>The 21 yo graduate who creates wordpress sites and thinks he is a coder

Or not realizing software engineering is a highly collaborative industry and your autist level ML knowledge will never land you a job or you will be competing with 130+ IQ chinese guys

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from one software engineer to (probably) another

isn't it sad that the 130-140 iq autistic chinese developers are controlled by 95 iq HR roasties

>know HTML, CSS, and some JS if needed
>obsessed with making UI as good as possible
>don't get any web design jobs, even if my rate is $20 per website
>people using Wordpress get clients and make $1000 per website

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Well that's the business reality. Older guys with money at middle management positions at other companies of course prefer business dinners and meetings with 29 yo girls instead of autistic asians with the same hoodie for 1 week. And they do the buying

go and do wordpress sites then. leave actual tech for an actual job. freelancing is about making the most money in the shortest time and with the least effort possible

Nah, I doubt people actually get by on making websites these days. Anyone can make their own website (unless you need some advanced JS or PHP). It's just that I read an article where some guy was making thousands per Wordpress website, but it's actually from 2013 so I doubt things are still that way.

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If you are a software engineer who isn't 100% into crypto and creating things with it, congrats, you are the normie and deserve to be paid less than your PM stacey.

>tfw got memed into a CS degree
>will probably die poor anyway
should have just cleaned toilets all these years. being born to educated parents comes with its price

a guy right now on fiverr is making $2500 cad ($2000 usd) per word press site, and he's got a couple reviews already

even if you don't get very many buyers (this dude seems like he's gotten low double digits), it's still insanely easy and high income work that you can do in your off time

I'm 19, am working on scaling my own SaaS product, and do a lot of WP development in my freetime. I can charge anywhere from $1000 to $7500 to a boomer for a simple wordpress website - and there's literally zero shame in building on WP.

In fact, like said, freelancing is about landing clients as efficiently as possible and charging as much as possible while still staying within their budget. I'm by no means rich but it's a great springboard to either 1. pay for college or 2. use that money to take courses and get better or save for the future.

Either way, there's literally zero barrier of entry.

A little tip: get in touch with local "social media marketers"(another bullshit freelancer job) and have them sell websites for you. As a part of their "agency" you can have them land jobs for you for the price of a small finders' fee. It's a really easy way to get sales passively.

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shit wrong guy, I meant to (you)

You wont make it in software without a twinkle of autism in your eye

and in the end 95% of web sites is some boring warehouse system with some pictures, and admin features

If can have a boomer system up and running without trendy tech, they will pay you for it. They could care less about polyfills, PWAs and other hipster shit as long as they can sell their John Deere to other boomers on a "fancy website" with parallax scrolling

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>If can have a boomer system up and running without trendy tech, they will pay you for it.
Exactly. While I am all for and can deploy a site based purely on my own code, it's 100% more time and cost effective to build something out on wordpress and be done with in within a few hours.

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How do I get into this? Find customers and what to use for hosting?

Learning to build websites can be outsourced to pajeets.

Capitalism always fuck you codertards up the ass because there’s always a pajeet that can do it better and cheaper.

>tfw coding trading bots
In Java. Suck on that.

No. Besides, I'm offering to work for Pajeet pay anyway.

I'll give you cheaper.

>How do I get into this? Find customers and what to use for hosting?
Like I said in the best way I've found is to BE the guy who's getting the work outsourced. Get in touch with local digital markters who don't know how to use wordpress(you'd be shocked how many of these exist, especially ones around my age), and have them send you all of their web "development" work.

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Then just reskin it with some design that "pops" if they want to roll out a new market, like lawn mowers for businesses or tractors. Deploy same backend, just different CSS and pics

Then ofc invoice as a whole project. Now that's how you make money.

Remember to not also be the cheap guy. Boomers don't trust some NEET that takes 20$. The prefer maybe 100-150$ to "get shit done" and they can brag to their boomer friends at grill parties how much they paid for their new hip website

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>prefer maybe 100-150$
I'm assuming that's hourly? If that's by project then no.

Well guess what this is what I meant with this thread. It doesn't help if you are an autistic NEET witth 300 solved hacker rank questions, if you don't know how to make a good impression or sell it doesn't matter

Most boomers can barely handle email and looking up porn. The ones with money will pay handsomely for someone else to build their site and handle all that mysterious Wordpress voodoo shit.

Only fucking normies with no experience think that using wordpress to build a site is easier than using code.

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yes of course hourly

A normal ecommerce website for a boomer business is at minimum 5000$, then 100$ per month in running costs with maybe 1-2 h hour of upgrades provided.

This guy boomersells

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It is a bit quicker though, for small sites that require a CMS.

Not very fast though, or scalable, or secure for that matter.

>then 100$ per month in running costs with maybe 1-2 h hour of upgrades provided.

"$100 for updates" is a meme. You charge $300/mo for "maintenance" and $700-$1400 for "SEO"(putting keywords in yoast and getting them one keyword)

>getting them one keyword
getting them one traffic source***

yeah that's what I meant, you need to make them understand you need to take a fee for your precious time. Then they will require 5h work per year and you "include" it and they get happy

See pic - this isn't mine but a friend of mine sent me it - this is some work that he outsourced to me(the web work, that is), and how much he charged.

LOOK HOW SHITTY THOSE VALUE ADDS ARE. Boomers will go for a price like this in a second. It's ridiculous.

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>software engineering is a highly collaborative industry
code for "we hire three pajeets and let them take credit for the white guy's work"

Yea boomers like to preteend they are "down with the kids" so the more you write about tech stuff, the more impressed they get.

you could add and adwords/adsense budget with 2000$ to that and they would happily pay it "I heard the Guggle stuff is where you get business"

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It's fine if you actually enjoy coding. Never understood people who go into it for the money. If you just care about money just go into finance.

These are normal prices. You can't compare this to some WP faggots. In general the hours are split to 3+ workers; UI/UX, code, branding/graphic design

>You can't compare this to to some WP faggots.
Well, you can because that was the price we quoted and I did all of that work myself.

Not bad then. But if someone really does what was writen there then it's a fair price. Talking about real branding, art direction, you know

All about the (boomer) client. Good job

I don't sell to anyone else. They have so much revenue that they can send to people like me and write off tax-free that they can afford to do stuff like that.