British people think it's okay to do that if they land in water
Why can't anglos just stay in their own country?
I misread that as "falling from fifth balcony" like it'd happened to him 4 previous times.
Why is it always a British tourist?
god, I love Spain so much
I'm Scottish and let me tell you these all are English men
Bullshit you're just as much of a subhuman
we need to ban assault balconies to end this senseless madness
I heard you can get 100 euro flights to Spain. So even the dumbest poor of the UK can get to Spain, and of course they just get wasted once they are there
why do you hate your countrymen?
>why do you hate your countrymen?
They're not my countrymen
At this point this is like a meme in Spain, because how many times happened. They call it balconing.
Eternal Anglo
>damn lad, spain is too spicy, *dies
the real question is was it the fifth floor or the sixth floor?
Is Spain just British Florida?
How can you gentrify a place that has no blacks?
spaniards are blacks
You saw his flag right? Say what you will about them chinks/Indians don't seem to fall off of balconies all the time.
why ?
havent they heared of gravity yet ?
>*nglos be like this life too spicy better cool it off with a dive in concrete
Not funny.