the /brit/s are at it again edition
making sloppy disgusting love to a golf ball
Only ever listen to dadrock anymore. It feels like there's nothing new worth listening to if you aren't into hip hop and its derivatives
watching linus tech tips
88,695 days since americans weren't brown
Get him Janny.
Some music this Wednesday night:
is his wife talking about what she found weird about canada?
Me irl
M'boko on the ropes
haha yeah proper funny him
Ass to mouth? Like the bodyfloss clip?
Same. Usually listen metallica from the 80s
Yank why do you think you’re having a psychotic breakdown? What are your symptoms?
Giz a listen to
oh my word
yep...weird flex but OK chief do you
Educate me
Funnier than peep show by miles
limmy isn't funny
>hehe le funny accent lefty man did a silly thing
who do you think you are kidding mr. junker!!!!!!!!!!
you have a sexual attraction to fridges?
dunno about psychotic but i feel like i'm losing my mind. irritable, not sleeping, loss of balance, having a hard time speaking coherently. weird behavior
that feeling in the pit of my stomach of the unknown after I die
Fuck me you just saw a British flag post this so you’re regurgitating it to try and get in with the lads
Fucking do one you daft yank cunt
Brexiteers are Nazis so I have no problem with this
Gie us a shout!
I've literally been shitting on the british poster who shills his twich on here for months now. check the archive friendo
why do you have a feeling in the pit of your stomach if you're dead
hes shit lad even they know
Wouldn't help anyway, the spider's poison bite goes through it. But still what if you don't want to use a shield? Its a shit game.
Might be psychosis. Could be the early onset of it. I went through a psychotic episode from staying in my room for two weeks straight and only leaving to get ketamine or weed. Was tripping the fuck out and imagining all sorts of wild shit in my head, for example, I convinced myself I was drinking beer but it was water.
Is that why my dick is always cold?
limmy is too bitter to be funny
you can see it on his twitter where he's just your run of the mill scotch cum guzzler
Cba checking the archives and 2bh I don’t care if you don’t like Limmy cus I think he’s a laugh
Think I'm finished coding my app. Time for a break
Just got back from lunchies lads. Hope you're all well
Sorry to hear about the yank going through a bit of an episode
>the magnitude of my cringe
fuck up you spastic you were just on drugs you never went through psychosis
who are you quoting you swedish fucking faggot
>check the archive friendo
Nah even after the drugs wore off I was still imagining things, a day without taking anything and I was talking to myself and imagining I was giving a speech to a British right wing legionaires club. Started drawing swastikas in the mirror with Nivea.
Fuck you almost trick me I quoted the wrong user
yeah drugs and that
did the man make the joke? riveting
Sad bitter little freak
What are your interests? Does the man have the interests? Is the man a virgin? I suspect the latter:)
Why do you try and stifle conversation like an autistic runt?
sucking a mate
Eating breakfast
Some beans
*flicks you away with one finger*
>did the ____ do the _____
>*makes an epic actionpost*
the tea or a man?
that all like?
Some toast
dont care reddit virgin cringe larping headcase gay schizo nigger
Favourite porn sites? For me, it's eporner
Ruh roh raggie
*goes up to you*
how many swears do you know?
yall ever look at the pedo registry for your neighborhood
speaking of schizo, can't believe he actually hasn't posted here for like a whole day
That yank scared him off. Genuinely surprised
At least 5
Listing the different personalities residing in your head? Tim?
>porn sites
Even if you're on disability you must agree it is seriosly cringe and delusional to spend months defending a thread
*sucks you off*
Why doesn't Jezza want an election?
San Franciscan bellend
very cool
what thread have I been defending mr faggot
The bread ham lettuce cucumber combo is severely underrated. It works very well together. The ham sandwich
Used to browse the american national offenders database for a good laugh. I remember it being a meme to post the most tweeked out manure heads for awhile. Can still see some of them in my minds eye. A good laught.
Isn't that one of the most common sandwiches?
how exactly is that a thread?
haven't even been saying that anyway, I just make fun of anyone who actually likes him
Yeah but I don't think it gets the recognition it deserves
he means policing /brit/
tiresome fat maggot
Nobody cares you fat trout get a life you fucking smelly creep
*suck* *suck* *suck*
defending a thread = policing /brit/
See here if you're the same yank otherwise I'll withdraw my claim
>defending a thread
what the FUCK is this repugnant imp prattling on about?
>Oh that, that's just a ham sandwich
You see what I mean. It's not appreciated
Peep Show and Limmy aren't funny. The only true comedy in life is in jokes you have with your friends.
Yeah I can use MS Paint too buddy nice false flag you fucking glownigger fedpol mossad POS
don't know, that's what I'm asking. must be some swedish faggot english
>defending a thread
yes as in "fighting on behalf of brit" because you dont want to see a certain type of post
you must have autism
Hello good morning
I took my medication and now I'm feeling great
I also made my bed
the kitty brought a dead mouse/mole at the doorstep
Yeah you're delusional. Ignored
Post titspost more limmy vids like the last one pls thought it was a gas