we're taking Scotland with us anglo bitch
t. EU
We're taking Scotland with us anglo bitch
dumb frogposter
get out
aren't you supposed to help anglos Portugal?
fuck the EU, fuck the euro and fuck g*rmany
If Scotland leaves the UK before Brexit it wouldn't automatically be an EU country (Spain would veto)
The solution is to either leave the UK after Brexit or leave now to join another EU member like Ireland, avoiding the independent status thing
>but scotland voted to remain...
>Scotland leaves the Union taking the queen with her
>Head of state becomes PM who is retitled the lord protector
>England can instead invest money in based henchman wales or go fully independent and spend it's excess cash on self
>Spain refuses Scottish entry to the EU because it would validate Catalonia
>Scotland ends up fully fucked
Sure Idm but I like the union flag (though I prefer England's but to have that we would have to yeet the Welsh rip)
I couldn't give a shit, I was hoping they'd leave 5 years ago and I probably speak for most of England in saying that.
Kinda this desu
It's over, England. Scotland's ours, now.
we can't just leave them in the vile claws of the english menace
>wanting Scatland
Bongs can keep them desu
t. bong
yeah, I'm thinking this poster is a britoid
Why do we keep any of them? They all drain our money and the complain that we oppress them despite the fact that they all have national parliaments or assemblies except for england who had to settle with English votes for English laws. This would be fine yet especially the Scots complain so much about how unfair the union is for them despite being the biggest cunts in the union. We even lost our gun rights because Scotland had a school shooting.
Scotland actually contributed to science and discovery whilst you subhumans exported your ilk around the world to destroy once prosperous Western cities. Take them back, you paddy cunt.
I think security purposes. If they all left and joined the EU which was resentful towards us we would quite literally be surrounded on all sides even with land borders and it would be impossible to get out of their sphere of influence
Been busy lately
Is Scotland gonna vote to leave?
And if Scots leave would NI probably do the same?
t. West Londoner
>B-but Spain
Cope on
Brexit increases the probability of both
It's so embarrassing how foreigners think they have a clue. The Irish and Scots hate each other. They're not Celtic brothers or whatever it is you think they are.
>spen wanna support scotland because muh gibraltar fuck dem english
>spen don't wanna support scotland because filthy catalonian commies
fuggg :D
They hate you more than each other
You have to gas catalonians first, fren
barcelona has been anarchy land lately we don't really need to do anything
Support Scotland and take Gibraltar and use it as a rallying cry for the nation.
Lmao why is Cornwall in this
"Hating each other" wouldn't mean that an Irish wouldn't want to destroy the UK, unless they were of course Englishmen loyal to the Queen.
Whatever that can hurt the anglos is good news in my agenda
It's the complete lack of shame that gets me. I gave you an out but no, you just keep mindlessly prattling on. I shouldn't even have bothered.
This. Fuck scots.
wtf our oldest ally?????????? stop plz????
But I'm not talking about Celtic brotherhood or anything like that. Why would an Irishman find it to be in his best interests for the United Kingdom to survive?
How's the Brexit situation UK bros? I heard even with Johnson taking office you guys are still looking at a no deal Brexit. I'm interested regarding whether you guys think the economic impact will really be as substantial as some have predicted.
A bunch of MPs from his party rebelled and voted on a bill that forces him to ask the EU for another Brexit delay. Once the Queen signs that into law the opposition will agree to an early general election
Other than that no one has any fucking clue whats going to happen.
Also fuck Scotland
Thread should have ended here. Their romanticised view of a oppressed Scotland has never existed
do anglos go to your country to get drunk?
unfortunately they come here and to Spain to do that...
Interesting. I wonder what the MPs are trying to gain from this. I understand they're trying to stop a no deal Brexit, but do they even have enough time currently to come up with a deal? It seems very difficult considering multiple deals have been purposed already and all have been shotdown.
It's kinda offtopic but I don't want to disturb the fragile ecosystem that is /brit/. Why does the UK have 2 houses, one for lords and one for commoners, in 2019?
They're just names now-a-days. Many of the MPs in the Commons certainly aren't commoners and many in the Lords are new money types. Blair gutted most of the hereditaries in the 90s so the people there today are really "lords" in name only.
More mouths sucking on the EU teat.
because dumb euros have no clue what they're talking about but still feel the need to comment on it anyway