Italian man gets whipped for misbehaving

Attached: a7a77268-a32a-4c84-b801-48715152d86b.jpg.640x360_q75_box-0,11,1200,685_crop_detail.jpg (895x784, 284K)

Context? Did he steal something?

there is no italian in this video
we are much darker than that


Oh fugg, they whipped him for stealing chocolate? Didn't know it was such a valuable commodity in Brazil

Why do they hate italians? Always see those flags seething at us

OFC he stole, we aleady know that. Its like asking if the grass is green.
the question is not if he stole, its how much or what he stole.

argentinians? every argie thinks they're European because their last name is pastaroli mostacholi cappuccino

They deserve it for slavery

They hate all Europe for some reason

It´s a joke because this board says italians are black

Mexicans hate everyone who is european but brownzil and argentina really like Italy

All good people in this world hate you

>fence jumping nogs
>good "people"

I like you guys instead

The sentiment is not reciprocal. Get fucked
Wog diaspora is larger than Mexico's and more widespread and corrosive

I've seen lots of argentinian that makes this kind of jokes

why are you so angry?

Attached: 1566862629471.png (894x773, 48K)

Stop replying to the retard

I wish that were me