians do not assimilate and instead form a separate parrallel society. This can already be seen in Canada. Same goes for poos, flips, arabs, spics...etc
From what we've seen so far only europeans seem to integrate well.
>yeah who cares about all those people that died for you, your family, friends, and people to live in your country today safe and sound
>you must have voted trump if you have any respect for your country and people that brought you here today!
finns need to be raped by the swedish bull
>Given the choice to be reborn in any nation, I'd choose my country again
You just described White americans though
>safe and sound
People who dont benefit the nation are bad regardless of race, brown people are not bad just for being brown and new world countries should not become white ethnostates, white people are not even native to this land
>brown man bad because low IQ, increases crime, increases housing prices, lowers wages, brings in incompatible foreign culture, only loyalty is for own people and actually sends money to home country instead of building up economy here
A lot of his accusations were once made towards the Italians, Irish and slavs, why suddenly broaden the admission criteria while east Asians and browns far exceed the natives in some areas?
Why people pretend mexican immigrants and yuropean immigrants are the same
kill yourself
im a nationalist because we must secure the existence of african, asian, and white homosexuals and a future for our multiracial adopted gay children
Nationalists need to stop being racist, racism just devides and weakens us
Why do germanics have to ruin everything? They were the biggest race autists even before hitler
is finland not a safe country or something?
I want to move to Lithuania for cheap alcohol and singing folk songs, and driving around the countryside and around eastern europe.
Dude but how is the 1% supposed to get cheaper labor without importing millions of third worlders into the country!!! Think of them for once!
Later he had a rant abour how slavs were inferior to italians and prohibited relationships between italians and africans.
Based top 1% dabbing on poorfags
Alliance with hitler ruined everything
I guess, doesn't change the fact he was racist (rightful so)
>why yes I'm patriotic towards my region, not country, but at the same time I recognize that being in that country is in the best interest of that region. I feel no connection to the capital or any distant part of the country at the same time feeling deep kinship with the lands around me, how could you tell
They had a mosque shooter Jow Forumsturd and the dude that ran over people because he was an incel, and popularised the term. That's a lot of achievements if you ask me.
Yeah this
All are bound by duty to love their country
Its not racist to be anti immigration. We have poojeets and chinks ruining our country. Many are nice people on the individual level but that doesnt make them good for Canada. If we had millions of Serbs move here it would be just as bad. Its not about race and where they're from, just that they dont integrate and they lower the quality of life for white (ie. real) Canadians. I shouldnt have to sacrifice my quality of life to raise theirs.. plus India/China/whatever would be 10x better off if its doctors and millionaire stayed put and tried to build a better country instead of just running abroad to escape designated streets. Its really an open and shut case but soys want to moralize everyone.
Blacks have been in america longer than most other whites yet we see that they fail to assimilate into western civilization and disproportionately commit crime. Asians also do not assimilate and instead form their own separate parallel culture. The only group which assimilates into america and canada are europeans.
I've heard your brainlet argument so many times and it's just laughable at this point
>The only group which assimilates into america and canada are europeans.
Since recently and after centuries of strife and dehumanization. Just pointing out how your definitions of assimilation change according to convenience
>and disproportionately commit crime
Men disproportionately commit crime.
Yes and they assimilated unlike as*ans and paj**ts and bl*cks
>yeah foreigners should assimilate our culture of raping kids, cutting off penises, and replacing water for coca cola
yea..black men
I have nothing to do with multiculturalism in rational proportions. The only problem is that through political correctness it was ridiculed that monoculturalism is very bad, and when we do multiculturalism we let immigrants in without exception - otherwise it would be racism.I have not yet heard of anyone in Europe being beaten or killed by a Chinese or a Vietnamese gang, for example. Fear of a social group or a race that does not have a good reputation is not racism, but it is an expression of common sense.
if you're white: go visit india, stay for awhile, walk the streets at night and tell me how many people you meet that you'd like to have living here
if you're indian: go back to india and stay there
Men are the issue. Crime is commited by men far more than women.
Men are the issue.
im chinese and i overcharge my mainly white tenants in vancouver. im not leaving and i don't care lmao. globalism is the future.
idgaf about "culture". the only thing that matters is making money and enjoying life. your folk songs, your stupid little cheeses. you can take it and shove it.
the left has completely distorted racism to the point where everything is termed 'racist' if it even remotely involves race and is against their policies. The other thing they love to do is make it seem like hating is apart of racism and that hating someone is somehow wrong? which then opens up the whole post-modern agenda of manipulating feeling and thought, as if there's such a thing as "wrong feeling".
Man also created most of inventions and discovered other lands like America discover by Columb .
>treat someone like shit
>tell them they're expendable
>force all the societal responsibility onto them
>profit off their labor
>surprised when they reject it and commit "crime"
wowee I agree men are the issue ban all men immediately
if war breaks out i'll kill every last one of your kind chinkwad hahahaha
But leftists are not as tolerant as they imagine . They hate everyone who is not supporting left-wing.
Boohoo being a man is so hard boohoo. We commit crime to cope with being neglected so! Boohoohoo!
castrate yourself before you murder your non existent gf
you and your gang of 3%ers? Even the conservative party is pretty much liberal in practically all policies. That means 97% of Canadians support a liberal tolerant government.
Also reported to RCMP.
exactly. and look at the red-shift we've seen since the end of ww2. "liberal" used to mean giving black people rights and letting women vote. It made sense. Now it means flooding your country with immigrants (here they want to take 1% of the population each year) and being pro-43 genders. What's next? We're going to legalize all drugs? open up abortion clinics everywhere and have open sex in the streets? how liberated do we need to be?
>Also reported to RCMP.
Based, chink-pookie
That's just capitalism though
You'd think people would've gotten used to it by now
not an argument, gg thx for playing
The pissbaby thinks what he said warrants a proper argument in response!
Is this the entitled ego of the modern fragile male at play?
Countries are fine. Nation States are a dangerous anachronism which must be ended.
the only people that support "liberal" policies are the immigrants who got here last week and were given citizenship by the liberal so they could get more votes, the women who have no fucking clue, and the boomers who want to see their home price keep rising. No one will give the slightest shit about you or your gook family the minute the next depression hits and you know it. Conspicuous virtue is your entire game. You're a weasel and should be purged from our country like all the others. You're the minority, you have no gun, you probably live in the city which means you'll starve the moment a big recession hits. I won't have to do anything lol.
I'm a nationalist because you cannot choose where you are born but you can choose to maintain heritage. I happen to be Swedish and Swedish I will remain, everyone should employ this mindset for world peace
still haven't made an argument. zZzZzZ is it possible you don't have one?
>you can't just care about your ancestors! They're dead who cares about that when I have consumer electronics!
Wow you just described black people.
see then kys
see thick headed violent male
why do americans insist so much on race and heritage when they're the ones who have been erasing it in the name of money and capitalism
still doesn't have an argument, just wants the last word hahahahahah pathetic
>disproportionately commit violent crime
>sub Saharan Africa didn't even have a written language until the 14th century
>even then, bl*cks had a higher quality of living as slaves in america than in africa and had better nutrition and qol than russians at the time slavery was still prevalent
>whites were the ones who ultimately ended slavery
durrrrrr it's cuz whtey discriminated!1111111
>I'm a nationalist because I am grateful for being born in the country that I am
the only based part
>>disproportionately commit violent crime
user, it is MEN who do this. MEN are the problem. You are braindead.
still doesn't have an argument.. shrieking female that would die overnight if men weren't around to do everything for her
Iron metallurgy as early as 1000BC, old Nubian by the latest 800AD
>I'm willing to kill and die for the sake of millions of strangers because they're within the same political border as me
The disgruntled male simply cannot admit defeat to a female. The world wonders: Why is he so insecure?
black men
Men are the issue. Crime is commited by men far more than women.
Men are the issue.
Also proto Saharan languages have been recorded all the way back to 5000BC
Without men civilization wouldn't even exist. Wtach what happens in an all female company: it devolves into pointless bickering and them constantly arriving late for retarded reasons.
If men just disappeared today, civilization would collapse whereas if the 13% didn't commit crime, murders in the us would be down by half
the female still cannot logic, the male made a clear and concise argument that more is expected of men and the female had only 'abloobloo' to say ... the world is used to it though as females are expected to be retarded
she's pandering for (You)s at this point, desperate to get the last word in
>Yeah it's really silly prejudice to stand together as a nation based on generic historical, ethnogentical and cultural reasons. Just stop being a chauvinist and let all these compelled non-educated migrants and brown muslim asylum seekers come here and live ACCORDING TO THEIR TRADITIONS (which were the reasons of theit departure) and even better legalise their migration in your country AND OF COURSE LET THEM STAY racist/nazist/religious persecutioning towards to everyone including you
Whats your view on white collar crime?
Male delusion and pride on full display!
You're not anti-immigrant, because you don't know any migrants nor interact with them on a daily basis.
You're not a nationalist, because you're self-centered and don't appreciate what you and the people around you have, nor how that wealth of well-being is achieved.
female retardation on full display!
literally not be a problem if it was a homogeneous white society without teh juice.
I dont care . This is your Canadian problem and solve it yourself.