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>$397k volume

why did you post this an hour too early op

so far today i am....disappointed....

I bet LINK will still be around $0.30 by the end of the month

It never goes up. There’s all these connections, all this bullish news but it always hovers in its mediocre range.

Why must we suffer like this? We have all these LARPers saying big stuff is happening in September. That main net is going to be released. We all get our hopes up (me included) and then when the time elapses we’re left disappointed once again. Fooled by a combination of LARPers and wishful thinking.

No matter how many times this cycle repeats I still get my hopes up. I’ll be 80 years old on here reading “TONIGHT... IT’S HAPPENING. STRAP IN BOYS” hoping to finally escape this purgatory. But the ride never ends

what is happenigg

Stale and boring, why user? Nothing is ever happening

Sit the fuck down, faggot. We all know that 0xBTC is now /OURCOIN/. Get in before the FOMO or get out.

Fucking unbelievable that you think a coin like LINK with nearly $100mil market cap already has nearly the same mooning potential as a coin with $2mil market cap.

Attached: 0xbtc 9-15-18.png (677x98, 10K)

Gtfo fag

dubs confirm this is the start
im so happy

I have finally accumulated enough

me too fren

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Why does low volume indicate a good thing is about to happen?
t. brainlet w 10k

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inb4 300 replies

It doesn’t

> muh moon copycoin larping as "muh eth / btc killer" with literally the only thing going for it being a 2mil market cap vs the god protocol
Some people were just meant to die poor, better luck next life you shit-eating cockroach.

I mean, what it has going for it is that it retains all the properties of Bitcoin that make it good currency but is also compatible with the entire Ethereum ecosystem including smart contracts.

But ok, stay poor. Should buy some suicide insurance now while you have the chance.

I think 0xBTC might be the longest lasting absolute shitcoin shill I've seen on Jow Forums in my 18 months here. Props for your dedication at least.

At a certain point you'll have to consider what about the token makes it so that time after time people continue to see the value in it. But by the time it gets to you, the token will be worth $5-$10.

I know not even you truly believe that LINK will go to 1 or 2 billion in the next two years.

Can you describe how it is actually better than say, bcash? Why 0x and not something like hot if things need to be changed up? I'm willing to bet you have no answers with any substance because your shilling of 0x is either disingenuous or you're actually too stupid to understand the technical side of any of this.

Well the immediate benefit of 0xBitcoin to BCash is that 0xBTC is compatible with Ethereum smart contracts. You can use 0xBitcoin as both a currency in the same way as you can use BCash, while also programming it to be used in dapps, decentralized exchanges, advanced financial instruments, etc.

The thing that needs to be acknowledged is that 0xBitcoin's success relies on the continued usage of Ethereum as a smart contract platform. Right now, Ethereum is the most ubiquitous platform for this kind of blockchain usage, and will likely continue to hold that mantle for a while, since it has orders of magnitude more developer attention focused on it than Holochain (or EOS or Cardano, etc).

tl;dr Ethereum is a big platform, 0xBTC is compatible with Ethereum, therefore it has nearly all the benefits of BCH without the downside of being excluded from Ethereum.

there is 0xBCH

>Well the immediate benefit of 0xBitcoin to BCash is that 0xBTC is compatible with Ethereum smart contracts
you do realize that smart contracts have no use without LINK's oracles, right?

Yes that's true; imitation is the highest form of flattery. 0xBCH is dead though anyway.

I mean, I wouldn't say that with absolute certainty. There are plenty of smart contract applications that exist right now, such as decentralized exchanges, stable coins, dapps/games.

I didn't really argue against LINK's use case and the importance of oracles, I just highly doubt that LINK will see the kinds of price appreciation that 0xBTC will see in the coming year or two.

you zoomers need to fucking chill. It will moon just give it time

I could create a similar token in two hours so your token is literally worthless (not mineable or fake mining).

It's been done already with 0xBCH, and that token is virtually entirely worthless.

As will be 0xBitcoin once thousands of similar token are created. Not scarcity = worthless. You clearly don't understand what makes Bitcoin valuable.

>such as decentralized exchanges,
that's not an use case. shitcoin to shitcoin trading is pointless.
>stable coins
you mean ponzis and scams? none of the dapps currently out are of any worth.

No one here gives a fuck about 0xBTC

Why don't you do it then? 0xBCH and 0xLTC are already carbon copies that are in the trash heap of dead coins while 0xBTC continues to have an active community. Just make a copy and then ruin 0xBTC if you're so convinced.

I hate to break it to you user... but LINK is an ERC20 token on decentralized exchanges. You do know that LINK is an ERC20 token, right?

Why are you saying what does and doesn't have worth? If there is money in a dapp, it has worth. Even cryptokitties has millions in valuation. Augur is a functional prediction market, how is that pointless?