You won't just let them die, right Jow Forums?
You won't just let them die, right Jow Forums?
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let them?
I will kill them myself
How do euros not panic?
it can't be helped...
government propaganda
most never care to look further into the matter they assume it's fine
The govt tries what it can, but a cultural shift would need to happen to fix this which is very unlikely.
Why would we panic?
We birthday lowest since 1800 hunger years
no future
cuz incels will start shooting
our socialist left wing extremist media (taxpayer funded) paints hungary as a racist dump hahaha and people believe it.. white girls think they'll be raped or something if they go there lmao
1) Croatia has an aged population
2) Incels start mass shooting
3) Croatian population is young again
Seems like a sweet deal.
I don't need kids to have a future. Do you think there were 4 million Croats in 10th century Croatia? We'd be fine with just 500,000 people.
Unironically why would we give a shit?
do you think in 10th century croatia the median age was 44 fucking years?
this is not a healthy population makeup you can't just go back to population numbers you had prior with no consequences
>tfw no fertile Euro-Islander gf
Să vezi că-n Austria și Germania copii-s de la musulmani, că rata localnicilor e deplorabil.
Itt a vég, de szinten minden magyar nő csak az amerikai életmódot akarja élni Pesten meg Ibizán. Szó szerint idéztem egy ottani hölgyeményt aki az exem volt.
How come France is orange despite having a better fertility rate than the UK, the Netherlands and Belgium?
Kill yourself bozgor
Bă coaie, lasă-l în plm cu pizdețu politicii că n-o s-o ai tu nici pensie și nici asigurare de sănătate de ajungi peste 60 că fix pl va mai lucra pe la noi. Zumerii-s afoni și la servitul de plăcinte, de unde ai tu taxe la buget atuncia? Fă bani acu’ sau mori de foame.
Írjad ki szépen finnül.
Because we have no policies.
read the legend, dumbass
nu imi fac griji pentru mine, imi fac griji pentru popor
Oioioioiiiii. ‘Te-n morții mă-tii că chiar ești fintrollu’ pă proxi. Na-s gata pe azi de siteu pocit a pulii. Cretin la propriu de 19 virginist fraier cancerigen de zdreanță ce ești.
we dont have a real policy to raise the fertility rate. its a joke. if we really wanted to raise the fertility rate we would revive some nazi era family politics. they were quite effective and caused a population boom.
People collectively evolved to only care about themselves, most of the populace is individualistic, autistic in a societal sense. People don't give a single shit of their surrounding. I perfectly understand them, but the facts are simple, it's the end for the europeans.
France is so high becuz niggers make lots of kids. Same for Sweden I suppose
The Netherlands is India tier overpopulated. And all our problems are related to overpopulation.
low test
is that why your government is mass importing foreigners from every corner of the world?
Will the Netherlands ever enact mass-depopulation through eugenics and the genocide of swarthoids? Will the Dutch colonise far flung regions of the world again, further whitening the planet? I wish there was a white country that wasn't a suicidal state over white guilt. Brits and British diaspora are traitorous to their own blood. I am not guilty that my ancestors spread whiteness to the other side of the world. I wish we finished the job and continued colonising and settling the entire planet. Imagine if China was white? Imagine is India was white? Imagine if Indonesia was white? Imagine a world where smelly swarthoids were a minority and alabaster angels were the majority?
The Netherlands was against accepting any refugees in the EU.
And most migrants seem to be Poles now, due to the EU as well.
what a retarded fucking policy lmao
being a mother of 4 children is a full time job already, leaving them with no time to earn an income
If she starts having children at 18, stops at 21 and doesn't have to give that big of a shit when the youngest one is 15 then she can start working at the age of 36 until whatever the age of female retirement is. That's a lot of time to get value out of your no income tax.
Women are supposed to make and raise children, not being slave of a foreign businessman.
How does Germany not have a higher rate if everyone moves there?
Can I send my sperm to Brazil? I've heard of it, but I don't know how to do it.
german way of life is enough to break any immigrant
>population drops
>economy contracts
>reaches equilibrium
>eventually becomes economical to have more kids
>women's rights good
>women's rights encouraging having kids bad
>we would revive some nazi era family politics. they were quite effective and caused a population boom
What did you do exactly? Please share your nazi secrets, we need them now
the make-or-break moment will come in a generation or so when the demographic crisis will become apparent, and the average european family will have to choose between sacrificing their quality of lives through shitting out many babies and engaging in womb wars, or just give up and accept defeat
> parasitic immigrants leave
Europeans hate immigrants if they aren't actually serious about adapting to our way of life.
My Mother had four children and career as a lawyer. Daycare and older siblings do most of the work after the first hurdle of infancy.
then have kids and your government will not import workforce anymore
No I don't think so
Europeans would have to take a leaf out of Israel's book, and kick out the shitskins to where they belong.
>inb4 some left or rightist cuck says israel belongs to palestinians
Israel originally belonged to Caananites who were European, but I don't complain about Jews having the land because I don't care if we lost a patch of desert.
>No I didn't kill him, the bullet did.
>and kick out the shitskins to where they belong.
We didn't tho, that's why we have 20%+ muslim citizens, and it would've been a lot higher hadn't we recieved, and still recieving, immigrants from former USSR
Make the workforce men and household women, and we have a deal.
The west has to learn that men are shit at child care and women are shit at work.
I think France is reaching a tipping point when the people will rise to hard French ethnic nationalism and kick out the shitskins. You soon will probably have a powerful nation you can ally with and will protect you so you can along with France kick out the shitskins and send them to Western Sahara or some place like that.
Lel France at best will be an example for the other countries, sweden, france and the uk are labs, and eastern european countries have to pay attention on what is happening so they can prevent it, nothing more, nothing less. By the way, be careful kiwi Jacinda is watching you.
Jacinda is virtual signalling. Majority of young kiwi women find Orientals creepy because Oriental men fetishise white women to the extreme. In her heart Ardern probably feels uncomfortable around Oriental males.
*young kiwi white women
>people unironically trying to pass this as a bad thing
stay strong hungary, you have the best government in europe
wh*te people are weak. They need BLACK men to breed their women. France is a good example for this
I would gladly contribute to the death of piss-haired cumskinned albino monkeys.
I don't give a shit my boi
In fact french skank mostly abort the niglets
There's no benefit from having kids.
You waste more money than usual, you have less time to sleep, less energy and more tasks to keep the baby alive.
The government doesn't help you but they want you to have kids.
Please tell me this doesn't apply to non-European immigrants.
That's what women are for.
you do it for the country not yourself
If I do it for the country then government should help me
mai fa-l si "sovin", bozgor imputit.
>a corrupt gypsy monarchy
>the best government in europe
it's also the only reason you exist tho
Stats for Norway:
How did your country change between 2011 and and 2019?
We all won't be existing not too long from now
1.56 is for women in total, immigrant women's fertility rate in 2018 was 1.86.. Really makes you wonder how low the rate is for ethnic Norwegian women
There are 25,000 kids born to polish migrants in the UK each year. Eastern European fertility problems are mostly caused by the migration of younger Slavs to the West in search of work, which guts the number of available mothers.
Western problems are caused by soaring costs of living, high taxes and low desire to reproduce as a result of living in close quarters in urban areas.
Rural areas, even in the secularized West, have higher rates of fertility because cheaper costs of living and higher levels of farming/family-sustained business means having kids is good for the family's finances.
Ultimately until you create "affirmative action for moms and dads" to prioritize couples with kids in hiring over child"free" assholes, you'll never see any uptick in births because people had a lot of kids historically because they were subhuman farm serfs that needed cheap labor (kids) to work the land.
Good post.
europe is overpopulated
this is a good thing
>Eastern European fertility problems are mostly caused by the migration
common assumption here but it's false
even factoring emmigration out would not have been enough to solve our demographic problem and certainly not the birth rates
Overpopulation of cities is bad, but by bringing in migrants you make the situation worse as non-whites will take the newfound gibs to have more children than they would in their native country while the increased competition for jobs and housing as well as negative impact on wage growth and service availability puts downward pressure on native fertility rates as natives put off having kids in order to avoid having their standard of living decline.
not my fault that the government is takin g in subhuman shitskins
Total births to eastern european mothers in western countries tends to indicate there is a significant outflow of available mothers, the death-birth imbalance in the east is because the elderly stay behind while young men and women move elsewhere to make money for their grandparents.
We need to import BLACK BVLLS who will breed our women since we are incapable of doing it ourself. Im literally a khv myself lmao
It isn't your fault but it isn't to your benefit either.
we dont need more people
Just have sex faggots
Lol no we're not.
I live in a village of 20k people in the middle of the Randstad between the Hague and amsterdam and it's not crowded one bit. Even the cities themselves are not crowded aside from amsterdam but that's mainly because of the tourists
Not enough to amount for 0.7-1 in the fertility rate
You also cannot assume that emigrants would have the same demographic behavior under East European living conditions as they do in the West
Fuck off you swarthy bugman
>Be a good slave and you won't get whipped anymore
Fuck off you swarthy bugman
It's all over anyway, just cope with drugs and degeneracy into the abyss
>You won't just let them die, right Jow Forums?
Yes, clearly it is our fault people choose not to have children.
What a cringey incel you are.
for example shit like the Mutterschaftskreuz
apparently the french have something similiar to this day.
But making people rich is the only way to stop them having kids. Its not a religious issue, nor a cultural one. Its a poverty issue. Poor people have a lot of kids.
If ethnic italians will reduce to 20 millions instead of 60 it will be a good thing.
Plus we rarely marry outside us and most of foreigner/italian marriages are with you romanian/moldovans or albanians.
Even with a sizeable non european presence, we will survive.
Unlike France or UK or Germany.
Make them rich in their own countries.
Export job creators from the west to the 3rd world.
Retards will call it colonialism.
yes there is a benefit. you are naive if you think the current system will last to your retirement. there is no money for retirement already. prepare to starve and collect bottles as an old fuck just to survive. have children to take care of you, the goverment isnt going to.
Never heard of it, never seen a woman being decorated.
dont know wikipedia said you do. you probably need to go out of you way to get one.
that's not how it works