AOC edition.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Is that some fucking amazon meme? Or people shitting because of sorbitol?
It's legit. I once bought a pack of jelly bean (different brand / different packaging).
I picked a wrong one. The sugar-free kind. But here comes the catch: they replaced sugar with fructose.
If you eat more than few and don't chew them completely then you are very likely toupset your bowels and it'll highly likely end with explosive diarrhea.
> All hell broke loose inside me, a sudden headache, my skin began to perspire and something tore around in my abdomen with force enough to make me latch onto my couch with both hands and let out a sheer cry that sent my dog retreating into the bedroom, she probably knew the battle was already lost. I tried to make for the bathroom but the pressure was so intense I had to wait it out on the couch until a lapse in the gut-busting occurred and I regained control of my muscles. It took only moments before the volcano Mt Anus had blown its top. The air quickly turned poisonous from the methane and sulfuric fumes that spewed forth. Violence and terror are understatements of what happened for the next 45 minutes. I sustained 3rd degree burns from contact with the lava that flowed abruptly from my bowels, my blood pressure was at record levels, and my body mass was reduced by 4 lbs. After ample ventilation of the crime scene I quickly took a shower and changed clothes because the powerful fumes had soaked through the fabric and into the skin. I almost had a mental breakdown in the shower after realizing those little gummy bears had nearly defeated such a man that I thought I was. I can now hardly bare to look forward through the night-terrors and PTSD that will come of this horrid event. . .
Heard this guy speak and he sounds like a stereotypical gay man
Damn, AOC looks like THAT? Humina humina humina humina humina humina humina humina humina humina humina humina humina humina AAAWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGA
Don't take our filth away by Duck. Little brother, duck!
Math-rocky dudes from oregon. I pre-ordered this after loving their first album. Was a bit let down, but still pretty darn good with some nice twinkly noodly bits.
She looks like eddy murphy sounds.
anyone got dark humor pics
oldie but goodie
keep em cum ing
Just fry the goddamn onions on olive oil you fuck
Need to get this physique
It looks like a candy dipped apple.
Its to trick children on Halloween.
It's a trap!
Candies are irrelevant, you can go from house to house and just rape everyone. Saves a lot of time.
>this physique
so he's a muscle bottom
nice to know
How do typical stereotypical gays sound? Care to share a vocaroo link
I recognise that bulge...
I actually tried, vocaroo won't accept the mp3 i recorded of my voice. It's terrible on a phone.
you can always record yourself again you know
not a big deal
I tried 4x. I can't record on the site right from mic input and i cant upload an mp3 or a .wav
Link in the image. It really doesn't want me to post this.
heh. Phonepost hero
Just gave my second professional piano lesson.
Teach me over skype, but for free.
Think i talked to you before, i had mentioned learning with mikrokosmos by bartok.
Back from nappy, still real tired. gonna need some strong covfefe
You need some strong presidential tweets?
learnt the difference between states and provinces
the south will rise again
here's this little song dedicated to you :3
you offering?
Wish i knew someone who would go camping with me for 2-3 weeks and help me detox. Too noided and poor to try rehab.
I actually just hate her personality. She isn't traditionally beautiful, but has a bit of a lusty librarian look about her.
This hurricane is probably gonna knock my power out. Boomer dad is absolutely terrified lmao
i just want pumpkin spice cheerios back
aren't you afraid of the hurricane? i would
>pumpkin spice cheerios
sounds gross desu
Unless a tree literally falls onto my apartment I'll be fine
I can do that. I'll make an anonymous skype account when I can and I'll stay in these threads.
cuz youre a landlubber
those motherfuckers in the caribbean have been living there for hundreds of years and a hurricane has never stopped them
Thinking about returning the chair
Don't forget the condom
Couldn't find the same serkin version on youtube, but here is ピアノ四重奏曲第1番 by ヴォルフガング アマデウス モーツァルト
You're and angel, this ones for you
she didnt even try to push him away
That's what happens when you give kids smartphones, but she was too hot not to rape.
Do you think Google translate works well for basic english to Spanish translations?
i could beat up everyone in this thread
>i could beat up everyone in this thread
how would i know
>Actor Brad Pitt was born William Bradley Pitt on December 18, 1963, in Shawnee, Oklahoma. His nationality is American and ethnicity is mixed(English, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, German, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, , Dutch, and French)
uh oh looks like you shot yourself in the foot there
now hold still this wont hurt for long
oh, but something's always wrong
Dulcinea by Toad the Wet Sprocket
A pretty mellow, yet emotive album. They have such a great sound that to me just screams 90s, really lush guitar, clean with great production, and glen phillips has a nice voice. Like a kid who used sing in a hardcore band, but switched to alt rock.
the picture of the day
he dead?
downstairs neighbors are home smoking weed in the morning and slamming doors again
in which US state can i find girls that look like this?
no he was hiding to play a joke on his mom but she didn't noticed it and the kid fell a sleep then the mom got scared because she couldn't find him
your neighbors are downstairs dabbin on that dank shit, slamming doors, and having the time of their little lives.
What are you doing even doing with yourself man, get a grip.
About 10 years too late desu
The midwest, and rust belt circa 2006
you wouldn't hit a cute girl like me would you ;3
>time of their little lives
if they were really having a good time why would they slam doors. i only slam doors when i'm mad also why do they need marijuana in the morning to cope
They still exist but they dress differently and listen to in love with a ghost
The marijuana is to coax open your third eye. Slamming doors is just a good time, fuck wood lol.
Been back at uni for 2 days and I haven't gotten laid yet, what gives?!
do they still have bangs and eyeliner?
you're ugly and offputting
take a shower
Nah you gotta find an art hoe lite for that
probably because you're creepy and uncharismatic like joe biden.
I didn't have time to shower this morning so I just washed my feet in the sink
fug :(
Didn't ask for your opinion, I'll take a pack of newport menthols
I got made fun of freshman year for having really stinky feel in class so I had to buy a foot cleaning floor sink for my appartment. Thankfully I live alone
You didnt do wudu before fajr?
my opinion IS always guaranteed
>buying a sink
>not buying just some powder or new shoes
guess you're not the smartest cookie in the box
shoo muslim shoo
I'm going to start cat calling
I think my bread's autistic :(
for what purpose?
yes hello
Just bought this from an Irish flag salesman
based af
now they need to recognize the us military as an international terrorist organization
Wypipo live in the bahamas
Getting laid and having my digits end in 83
i read that abaco island is 50% white
theres lots in the Abacos
you do know how to use an abaco, right, /cum/?
>national rifle association
why does that even exist? is an association for that necessary?
sucking a golf ball