1. Cunt
2. Do you support CHADren?
1. Cunt
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No only CHADhan.
i liked him when he was a hobo.
A man with a dream
Fuck Marley people
No, I support Zeke
Paradise is a shithole full of demons who should all die
Except Zeke doesn't want Eldians to die you tard, quite the opposite
He want the Eldian euthanasia
Marlay should be all chained and sent to large prison factory complexes where they make ammo, clothing, farming, and other works.
Yes, but he doesn't consider Eldians to be demons and doesn't want to slaughter them, unlike Marley
khkhmm.. it's manga
from the last chapter i don't think so anymore. his brainwash might be finished and he might side with erens plan
>brainwash might be finished and he might side with erens plan
Not really, he still tries to carry out his euthanasia plan by the end of the chapter
Eren did nothing wrong
he understand that in his world you are either the hunter or the prey. That is why he chooses to become the perpetrator instead of being the victim. I like his character a lot. He reminds me of Osama Bin Laden.
judging by his facial expressions he's at a turning point. also eren seems to be in control now. the last page was literally eren just taking a piss on zeke. but idk couple days and we'll find out how the elongated paths business works out
>did nothing wrong
powerplay levels of based
The new chapter is already out. Check it out m8.
Fuck zeke, fuck humans and fuck marley people
wtf? it was supposed to be out on 9th? ok gonna go afk and read it, thx
>it's manga
Good thing I never watched even a single episode of this crap. From what I've seen of its fanbase, this manga is an utter nonsensical mess
The post - timeskip chapters are actually pure kino.
He doesn't need support
is this the most underappreciated scene in all of the show? (1:37 - 2:57)
No, SNK stopped being revelant after utgard castle arc was done
I'm wary of anyone who uses that word.
If I got it correctly, Eren has now become a wannabe genocidal maniac. Hard to feel attached to him, if I dare say so myself
This is a really good manga. Much better than the average shit like OP or BnA.
You either win over others or are beaten nothing else.
Not really, what we now is that Eren is trying to stop his brother from sterilizing his entire race. He also attacked a few enemy military targets but only in retalation. He's really far from a a genocial maniac. He's just trying to survive and save his friends
>Eren has now become a wannabe genocidal maniac
At this point, we don't really know what his true intententions are. But we are sure of one thing: he doesn't agree for Zeke's euthanasia plan, and is determined to fight for freedom of his people.
Erens attack Titan can see the future of future attack Titans and see the future, zekes cuckhold if you kill youself you can't be killed philosophy can't do shit against someone who knows what is going to happen.
I relate to this on spiritual level
Watching this scene give me a feeling of glorious anger, a desire for revenge, to restore the ancient glory of Eldia and most importantly to kill all marley people
And by marley people I mean white people
Fuck white people
Quintessential amerilard reply. Never change, guys. Never change
You know what? I actually don't care about this whole mess. I never liked Eren in the first place and, from what I've seen, the only real solution to this conundrum would be the total annihilation of the human race. Pardon my extremism
Btw, why was Grisha able to see Zeke ? Because he's close to Eren ? + Why does Zeke want to convince Eren this bad ? It's useless since in the real Eren will die in less than one second. And why didn't Zeke used the euthanasia when he met Eren in Marley ? If that's because he needs to be close to the eldians of the island that means that he won't be able to "euthanase" the eldians of Marley ?
Sorry for the english mistakes.
>It's useless since in the real Eren will die
It's useless since in the real world Eren will die*
i don't give a fuck about the main plot anymore i just want jeanbo to be okay. also
>yes, I am a jeankasa chad, how could you tell?
>I never liked Eren in the first place and, from what I've seen, the only real solution to this conundrum would be the total annihilation of the human race
Last chapters suggest that they wouldn't actually have to exterminate entire humanisty, only use the colossal titans residing within Shiganshina district walls as a deterrent weapon against Marleyan army, and a warning to the world to leave Eldia alone, pretty much nuke-style.
>Btw, why was Grisha able to see Zeke?
"Paths", and Attack Titan prophetic powers
>Why does Zeke want to convince Eren this bad
Pity and blood relations, he still believes that Eren was brainwshed by Grisha (until last chapter, that is)
>It's useless since in the real Eren will die in less than one second
We have no idea what will happen once Coordinate is activated. And besides, we already saw Reiner surviving decapitation.
>And why didn't Zeke used the euthanasia when he met Eren in Marley?
Good question, official explainion is because it would be too dangerous due to Marley presence, but I see it as a plothole myself as well.
read the last chapter. might need a couple of days to digest
1. denmark
2. i lost track of the story during the invasion of liberia
How can it be most underappreciated, if it's one of the best?
i think he just means the sacrifice bit not what follows aka levi just being a bad motherfucker
This is one of the best scene I've seen in a fiction.
I also love how it is a direct allusion to banzai charges and Zeke's comment on how they are going to eventually send women and children to their deaths. This is exactly what Japs were planning to do, until Americans dropped the Fat Man.
I'm guessing zeke and eren can only unlock their ultimate weapons together, so the first one to manipulate the situation for their reasons, wins
I do.
> utter nonsensical mess
you got that right but its still enjoyable. the unpreditable nature of it in fact makes discussion threads doubly the fun. the standard rules of "don't think too much" of anime still apply.
nice thread
are eldians supposed to be jews or white race?
they seem like jews in the marley saga with the armbands and stuff but their features seem aryan/white. ymir is a nordic God
>are eldians supposed to be jews or white race?
Why does it even matter? In america everything has to be about jews doesn't it? Did it even cross your mind that even if it's allegory to the real world, it would rather focus on Japan and their history not jews?
no its def NOT focused on japan. mikasa is the only asian in eldia and she's half. The original Eldians are blue eyed and many of royal family has blonde hair.
theyre either white or jewish.
I did not tell it is focused on Japan, Japs have hard on for blue eyed blonds and a lot of anime/manga include them even if it doesn't make sense, there is nothing more to it. Why americans are so obsessed with race?
floch telling hitch about marlowe's death was a great scene
Eldians are japs.
Westerners' views on Japanese animation are really interesting.
>are eldians supposed to be jews or white race?
Personally, as I see it, Eldia represents Japan, and Marley represents China.
Now, I know "hurr Eldians are white" but it doesn't really matter. There are a lot of allegories proving my theory.
>An island nation
>Isolated for years
>Outdated tech
>Once ruled over the continent
>Committed many atrocities
>Ancient empire
>Once humiliated by Eldia
>Now rules the continent again
Also, see my earlier post Of course, these aren't the only analogies. There are many Germanic themes in case of both Eldia and Marley, and as you mentioned yourself, the analogy to Jews/ghettos (Eldia) and Nazi Germany (Marley) is pretty evident as well. Then again, there is also the obvious Japan analogy in case of Hizuru, and their cooperation with Eldians can be analogy to cooperation between Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.
My point is: there are many themes and analogies to the real world. I think however that the main motive Isayama seems to be exploiting in the post-timeskip story is a vicious cycle of history, genocide and national guilt for atrocities committed by one's ancestors.
You are very smart. I worship you. I did not notice.
he did nothing wrong
>"""defensive genocide"""
You just have to keep moving forward
wtf this shit's still going on? I dropped it like 4 years ago
GOD I can't wait for the CHADRUMBLING
good thread
Thanks Japan
What do you think about western motives in Japanese animation in general?
The La-ura of Wet Bla-nkets en-ters the thread.
Inst-ead of part-icipating in th-read discuss-ion, this Lau-ra just w-ants to p-oint out that you'-re current-ly at the edge of the boar-d and a-bout to die. =^-_^=
Pls kys.
Yet another proof of /a/'s absolutely shit taste
I was also going to post it on /v/ but I changed my mind. Regardless this experiment has already revealed to me which are the Chad boards and which are the soy boards.
Chill, reverse poland