>Brown women are beautiful
Brown women are beautiful
Why so self hating, mexibro?
That doesn't count, pajeets aren't human.
>self haters shouldn’t be hanged
>Indian girls can't be ho-
Lads, how do I get an Indian gf?
Mia Khalifa?
She's ugly, nice body though
just buy one haha
god shes so fucking based
These posts are much more representative of the average poojeeta. And it doesn't matter how they look anyways, the girl's usually married off to some 40 year old taxi driver by her 5th birthday.
I'm not denying that
wew lad, gotta go to India, then
The average Indian girl looks like this
>big jew nose creature 8/10
>cute armpit poojeet 7/10
You sir are absolutely fucked in the head.
>hairy pits
>pleb taste: the thread
>be India
>have your average Indian woman look like a 50 year old Spaniard
Jesus Christ, no wonder they spend all their time stalking white women on Facebook.
That is a literal male tranny you retards
I find indian women to be generally prettier than white women anyway
they look like men
No it's not, gay faggot.
This culture of fetishizing Women of Colour is demeaning and really shows how big of incels you people are. Literally have sex, virgin freak.
I wanna pound your cute egyptian ass!
I'm just shitposting faggot, calm down. You do have a point though, some Indian girls, like , can be pretty easy on the eyes.
brown women always look slutty, is it the long face? do horsefaced women have higher sex drives
>pretty easy on the eyes.
Lmao what century are you living in faggot
Literal incel tier dialogue go read my twisted world hahahahahahaha
Learn to reply, fag
Have sex with a real. Human. Female, freak.
How do I do that?
be yourself lad
It's just a phrase, you gas huffing nigger.
but that's why I don't have sex
I have never dated a brown woman, only fair skinned Chileans
Is it pretty much caste based?
why is second girl bullied
i think she is sort of cute
Have sex with me :)
I'm a girl (male)
caste system in India doesn't work like the way it works in Brazil. Castes in India were designations of labour, not skin colour. Caste system in India should be called Feudal System because that's what it was.
Much like Europe, skin colour of Indians varies by region, in the Himalayas you find people so light skinned you wouldn't call them Indian if you saw one, in the south people are as black as coal.
what are you?
black as coal.
hello nigger
Tbh I don’t get what’s so wrong about her. She doesn’t look especially ugly, she’s just doing doing a pouty face and is wearing no makeup. The worst thing I see is the dark circles that most pajeets have, but I wouldn’t look twice at her if I walked past her on the street and think “What a hideous individual.”
Yeah, I don’t get it either.
she looks like a 13 year old boy in a wig you freaks
Dilate, tranny
*chops your head off*
Still not ugly, and she’s more discernible as a girl when you enlarge the image. She looks creepier far away.
o-okay user...
I don't know why they dislike my gf either
By being a boring white guy who dresses somewhat preppy. Showing any signs of an interesting personality scares off hot pajeetas.
Mom bod
they are
I wonder how all the incels judging these women look. I have an idea
It's a projection
You're more attracted to brown hair and brown eyes.
You have to wash off all of the makeup but in general if you were to take a white woman and make her brown she would be more beautiful in alot of cases..hair is arguably nicer on the whiteside.
cope and seethe tranny
why yes I am from the toronto area how could you tell ?
>south people are as black as coal.
i dont know what to say about that. are you ok with being that and around your own people? since youre not around white people a lot and western expectations maybe its better for you.