>arguments for:
to further your bloodline
>arguments against:
they take up time and money
share your opinions
>arguments for:
to further your bloodline
>arguments against:
they take up time and money
share your opinions
>arguments for:
be happy and adds a reason to live
>arguments against:
need a gf to have one
kill me
It can be a difficult decision nowadays. One of my friend did 2 kids with his first love and now they're already divorced and he has to pay her like 2500$ a month. But many things are risky so if you feel like having them you should.
It doesn't matter what I personally think about having children: I won't have them regardless if I like them or not
>arguments for:
>arguments against:
Societal collapse in the near future
>share your opinions
I don't like people and I hate kids = never gonna have any.
im morally opposed to bringing another human into existence
>>arguments for:
Can't find any.
>>arguments against:
it's natural and i feel if me and gf make babbe, two engineers genes would benefit humanity more than some polish toilet scrubber spamming out worthless scum
i don't like to change diapers
>arguments for
get to know people who you can truly care for and who will sincerely love you, who you can cuddle, and watch them grow and teach all kinds of things. get an opportunity to do a better job than your parents and fully develop the potential of new human beings who are half you and half the person you love.
>arguments against
need a gf to have them
kill me
>>arguments for:
Mom would be happy
>>arguments against:
I'm clinically insane, suffer from paranoia and extreme fits of rage.
There's a pretty big chance I'd end up killing the kid if I ever had one.
>Arguments for:
You get brownie points from glowniggers on Jow Forums
>Arguments against:
You make kids=You made hostages resulting in you locking yourself into being a sacrificial serf/slave
Your children will be raised to be slaves too.
>arguments for:
to further your bloodline
pleasure from imparting knowledge
get to *play* like a child again with them
>arguments against
time and money
no freedom
no going back
To me life is all about learning and the experience. I see having a child as a burden that would stop me pursuing my interests and have a negative effect on my life overall. You also should not have a child if you are not 100% about it, and for that reason I don't want one currently. I'm 26 and may change my mind at some point but not in the near future.
My mate had a baby this year, it sounds utterly miserable and I don't know why people enjoy it. All it does is cry.
Actually this
>All it does is cry.
babbers are different i guess. i only cried once as a baby. it was when my appendix was about to burst.
My friend started a family as well. Within 2 years they had divorced, gotten split custody and my buddy is on path of alcoholism.
The great joys of family life.
yes, but you're in sweden where getting married is more of an exception than a rule and getting divorced is more of a normality than an exception. same shit in estonia (and latvia)
Yeah I'm worried this will happen to him desu.
>arguments for:
its fun and i want to build a family
>arguments against:
im afraid i cant be a good parent or scared of family being broken
This is why whites are dying out
Not white but ok
>arguments for:
dab on him
>arguments againts:
having a zoomer at home
spreading my genetics and having somebody that i can share my knowledge with
nothing against
>be happy
not everyone has the same antipathy against children as you. i genuinely feel i would be more happy to see a little half-clone of myself trying to navigate the world
arguments for:
theyre a lot of fun, you get to share in their experience of exploring the world
arguments against:
they could come out retarded or even worse fuck a nigger some day
No really that's rationalization because no sane parent would ever admit to regret having had kids.
>no sane parent would ever admit to regret having had kids.
no sane parent regrets having kids. you're projecting your own negativism on it so hard it makes it ridiculous
Aw, so nice to see someone who is in love.
>arguments for
potentially have a healthy and nice kid who grows into a useful adult for you when you're old
>arguments against
time sink
money sink
potential to be unhealthy/have a shit life
potential to be an asshole or murderer or whatever
I want to see the earth get destroyed with over population
>arguments for
they'll be your last friends when you're on your death bed
>arguments against
time and money
>yt*ids willingly going extinct
Numbers reducing is not the same as extinction. Even in a hypothetical scenario where there was 100k whites it wouldn't be enough for extinction, but that's a ridiculous scenario as it'll never go below millions.
But ultimately who cares. Everyone's related, everyone will die -- even the planet.