what you tink of erdojan?
That's pretty cringe, bro.
i don't like him since i'm a nationalist.
based all nationalists are bros
i only like erdogan because he makes saudi seethe
we're brothers Turul and i respect your opinion.
what's with the lebanon sperging tho? why you suddenly started to talk shit about Ottomans while glorifying French colonialism?
I am too unfortunately
we are taught to hate the ottomans and love the frensh in history books , so it isnt surprising
There is no real nationalist party in Turkey unfortunately
>lets hate the people that brought stability and unified the Middle East and like the people who split and carved it together with the anglos
weird history books
Powerful Turk, destroy the European sissies
they were made by frensh , i appreciate the things france develpoed in lebanon , but their correculems are horrible
big christian population that was starved in mt lebanon during ww1
how many turks are using Jow Forums regardless of the ban?
all turks are gay and fuck eachother in the ass while calling it "oil wrestling"
free kurdistan and long live ocalan and the PKK
A Greek-muslim larping as "WE WUZ PERSIANS" is a pretty sad sight to look at.
Here Moses reached spiritual perfection
Here Jesus ascended
Neither miracle nor sorcery
Let the Arab posses the Kaaba
Cankaya is sufficient for us!"
kek, Kemalists are hilarious.
don't tempt me
Isn't Erdogan a right-wing nationalist? or does the term mean something different in Turkey
Kemal was pro-Greek and pro-Christian. Sadly that didn't pass on to the next ruling parties and every connection he had ever build was destroyed.
hol' up
uhm ...
can I get a ...
he's one of these turbo rightist people saying Erdogan is a leftist because he lets Syrians in, he believes there is a turkish race (lol) that should stay pure
nah, Erdogan is the furthest thing from a nationalist. He's a Neo-Ottoman Political Islamist.
Yeah, people online have this obsession with pushing the myth that he was the one who asked for the population exchange when it was the Greeks who wanted it.
>He's a Neo-Ottoman Political Islamist.
wouldn't wanting to bring back the Empire be as nationalist as it gets? or do nationalists in Turkey only support Ataturk's version of it
basé may your people continue to breed so we can have kebabs available everywhere
that fucking sucks
No, but there's something you can do about it
there are so many different kind of nationalist in the country that it's tiresome
Turkish nationalism is putting Turks first while Neo-Ottoman outside of the last part under the CUP, was where every Sunni Muslim is equal. Erdogan is a Abdulhamit fan who was an Arab cuck.
Do you also what was made by the french? All the artificial states in MENA which results in you having syrian refugees now because all those countries are weak shitholes
I still don't get how people thought giving power to a Alawite minority in a overwhelming Sunni country wouldn't end in a disaster.
Yes we did ask for that because at that time the Kurds revolted agains the Turks and some Turkish official went haywire killing every non-turkish citizen they could find. We had to recover lost population to habitate now empty cities.
no , lebanon was doing good in the 60s untill the civil war , colonization is bad , but we didnt have it as bad as others so we dont have the right to whine about it
There is only 3 real views that I would consider nationalist in Turkey: all oghuz countries unifying or atleast Turkey + Azerbaycan, all Turkic nations increasing their partnership so union like EU and those that believe areas in North-East Greece, North-Syria and North-Iraq should belong to them like Kerkuk for its significant Türkmen pressence
There were some psychotic Turks like Topal Osman and Nurreddin Konyar. They were behind pretty much all the atrocities, crazy ppl
We should have killed them all
No, Erdocuck only cares about making everyone single neighbour fucking country an enemy, emit fake annexations and show how much of a backward Turkey is. Anyway his grip is so strong right now that nobody is going to shake him off his seat.
You did rule out all the Greeks from the coastline where Turkish citizens where a minority there. But at that time most of the Muslim-Greeks were too hesitant to leave their businesses and converted.
kinda sad that they threw away Kemals vision.
>tvrks are gr**ks meme
i love Ottomans as much as the next nationalist but erdogan is not a nationalist. He's trying (i assume) to create an Arab-Turkish state which is completely retarded since arabs are traitorous scum. He also pampered our k*rdish minority with his tolerance. People give so much shit to him about how he hates k*rds but in reality he was the first president to negotiate with PKK terrorists. He is currently using a nationalistic rhetoric since nationalism is on the rise. The fact that there are still 4 million syrians in this country when our economy is this shit, shows our supposedly "nationalist" president's true colors.
> But at that time most of the Muslim-Greeks were too hesitant to leave their businesses and converted.
Do you guys have a name for those cowards? imagine living with those kinda people, switching religions for whoever in on top. Shameless.
but that's sad, who would ever post that he's proud to be turkish? if only you see kebabs posting from white countries, they make sure to try and act as white as possible in ORDER not to be identified as kebabs, fail miserably most of the time and it's hilarious to see it and all that, but still.
>arabs are traitorus scum
tis but unironically gulf arabs are disgusting , but the revolution against turks was justified
so you just said exactly what I said, damn you turkish cumbrains are easy to read
i met a turkish professional wrestler from ankara while touring europe. he was very kind, funny and generous. he even carried me to my apartment when i got drunk. top bro tier lad
>Hating Kurds
I don't understand this meme, literally what did kurdish folk ever do to Turks?
illiterate subhumans who breeds like rabbits and produce illiterate low iq kids.
>Artificial states
Egypt, Morocco and Oman arent artificial states. Artificial states is a dumb meme regurgitated by pan-ar-ape-ists and pan-shitslamists
You also described Turks too
>t. k*Rdoid
I agree
I agree
I agree
But what about countries like Saudi, Syria, Iraq, Israel and Palestine? You have big differencein the people in their country or no difference with their neighbour.
Meme map. Erzincan is mainly filled with Turkish/Türkmen tribes (75%). (MHP won there for a reason). Sivas has a few zaza villages and that is all. Lot of mistakes in this map
Based abi
My Girlfriend is Western Romanian and I'm a hairy turk. What are you gonna do about it Radu?
I'm a Turk unfortunately but I hate both Turks and Kurds equally. We are both backwards sandniggers
15 temmuz gecesiydi hava sıcaktı
bir ihanet kalkışması ülkeyi yaktı
gün bugündü,bugün millet ayağa kalktı
çoluk çocuk ihtiyar genç sokağa aktı
demokrasi darbe yemiş,şaşkındı millet
ya özgürlük bundan sonra yahut da zillet
milyonların ayak sesi titretti yeri
elde bayrak,dilde tekbir koştu ileri
demokrasi destanında şâhitler biziz
bir ölünce bin dirilen şehitler biziz
başkomutan emir verdi:inin meydana!
sahip çıkın al bayrağa,aziz vatana
serden geçtik vatan millet allah aşkına
bütün dünya görüp bunu döndü şaşkına
yerden gökten o hainler ateş saçarken
nice canlar şehit düştü bayrak açarken
kimi tanka kafa tuttu kimi silaha
demokrasi çiğnenmesin diye bir daha
demokrasi darbe yemiş,şaşkındı millet
ya özgürlük bundan sonra yahut da zillet
milyonların ayak sesi titretti yeri
elde bayrak,dilde tekbir koştu ileri
demokrasi destanında şâhitler biziz
bir ölünce bin dirilen şehitler biziz
başkomutan emir verdi:inin meydana!
sahip çıkın al bayrağa,aziz vatana
serden geçtik vatan millet allah aşkına
bütün dünya görüp bunu döndü şaşkına
No matter how much you pretend, you will always be Iranian, Reza
so by saying that this is a "meme map" do you oppose the correlation between the k*Rdish population and low iq?
go have an inferiority complex somewhere else, fag.
Lol what kind of response is this?
Alamancı dilate *dabs*
>I'm a Turk unfortunately but I hate both Turks and Kurds equally. We are both backwards sandniggers
>Female genital mutilation is prevalent in Iraqi Kurdistan, with an FGM rate of 72% according to the 2010 WADI report[180] for the entire region and exceeding 80% in Garmyan and New Kirkuk.
Nice try *rmeno-k*rd, fuck off to your low IQ incest family in Iraq.
>so by saying that this is a "meme map" do you oppose the correlation between the k*Rdish population and low iq?
No I'm just saying that the colours aren't right for some of the regions and also it misses areas with lot of Albanians or Bosnian e.g. Bursa. IQ part is right
Not an argument. Both Turks and Kurds are low middle eastern races. When possible, I don't tell people where I from online.
Turks don't really exist tho. You are mutts similar to Americans with no culture.
I am in college and was paired with a Turkish international student for this buddy program thing I joined on a whim. How do I make him like me?
Tell him you're of Armenian descent.
I'm not though. Also I don't want to come off as autistic by starting with the banter from the get go.
All of you retarded subhumans in this thread will be slaughtered when the time comes.
I mean every single one of you posting in this thread, you are all subhuman.
dress up as a goat for halloween
Kiss him on both sides of his cheek when greeting him, then say "ahh benim sevgilim"
T. Turk diaspora shitskin born and raised in Australia and never set foot in turkey
Very easy, show interest in his culture
blue pilled
erdogan is based af.
What are you, some secular agnostic?
Think again
why are your women so hot but men so ugly?
kim reklam yabtı gene
tell him you're also black
Baathism is an pan arab fascist belief system started by a Christian from palestine
based roach
I remember those days when we had many Azerbaijani posters here and in Jow Forums
Good days
>not liking the sultan
you live pretty dangerous, you know that?
>>lets hate the people that brought stability and unified the Middle East and like the people who split and carved it together with the anglos
You mean stagnation