Other urls found in this thread:
all greeks are my bros
tourism prohibition + burning up all the coastal anglo suburbs = best day of my life
Imagine the little slimy incel that writes that stuff at night and then goes back to his job serving cervezas and long island ice tea buckets to tourists who piss all over his alleyways the next day
Imagine the little slimy moroccan incel that wastes his spare time posting asensio pics on some anime imageboard on the internet
tres cerveza por favor et rapido please!
That bicycle is really cute.
meanwhile his whole "economy" is built on tourism. imagine the schizophrenic feels
Pay debts
still more profitable to society than the average obese red skinned guiri that spends his last days in life living in a constant alcoholic state moments before jumping through a balcony
>he replied this fast
kek so hungry for spaniard (You)s you're just spamming f5 all the time
what's funny with mass tourism is that the local people will realize the side effects of it eventually and will not be able to do anything about it
maybe they don't deserve something better if you think about it
It's shit as fuck since with our laws you cannot do much to stop tourism once it's there. If a hotel is build, you cannot just tell them not to take in tourists. You also cannot stop people from visiting your country. It's a shitty situation since a small group of assholes can profit a lot from a city being destroyed.
you're just on Jow Forums looking to get baited
Say the countries that go into crisis mode as soon as tourist numbers decrease because they have no economy.
without tourism , greece would be like Somalia, same for Spain
*rapes u*
Not so tough now fucking kraut
greece and spain did fine before the 70s, especially considering their bloody wars just decades before that
Based, I hate tourists so god damn much
>creates temporary jobs with poverty salaries to serve my northern masters
no thanks I am not that stupid to like such a thing
>greece and spain did fine before the 70s
Spain before 90s was an industrial country
everything consumed within the country was made in Spain, from cars to washing machines
that's just an argument to completely change our economy and remove tourism dependence from it
>Spain before 90s
I'm honestly glad we're from the services sector now, competing against giants like China and India is getting harder and harder
All the high tech is in firm hands. Only chance you'd have is compete with 3rd world countries in cheap labor and low regulations, but you're in the EU so you can't do that.
So you agree then?
People who came to Spain from France back in the 90s saw a place that was almost as bad as eastern-Europe after the fall of communism. Spanish people unironically moved to South-America to escape poverty
With what? That tourism sucks for locals? Yes
That spain and greece would be fine without it? Yes
I agree. How do you dismantle tourism though, when it's so entrenched in society and so many people procure their living with it in southern Europe?
I dont know, im a filthy tourist myself. I think another blow at the economy would let less people travel, along with increasing plane ticket prices
Spain would be a much better country if it wasn't for many tourists behaving like the complete subhumans they are.
>That spain and greece would be fine without it? Yes
Spain has a lot to offer in fact the Franco regime planned tourism with that flow of money that the country needed after a long time autarchy, anyway Spanish companies are investing in attracting high value tourism and that is good.
and the problem in Spain is that the government does not invest enough in industry and development, many engineers have to emigrate to other countries, that is very bad and has to be reversed.
tourists aren't the problem, the problem is politicians, fortunately those who think like you are a minority, I wish more people visit our country.
Poor reading comprehension skills. I also like tourism, but not from those who behave like apes (Benidorm, Lloret, Magaluf type).
>I also like tourism, but not from those who behave like apes (Benidorm, Lloret, Magaluf type).
Blame on the businessmen who promote that, not the tourist who comes here.
based xenophobia and anticapitalism
molto pittoresco
i should visit greece soon
As a parisian, I find this is pretty based.