>based = upvote
>cringe = downvote
You know it's true
Based = upvote
Yeah we all know we're just reddit for people socially awkward we can't even handle being linked to a user name
unironically a great post
friendly reminder to filter based/cringe while browsing Jow Forums to greatly improve your browsing experience
Based and cringepilled
You are not cute
based = based
cringe = cringe
stupid dumb head
I know now.
God bless you, hue
It's been what, almost two years? Is this joke even relevant still? Do people even use cringe/based anymore? Move on Jow Forums innovate or fall into irrelevancy as many boards before did.
>Me? Nu-chan speak? Not even once.
yep, this one is getting a downvote from me
you ready for it?
absolutely cringe
Have sex
Imagine beeing this C R I N G E
is that a proposal?
Yes it's true, based thread user.
k.y.s redditors
welcome to Jow Forumsint
seethe more
cringe and basedpilled
based but cringe
cr1nge and bluep1lled
4channel was a mistake
typical reddit sheep sucking authorties' dicks