>he's too autistic to understand the joke
Wh*te men are the joke
r/frenworld was banned? wtf.
It was literally just redditors posting apu's, not even racist ones or edgy ones. One of their moderators even said that apu is not retarded.
Il rospo satanico degli stati uniti...
Gamers must rise the FUCK up. NOW
Fucking hell.
You got it wrong way around. Those people are too autistic to not to make that "joke". No understanding of social situations whatsoerver, just like autists.
t. different
I think it should be illegal for dumb americans to post apustaja.
Why the fuck are these people confident enough to go out in public ?
It makes me so confused, it is like americans have ZERO self awareness. In other countries these people would be too embarrassed to talk to people let alone dress up in a way that makes them centers of attention. They should be hikikomori's, yet there they are acting as if they are not doing anything weird.
Americans are seemingly unable to accept bad things about themselves or their country even when it is obvious. Why the fuck are they like that ?
we are all told from birth we are perfect
Go back you Finnish faggot
We say the pledge of allegiance and spam the national anthem since pre-K all the way to senior year or high school
genuine autists have zero self-awareness
literally a symptom of the condition
Yeah we need to bring back bullying
To reddit?
I only know about the subreddit because someone posted about it on Ylilauta. Some amerimutt moderator on there was saying things about Apu like "He isn't retarded" and such things so ylilauta anons were upset.
Americans love attention
frenposters on suicide watch