Post the GOAT


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my favorite movie is Once Upon A Time In America

The movie is great but i always get lost in the flashbacks so i didn't understand the end of the film

Cockwork Orange is cringe

I pirated this film and liked it so much I felt bad and bought it.

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overrated and the acting seems kinda faggy

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Švankmajer's Lekce Faust
I was impressed.


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the theater version that was initially pushed out, and which one most are familiar with, was absolutely destroyed during the editing process (Hollywood fucked it up and shifted scenes around). the extended directors cut was redone according to the original script, the scenes are placed back into the proper order, the only issue with it is some of the scenes they cut back in had to be taken from damaged film so the quality is shit for about 15 minutes in total or so but you can still see whats going on. i'd definitely recommend checking it out if you can find it, I found it on blueray and got a copy for $5 a while back.

I agree. most of kubricks stuff is absurdly overrated

no u

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>t. edgy teenager
it's hot garbage

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Next you'll say
>Old movies are unwatchable they're unbearably slow

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I like plenty of old movies, probably more in number than newer ones.

best indie movie honestly

Apparently it's this.

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you have nice sense

thanks, me and the gf are big fan of gojira movies

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La Haine

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why does holywood always fuck with films

excellent choice

name 2 (two)

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Homeward Bound 2
Father of the Bride

In the Mood for Love

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