morning bred edition
/v4/ + friends
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UwU what a qt thread :3
12 yo me was such a fucking beast
22 yo me is complete loser that former would be disgusted with
i still feel small part of that cheeky boy living deep inside me, i must act now before it dies
its time to come back
are you gonna start looking up girls skirts and throw rocks at old people?
i miss the attitude i had
nowadays i am pessimistic dog who always bitches about something, even if i realize this its hard to change without actually changing how i live and think in general
i feel like complete shit but i still have some hope that i can recover
isnt that whole slovakian mentality?
maybe, but i dont like being like that, really hit me when i was with a friend and we were really really drunk and she just hit me with "why do you always bitch about everything" she didnt even give that sentence half a thought but i knew she was right and i hate myself for being like that
thats cool she cares about you. I had 2 years of highschool to make friends and i fucked up big time. I never went out of my room and the only thing I can do with anyone here is drink booze.
you can always make friends, from my experience its easier out of highschool when people start showing who they really are more
thanks bro
What to make for lunch to work?
Why is the Serbian guy so sad?
Because he doesn't live in Vojvodina
Kys retard
why the hostility
gonna eat a bageta and pizza today
You'd be sad too if you looked like that.
That's actually a pretty good reason to kill yourself.
Just saw a roastwhore having a mental breakdown at a bus station, screaming and kicking the bus because the driver didn't want to let her enter it with a dog. I'm starting to believe that the meme about dogs and women is real.
ok incel
I sleeplike 4 hours per night, tops
How do I foece myself to not stay up late? I am an easily distracted and easily tempted man
hard exercise in the evening to tire you out
If they treat dogs like surrogate babies they might just aswell treat them as surrogate husbands
I hate these dog roasties, they simply can't comprehend that some places should remain animal-free. But because of them the Western trend of pet-friendly malls, stores, and even cafes and restaurants (because having dirty animals with shedding furs near your food and drinks is totally hygienic) is spreading even here.
lose weight
I love you.
Good morning east
Wrong general Manolo. This is /v4/
On second thought, I'd rather see that lad killed that any of Jow Forums posters
So lads when will Slovakia start to cool down? It's hot as shit.
2 months then its -40
what v4 stands for?
that's only you
i'm not Manolo btw
you can tell because i do not end my sentences with dots
yes, you are based
you too fren
ah okay
you okay gud guy
/v4/ - the bullying general
Come buy souvenir
There is not enough tourist today
Something I was never told is that 20s fucking suck for men, the meme goes that you're at your peak, but everyone expects everything from you while you don't have any resources because you're a young man, you also won't get any sympathy because lmao just man up young man and women shit on you because Chadowski got a car and a flat from his parents and omg where's yours with your McDonalds mop operator job.
Things will get better and it will get easier to smash as you get older and hopefully better off as long as you don't surrender completely and just grow fat playing video games or shoot up a school like amerifats do.
t. 29yo boomer
Tramislau ist gestorben.
Er ist tot
v4 stands for WALLS and BARBED WIRE
but also for gibs and investments
Not being able to obtain experience in a job because they only want workers with experience is the best
t. 28 years old boomer
I bought this thing from a man with one leg today. It cost €1. I like it.
is it made out of plastic
I'd assume so.
that's dumb
I would have beaten that man with a stick
What field?
I sa him today too
There is also the old lady selling flowers near lidl on kamenné
go find femvak and take a pic of her for us
God I wish I were dead.
I need to know the true size of her thighs
post you noggers
Which one should I take today
you deserve reds or non alcoholic bavaria
why :/
Could I find you there If I slipped away
so none?
i told you to drink redds
nothing can be found
is this good?
>2 zloty have been deposited into your account
>sugary fruit beer
It's nice
God I’m so bored
I want to go home
Gyeny dobri!, who are you?
jews bribed a bunch of inuits with cheap booze to run around the alaska with blowtorches, melting everything they see to make the global warming seem and to drive up the demand for green energy production which is owned by (((them)))
nope. it's really bad. if you want to give it a try badly you'd rather find this one
RIP Trans Alaska Pipeline, it's fucked without permafrost.
This 16 year old Polish teenager Daryna Rokhmanova disappeared after going to Prague to attend a concert. She hasn’t contacted her family since 20th of August. Have you seen her?
yes, she's in my basement chained to the radiator
maybe she's into groupsex with a band now
Good. Fuck oil.
>Polish teenager
>Daryna Rokhmanova
fucking thot. I hope she dies.
why are that vicious?
Ukrainians are delusional Poles
Ukrainians deserve nuclear holocaust and we should take that fertile soil because they cant manage it at all.
>tfw no qt ukie bandera gf
Lose weight you fatass
>tfw obsessed with anal play
hopefully I won't have to wear diapers
>Lose weight you fatass
Lose weight
Seek help for your mental issues, freak.
Yes yes, give him even more attention
That will surely make him fuck off!
lose weight