Is your cunts army and police force full of right wingers and actual fascists?
Yes (and thats a good thing)
Is your cunts army and police force full of right wingers and actual fascists?
Yes (and thats a good thing)
Police no but army, yeah kinda
apolitical normies, below average intelligence, if political then right wing
though i think the police is getting there because they get a lot of shit from foreigners and the politicians pretend all is fine
There is a coastal ranger regiment of the Swedish army that consists of almost exclusively Alt-Righters who created the AfS, a political party. So yes. But the administrative leadership is very leftist and pro-LGBT.
I wish I had a furrious fight with a batallion-sized full LGBTQ+ element of the Swedish army.
hot. you might get your chance in the near future
Military officers mostly vote Democrats. The opposite is true for the rest of the military.
Yes, but they have been apparently purging it for the past few years and enforcing diversity, that recruitment video that went viral a while ago being an example.
the only ones that would die for you are fascists?
>ilitary officers mostly vote Democrats.
Interesting, but it's hard to believe honestly. Do you have any data?
Police not really although they've been recruiting more "concerned citizens" as of late.
Military? Meh. Some are unironic nazis only being there just to train for the day of the rope but most are apolitical meatheads.
Francoist? Maybe. Actual fascists? Not too many.
the leadership in the spanish army is mostly made up of old dudes who served during francoist Spain, in fact the army hasnt really changed since then
yes obviously
>right wingers
Yes, you're probably not going to find anybody above the rank of Sergeant that is on the left.
Very much so, especially Carabinieri
JSOC units are definitely a yes
military officers tend to be moderate conservatives and liberals
enlisted tend to either be apolitical or representative of the area they enlisted from
It's not true
Maybe 3 and 4 star generals which are all sell out pieces of shit (even this I doubt) but Lieutenants etc. are overwhelmingly right wing
Right wing is about discipline and strength, so most military will incline to the right.
this is the part where someone posts a neckbeard and a trump hat
this is true, leftists have low t and cant handle the army or the police, so they develop an irrational hate towards them
>this is the part where someone posts a neckbeard and a trump hat
It's full of narcos, so yeah, right wingers work.
Wearing that shirt doesn't mean he's a member
Plus, state national guards are a joke
fuck amerikkka
>Right wing is about discipline and strength, so most military will incline to the right.
>he thinks zogald trump is right-wing
el brainleto de las americas... dios mio...
this dude can be used as a nuke if dropped from 10000 km's
based US/UK alliance
his entire base is right-wing
why would right-wingers follow someone who didn't espouse their beliefs?
american conservatives are liberals and compared to european right wing they are very leftist
because they prefer him over the other candidate. most true right-wingers realize trump a shit
based knower
How fucking retarded are you? Authoritarianism isn't a left or right thing. Fucking monkeys being politized by Jow Forums memes.
In modern times it pretty much is though
The left of old doesn't exist anymore, it's full of people who don't want borders to exist and to support trannies
no theyre all mexicans
>class traitors tend to be right wing
Who would've thought
no coming back from this epic burn bro
>being a communist in 1991+ 28
>muh true conservatism
Kys, you're all regressive retards who deserve the guillotine at best.
And Filipinos.
Cool strawman, succboi. Make sure you rim every part of my anus next time
idk what makes them class traitors to you
most military in the u.s come from middle class households and incomes
the officers tend to be upper middle income and education level
Our elite units in Afghanistan were full of nazis with nazi symbols
The police definitely is. Only people I've ever experienced racism from.
You Spaniards have some pretty hot policemen
Med bvlls
Why is it always a huezilian?
yeah and we got millions of these things, Ivan, so you better watch out.
what is it with the military and Nazi symbols? US soldiers even have shit like this too.
it's because they DUB on those libtards
Yes most of the police and army are very right wing they are also criminals.
Im glad intelligence isnt a requirement
>The intelligent and hard-working men that made it to the top vote left-wing.
>The 70 IQ brutes who joined because they were either a) gullible enough to fall for propaganda or b) too dumb to get a real job vote right-wing.
Is anyone seriously surprised?
Yeah, leftist really hate the army as an entity here. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy; they don't want it because it's full of right wingers, so it remains that way even after the end of the dictatorship.
Even the fucking Bolsheviks realized that applying socialism on the army was holding them back and scaring off recruits, so during the Russian Civil War they felt the need to reinstitute traditional military customs, such as saluting and a strict hierarchical order in which discipline was fundamental. Don't let anyone deceive you; a class based system is imperative to sustain a proper fighting force.
Yeah, but not fascists. The police and soldiers are just right-wing while the army generals are mostly positivist.
Yes (and that's a great thing)
why? you guy`s where occupied by them
>Right wing is about discipline and strength
and brazil is about order and progress
(and that's a good thing)
most people here are right wing so cops aren't different from the general population
Fuck fascism
Without a doubt the cringiest posters on this board holy shit
no its because they wanted to use tsarist officers like brusilov against the whites
saw like 10 policemen in an event today and all looked chad as fuck. at least in comparison to all the other police forces like the UK and the usual cops of the US.
Its the high testosterone of the IBERIAN BVLL
Although, of course, not all of them are
carabinieri have the best uniforms imo
But do they actually patrol the streets like that? Chasing criminals and all?