Indians deserve to be considered attractive by white women
Indians deserve to be considered attractive by white women
"Deserve" doesn't mean a whole lot if you can't enforce it.
White women only find white men attractive.
Indians deserve to get nuked
nobdody desrves to be considred attractive by anyone.You have to earn it
wh*Te women love Indian MEN.
No pajeet.
the real Aryan chads live in the foothills of the Himalayas and Hindu Kush in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. too bad those regions are too poor so these people can't emigrate or mobilise to show white and asian LARPers what Aryan actually means.
>Indians/pajeets/unironic street shitters/non hand washers act like litteral robots for any an all trash cunny/coochie. what makes you think they diserve anything
if you can't properly & clearly speak a language the woman you are trying to swoon/court/fug speaks you can't and will never get the coochie in the first place. Its not deserved & shouldn't be freely given, it must be earned. and if you can't compete with teh competition GTFO/BTFO
By that logic, Australian aboriginals "deserve" it too. Literally no one is attracted to Ind*ans, not even other Ind*ans. Deal with it.
*White women only find med men attractive.
They wash their asses not wipe
I'm not Indian but I think white women should absolutely be attracted to Indians
White women are coming to India more and either sex tours or joining Bollywood, get enriched and end up marrying a native Indian.
We are slowly winning!
Well ya dont wear a turban try a fade a beard line up. Hit the gym dress decent tyen theyll be fine .
Too many fobs wear weird style bowl cut n fat stache
There is always consensual rape :)
Indopoos should return to India, then they won't have to worry about white women . Fuck off.
>*White women only find med men attractive.
Based. Basically what I was getting at; white women only find white men, (especially Meds,) attractive.
You cannot stop us. Every 20 minutes, a White Woman is having sex or giving birth to Indian.
I’m gonna breed all your women, including your mom and sister(s).
They’ll never go back to lip dick Pinkos.
India #1!
most indians who live outside are legit south Indians with their ungdu pungdu accent and retarded sense of fashion. they are spineless faggots most of the time and are disrespected everywhere. Canada has a better situation with all the Sikh and Punjabi Chads putting racists in their place.
fucking dravidians, all that "dravidian bull" shilling when most of you are skinny ass IT nerds
You cannot stop us, fuckboi!
Hell, you can’t even handle Muslims/Arabs.
sounds like another incel.
Cringe. Imagine actually wanting to get white pp's approval
Shut up, retard.
Go back to Pakistan!
Finland is 95% Finnic. The Indians here are well behaved incels, although they are worse than Arabs/Africans. Fortunately indopoos in Finland are going extinct.
i literally call them out for not standing up to whites and other racists.
there are countless videos of Sikhs absolutely btfoing racists. meanwhile, you have Aziz ansari in America trying to gain approval of white people with retarded as stereotypes.
Sure you aren’t pajeet.
No such thing.
Pajeet dreams.
We allocated too many of our soldiers to UK, Canada and USA.
Northern Europe is next, just you wait, fuckboi!
Deflecting and coping are very unbecoming of you.
Cry moar, fuckboi!
This whole thread is cope.
How are Indians worse than blacks and muslims??
You poos will not be able to do anything. We non-poos will defeat you and liberate our lands.
Poo empires fall.
China rises....
We will take everything all the way to the Urals.
Our allies will take the rest.
You will lose. We will be free.
t. delusional roastie that wants to fucks the Arabs in Italy
Our blacks and Muslims are well behaved. Well, at least if you take into account that they are first gen. The pajeets have been here for centuries.
As an example we may look at Somalis and compare them to Indian Gypsies.
>The Finnish Ministry of Justice indicated that in 2005, persons of Romani background (who make up less than 0.2% of the total population of Finland[1]) perpetrated 18% of solved street robbery crimes in Finland - by way of comparison, the slightly larger 14,769 as opposed the 10,000 Somali population were responsible for 12%, while ethnic Finns were close to 51%.
Somalis are first or second generation immigrants. Gypsies have been here for centuries. Yet somehow the Indians manage to be worse.
i say this as someone who has seen Indian Americans, and how they constantly try to act white. this is in contrast to Canadian and British Indians, who have curated a culture of their own.
many Indians in Britain and Canada have made their place in politics, journalism and other respected fields, you don't see the same in America.
because fucking south indians are spineless beta ass faggots, I have more respect for an Arab refugee going to Europe to spread Islam than some IT faggot from Bangalore that thinks he wuz western n shit cuz he watches Big Bang Theory and speaks English and pretends to not know his mother tongue -- known plenty like this and I feel like punching their faces every time I hear them.
Shut the fuck up, and hand over all your white women... NOW!
Let me have sex with your mom/sister.
You really are pathetic.
I suppose I shouldn't expect much from scum such as you.
Pinkos fear Indian supremacy, simple as!
Man, I don’t care, I’ll fuck you, too!
Of course, once I’ve gotten super drunk again.
>claims indians are chads
>posts a pic full of ugly people
hell's bloody bells, pajeet. i knew you people are dumb but holy shit.
What are you talking about dumbass? I like Italians in Italy.
And how exactly does a 180cm poo smelling manlet expect to get a Finnish girl or to overpower a 195cm European Finnish Male?
Suck my dick, snowbunny!
My Curry Thundercock will rock your world!
>replies to thread about how wywomyn should like indians with basically "lul it's because of dravidian incels that no ones likes us. they just have to meet based aryan chads"
>then goes on another racist tirade against southern indians added with some weird pro-muslim tangent
You are such retard. Get your throat slashed and/or raped by a pack of refugees
I've seen you post that picture of "swarthy" men you find attractive you delusional cunt
My New Delhi charm works wonders.
We bang and have babies, simple as!
Mexi-bro is slaying.
Really bad troll.
And they’re all European. Europeans can be swarthy. So there is no problem, and you are a liar for saying I want to f*ck Arabs.
what the fuck is this thread
>You are such retard. Get your throat slashed and/or raped by a pack of refugees
I live in one of the safest countries in the world, and you live in fucking Mexico, indopoo.
Even if we took in 1 million arabs and 1 million africans it would be safer here than it is in Mexico.
And I would rather take 2 million arabs and 2 million africans than 1 million indopoos.
Can somebody just help the pajeet Canadian to get laid already
In 3 months they will
Superpower 2020 baby
Only Europeans of Arab descent are swarthy
You are such a retard. You must be a coping Ahmed, trying to link yourself to Meds.
Turks are not European. Don’t listen to him.
I'm Indian and you'd be attracted to my people if you werent brainwashed since we're only slightly darker than your skintone preference
Yes they are, Pajeet.
And why would an Indian get to decide who is European?
You have no say in the matter. Go try to shart in a toilet instead of a street.
Europe starts in Greece Ahmed
>I'm Indian and you'd be attracted to my people if you werent brainwashed
Never pajeet. I am redpilled not brainwashed, and even if I wasn’t every white woman has a natural revulsion to mixing.
>since we're only slightly darker than your skintone preference
LMAO I like olive/Southern Meds skin tones. You are darker than nogs.
Neither pajeets nor Turks are European you delusional Ahmed.
definition by Pajeets for Pajeets
Turks, Finns, Balts, Hungarians, Georgians and some minority groups are the only Europeans.
So the best indian chadjeet looks like an average middle eastern guy
>average middle eastern
sounds like cope
I never said Pajeets are European, dumb Pajeet.
And I am a pure Finn, not an Ahmed.
Turks are European. You are not and never will be. You have no European ancestry. These are not your lands. You belong in India.
t. Abdi the Suomalian
I’m not a pajeet you fucking retard. No European would EVER say Turks, or anything outside of the borders of modern Europe, is European.
Its an Indian thread
No women consider short pudgy men to be attractive, no matter the skin color
shut up. Europe is my ancestral homeland and I'm coming to Europe with my wife, 19 kids, parents, uncles and aunties, cousins, and neighbours alike to meet my ancient European brothers :)
my brothers :)
t. Sven the Fenno"Swede"
You are a Pajeet. Poo in loo.
India is your homeland
This is what Indocucks originally looked like. Not very European is it ?
Now that you have been bleached by Finnics, Arabs, Neanderthals and Turks you think that you are European and even white. You are nothing but pajeets who can not shit in toilets.
Fuck off. Stay where you are. You have no connection to Europeans pajeet.
I’m of Northwestern European descent retard. I’m suddenly a pajeet because I said Turks aren’t European? LMAO. Get the fuck out of Europe.
Ok, then what do you consider Europeans ?
Indians are the most successful ethnic group in America. Most of us are doctors, lawyers, scientists and engineers
They are if they are. Things in real life aren’t how the internet tells you they are.
Based. Everything green is Europe
Welcome! You ancient European brothers... so Sarmatians, or modern day gyppos?
Your "brothers" are not European. Poo in loo.
all men are my brothers.
I have said it before and ill say it again
its the fucking malluniggers that tarnish our already tarnished name
damn shame we have share this shithole with these literal niggers
Anything within the borders of modern Europe (and this does not include Turkey.)
Ah, so this includes Italians, Swedes, Spaniards, Englishmen etc?
Of course.
A 180cm indian would be a giant among his people.
Norwegians and gypsies are european but Turks are not :DDDDD
180cm is average in Sweden, Norway etc
Gypsies are Indian. Turks are sand nigs
For whites sure, not first or second generation indians.
Turks are European.
Gypsies are Indian.
Indo-"Europeans" are Indian.
You are Indian.
indians arent white
180 CM would be tall but not giant though
the average in Punjab was 177, which is the highest of any Indian state.
We have crossed wires here, i was saying indians are midgets IRL not that they are white.
You'll never be European Mehmet