A second stage of the pump from 2 weeks ago is starting, and this one will be larger than it was before by a mile.

Attached: 0xbtc 9-15-18.png (677x98, 10K)

IDEX won't let me buy it. Says I don't have enough Ethereum (even thought it says I have "only" 100% of the required amount).

Back to your discord group, pajeet.
Your group spam is obvious.

Hello Judge Doom

0xBTC, Holochain, Chainlink.

3 cults.

Buy 1% less then? Probably just a rounding issue.

If you can find the post from last night or this morning in the Discord about a group spam initiative I will sell all my 0xBTC and send you 1BTC as a reward. I want those fucking screenshots.

Seriously please help me.

Attached: unknown[1].png (466x158, 10K)

>Let's shill on Jow Forums guys vee just have to start the chain reaction

Attached: 1532796154533.jpg (1280x853, 115K)

Buy 1 less 0xBTC to avoid the rounding error, christ this isn't difficult

I want the screenshots.

This is just a fact. You and your pathetic friends are constantly posting about this insignificant coin and posting in each other threads like it's a random conversation.

>Is asked for proof of a deliberate and organized campaign
>"This is just a fact"

It's fucking September, pajeet FUD is dead. Buy now or get left the fuck behind retard.

If I buy less it says I only have 99% of the minimum.

Nvm I got it. I deposited an extra bit of Ethereum.

IDEX can get weird but overall is a great resource. Also look into enclaves.io, which I prefer to use if there are orders I like.

The first one is going to be highly valuable though and is not comparable to the other two.

lol I love how the bag holders of this successful PnD are still here trying to pump thinking they’ll get their money back. Sorry you bought at $5 but this is dead, you lose. Move on and get over it, it’s going to be a full time job just to ensure it doesn’t go to zero.

t. Made 30k in 2 weeks on this back during the pump



I bought at $0.50 it’s only up from here user. Get back in now because the coming pump is going to make the last one look pathetic

Attached: d90.png (644x800, 15K)

Your pajeet fud is useless

>would've bought at 0.63 instead of 0.70 if it wasn't for the glitch

'The question whether our conscious personality survives after death has been answered by almost all races of men in the affirmative'

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Image wasting your cones on this shitcoin

>imagine namefagging

Attached: crpe.jpg (250x174, 5K)

Your persistence made me think. Any other pajeet with only half of his monkey brain left would have cut his losses and realized by now that he has damaged his shitcoins reputation beyond repair and moved on to another scam. You however seem like you are somehow personally invested in it. Its like your ego is dependent on it. I think that this dumb, stupid, retarded and overall miserable piece code with which you try to scam Jow Forums is the greatest achivement in your fucked up life.

Tell others whatever you want but everyone can see that no matter how many times I take a shit on your lifes work you always come back to shill it once more. You should really consider to kys.

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Kek you're such a faggot, Doom. It's obvious you're accumulating 0xbtc.