>be tall
>reasonably attractive
>travel to china
>make more money teaching english than the average native
>be pale which is attractive in the culture
>marry pic related
how can a man go so wrong?
>be tall
>reasonably attractive
>travel to china
>make more money teaching english than the average native
>be pale which is attractive in the culture
>marry pic related
how can a man go so wrong?
Majority of asian women are as ugy as this goork
How is this autistic nerd attractive?
I don't want to marry that
>be retarded south african with mostly dutch genes larping English
>low iq overall
>not tall
>shitty hair & beard
>cant pronounce chink language
>lie that you train doctors / omit the fact that you are just teaching them english because your ego is so fragile
>homeless in china for weeks due to low iq and not knowing how to spend money
>still marry a superior femoid
>reasonably attractive
He's ugly. Looks like a chinese caricature of whites too with his massive nose.
She’s okay. Not ugly, cute in her own way IMO. Not everyone is a supermodel, but she seems like she has a sweet disposition, can cook, and would make a great wife, and would provide one with many children. You know, the important qualities.
He's a reasonably attractive man with good shoulders & height
>that flag
>that post
Why would I be a chink? They would probably consider her ugly. She’s cute here because she’s exotic. I think she’s at least as good as the guy she married if not better. She could have done better.
this is what living the dream looks like
She didn't always look like that.
>lie that you train doctors / omit the fact that you are just teaching them english because your ego is so fragile
she's certainly no model but I still find her cute in a way
>>that flag
>>that post
You're thinking of leafs
>>reasonably attractive
he is best at 6/10.
and that girl too.
why white men believe can get above tier gf for being white?
>make more money teaching english than the average native
Maybe 10 years ago yeah
She's ugly too.
>She’s cute here because she’s exotic
Yellow fever goggles.
>why white men believe can get above tier gf for being white?
It's true. Your idiot faceblind women give us +3 for being white.