why are brits so fucking disgusting?
Why are brits so fucking disgusting?
Do Brits really put chimp on the barbie?
we more than make up for it with our incredible wit and charm
alri volgy
Don't make me post the furry map Klaus
Millenias of inbreding
rent free
This is a 10 in the UK
They live on islands and living on islands make people autistic (Japan included)
i guess you're right.
I unironically love Britain and british people, my greatest rivals ever.
Indian genes
Does this mean if I go there I'll be a 8/10 instead of a 5/10?
>greatest rivals ever
they're the most pathetic rival you can get
More likely you'll just get glassed.
of course not
it only applies for girls
No wonder we fought them for more than a millenium
All hoolingans are cocky bastards anyways, I mean this even more represents what I was about.
Some British men look passable, so maybe not. It's their women that got all the worst inbred genes. Probably since the vikings stole all the good looking ones.
the point is that sensationalist british media made a hysteria about how russians will genocide british tourists, and most britshits fell for it. they're the only people in the world who were literally too afraid to attend the world cup
Island devils. Literally salted and destroyed Mariout Lake and bombed Alexandria in the 1800s to the stone age.
wait those quotes arent even real wasted my time
I can't imagine anything more autistic than some Kraut obsessed with some Island. Are you projecting your insecurities on us or something?
>Top 10 dirtiest cities
>3. Oslo
What's going on there?
>make 1 thread about britain
is this how you cope with you subhumanness? you know i am right. call me obsessed, i don't give a shit, that doesn't change the fact that you're a nation of inbred cockroaches
America is so based. All those memes about america being fat and shitty were made up by the English to makes them look better
You've literally been posting anti-Anglo crap for 4 years. Haven't you got anything better to do with your petty life?
Jesus, someone should dox you and post you on lolcow for something so dumb.
>4 years
lol what are you talking about, i didn't even know this site existed until 1.5 years ago. and this is my first post in like 4 months, you're the same person that got butthurt the last time i posted here. get a fucking life you absolute loser. also grow a thicker skin man, i though britroaches were the masters of banter
>claim to be bant masters
>get incredibly assblasted about Germany constantly
You can't hide behind some persona. I know you're the same guy.
>posts the same thread with a different title
>posts the same memes
Get a life for real.
Seething and obsessed
Cringe: the country
the fact that i post here once every couple months and you reply to me with the same insults immediately shows that you're on this website 24/7, you never even leave Jow Forums for a second of your life, how fucking pathetic can a human being get?
I think you're mistaking me for some other guy, I haven't been on Jow Forums for 2 years.
>Furious because America destroyed Britain
Wrong flag, Donald
you literally admitted that you've been here for at least 4 years, probably much more
>You post once ever couple of months
Its CONSTANT, it's all the same cringy collages and screen caps of very reputable news sources. Its either just you or the entire German nation coordinated in one effort, either way its pathetic, you need to have a long hard look in the mirror
cope on sport
Well, I saw your shitposts back in 2015 which is when I started browsing here and then I took a 2-year break in 2017. Is that too much for your mud brain to handle?
look at the archive faggot, the last time i posted was in may, 4 months ago. are you worthless NEET so invested in shitposting on this degenerate website that you lost all track of time? so that months appear like days for you? that's pretty sad if you ask me
Either way, you're still obsessed. You just defeated your own argument. You should go to your doctor and get diagnosed for autism bro.
look at the archive faggot, the first time i posted that pic was in july 2018, just over a year ago. are you worthless NEET so invested in shitposting on this degenerate website that you lost all track of time?
Stop embarrassing yourself in front of based German bro. just stop.
>post once half a year
>the same ass-blasted britroach immediately responds
>he's so lost in time he thinks the months that have passed were just a few days
Whoa what you only posted the same image twice in 4 months how mad
Definition of cringe
>cherrypicks a post from 4 months ago
Guess I'm striking a nerve? Losing your composure? Why don't you do a Hitler and shoot yourself to take the pain away?
taking a shitpost so seriously is as cringy as you can get
this damage control is getting too cringey for me. imma leave now but you can keep talking about me for the next 4 months. cya loser
Brits are so obsessed with Germany they're sucide bombing their own economy
Say hello to Jamal for me, loser.
Rent free
Tell reddit I said hi
I'm really butthurt that a german autist is wasting his life away creating threads on Jow Forums dedicated to hating on another country for seemingly no reason
>why are brits so fucking disgusting?
To be fair, it's entirely their lower class. But for some reason their lower class is the absolute worst in Europe.
The replies in this thread are 10x worse than the image
Genuinely feel bad for the English desu. I thought they were supposed to be the kings of banter but they just look like faggots now.
Give your head a wobble
Banter's one thing, but obsessive hatred is another.
damn. you guys just CANT stop. You HAVE to have the last word. based Germanbro already left and your still here crying like bitches. This is so embarrassing.
fuck ALL other countries we /brexit/ now
Imagining the state of this yank specimen, betting hes got an epic iron cross flag behind the screen of his gaming PC
what foreigners don't realise about the UK is that England is essentially two different countries.
the North is practically third world tier, post industrial Russia.
they deep fry everything, they are fat, they are alcoholics, the gene pool is grim, they smoke more, die younger, have higher risk of heart disease, higher drug use, especially heroin, they fucking love heroin.
they are simple people, most of them are from long lines of manual labourers, now that there's less manual labour, they just drink, take drugs, fight each other.
you can literally watch the landscapes change and hear people speak with progressively thicker accents the further north you go.
the landscapes change from rolling hills and historical buildings to barren wastelands and scrap yards. quaint towns and villages to sprawling grey council estates.
everything bad you hear about the UK is most likely true in the north of England.
(this extends all the way to Scotland where it gets briefly better before getting much worse above Edinburgh
fuck off you southern fairy you wouldn't dare come to wakefield and say this bollocks to my face
>everything bad you hear about the UK is most likely true in the north of England.
Oh noes
Hello London paki!
Can't say I've seen this for sale, but would give it a try desu.
>they deep fry everything, they are fat, they are alcoholics, the gene pool is grim, they smoke more, die younger, have higher risk of heart disease, higher drug use, especially heroin, they fucking love heroin.
think you're thinking about scotland and the far north here
I live in Devon
No one is convinced, London paki.
I hate London though
>import millions of Indians and Pakis
>get upset when they bring their food
Being a Br*t is a mental illness. Pic very related
you plymouth lad?
torbay reporting in
Thanks for nothing papa Britain
We've given up.
>The dirtiest 10 cities
fucking meme list
>Warsaw, Sofia, Bangkok
op I swear if this is not a shitpost you should jump off a window