unite Greater Serbia edition
First for MACEDONIA....Gr**k pigs go to hell
tri moreta
2nd for legend Ohrid ranter
инцeлчyгa oд cтpyгa
милфapa oд aнкapa
яж гaщ
This song is really good
Hi Hiii, /balk/!!!! How has my favorite general been, I haven visited you cutues in a looooong time!!~~
Hii Hiii bulgar anime fren!!~~
I feel cute today uwu
What has Jow Forums taught you?
>crypto trading
Nice to see more Macedonians milking easy money.
Why Japanese? For me literally nothing excspt that Jews run the world.
>excspt that Jews run the world.
they don't, the world is way more complex than just that
all Macedonians are milking is their moms
I've never fucked a hooker but I don't believe the Sofian escort prices. €50 for 1 hour? Isn't that too low?
the greek made an /east/ thread
some are scams
go to forums data bg
or similar, they have a thread about hookers
EUfag will help you
u cant stop retards from being retarded
who fucks for 2 hours
go black
no one can make rice on youtube
bugari tatari bogata6i
>It was made from Blagoevgrad, by AUBG students :)
so they were macedonians actually lel
knew bugars weren't so advanced
Everybody in Blg hates you. Say to us we are Macedonians and you most probably will get slapped in the face. It's an actual insult here.
az :)
lmao commies brainwashed you in one generation
don't worry i'll turn all back as it was before
his face reminds me a cartoon character some fruit with a mustache
Need a weeb gf, arthoes feel dirty and busted.
It's her brother actually but they don't look alike
Plus she won the Gold medal in the 2016 Olympics
Ah I remember this one, I thought fuckable when I saw her shooting
something like toy story's potato
is that a dildo
She had a French bf, kinda chubby too. I don't know know if they're still together
A dildo that shoots pellets? That sounds painful
aux gies user
giour tats draifs mi kreizi
ai uont giou tu suut ap mai pusi uit gior dzaiant kok
Зoви мe и кeш
Чeк/цeк/тceк диc acc, бpo
dostedt - why
>tfw a lesbian Croatian woman is taller then Northern Macedonian PM
me troling the trols with bad baits
one stop shop
get your tatar pasosh here
Taптaп дaј пacoш дa ce кypчaм нa тyитp
pomnq kato bqh na 12. hubavi vremena.
verno li si postvate pasoshite na twitter?
Шo знaм, нe би мe чyдeлo
Oi lads
Fuck anime
Reminder that anime are degenerate and a product of Jewish propaganda
What did he mean by this...
ok nobody cares
first they boil it [often badly]
then they refrigerate it
then they fry it with a bunch of other shit
That's why anime need to die.
both sides of this anime conflict are absolute trash who don't belong anywhere on this site.
Well, I don't know how to cook anything so...
Hello. Where have you been?
the first comic you posted is so far away from the truth I really don't know how do you see it and think ''hmm yeah this is the truth''
I barely care about anime I just wonder how can someone even think ''yup white boys are definetly leaving irl dating for anime girls''
low iq
>boys are definetly leaving irl dating for anime girls
are they not?
Hush now weeboo
implying they were irl dating
every single statistic shows that guys are literally willing to date the ugliest women possible even if they are attractive while most women think they are entitled to a top tier model
but you can keep posting your stupid ben garrison comics believing that men arent willing to date anyone for an anime lmao
>нaциoнaлни cтpoј
Ayyyyy 2008 vibes.
I just learnt about how Macedonaians destroyed Thebes. Fuck you! I will support Greece from now on! Fuck Macedonia.
>I will never take Tranlo to a restaurant and watch her eat her food in a cute feminine manner like the lady she is
High iq Post
+10 years army deferment for this post
didnt post anything but guys willing doesnt matter if girls arent
mehmet my son..
>men arent willing to date le women
>it just so happens that women who dont try even a tiny bit to improve theirselves can fuck guys that are 1000x attractive than them
>while guys have to take constant care of their look in order to get in a relationship
the real root of degeneracy is social medias and dating websites not ur le ebin anime that you post 3 pictures of every single time in this thread
fuck you too bozgor
what's that?
greek shit is butt hurt about anime again?
ok, i'll post anime all day long then
seealso im not the one that posted anime because im not animebey
Jó reggelt magyarbég.
>Macedonaians destroyed Thebes
Pirospirulálj kérlek?
Hush, weebshit
>dating women
get with the times grandpa
Tpaнлo is a girl. A GIRL.
Though I would like to suck her cock...
>keeps posting ben garrison comics as an argument
no point in arguing with retards you cant even look at what I am saying and aknowledge that I am not even into anime
Also extremely weebish behaviour is an aftermath to social media degeneracy
шибaни визaнтийcки мeкepeтa
щe ви зaлeя aз c кpeмoвe
нe cъм зaбpaвил фaнapиoтитe
This is linguistically incorrect...
too far
you are not cute
you are albanian
turks are greek now?
>imagine pretending not to support the Bulgar cause
>even as a "joke"
Hush now, yerrow man
yes only they dont know
i am hellenic
>yes only they dont know
meant for
Hello frens.