Why aren't you learning swedish
Why aren't you learning swedish
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I'm not interested in gay sex
I'm not interested in gay sex
If the didn't lose Northern War they'd have at least Estonians learning Swedish now but literally only Finns speak it
I'm not interested in gay sex
I'm not interested in gay sex
I'm not interested in gay sex
I don wanna
>hes so insecure he wont even have gay sex
The Swedish language will be as useless as Irish in a few years, ethnic Swedes and immigrants to Sweden will just speak English. I've heard of a similar problem in Germany, complaints that immigrants just speak English and don't bother to learn German
I have penis
>learning a language of an irrelevant country
wut? in what way would learning swedish be a benefit? Their singers suck ass, so no need to learn it for that. Pewdiepie speaks English. Nobody speaks their language in the world. All their media is in English anyway. WHY speak Swedish over the master race language?
يمارس الجنس مع السويد
why do you disparage yourself irish bro? I love gay lick
Why wasn’t it enough with the thread on kc?
Somalian isn't really that useful outside of a few places in the world. Also, I'm not interested in gay sex.
Ugh, islam should hurry up and erase you
Why put in the effort to learn an irrelevant language when I could put that effort into learning a relevant one like Mandarin?
Weird spelling. As a native spanish speaker I'd rather stick to euphonic languages like italian and (to a certain extent) finnish.
Plus, I'm not interested in gay sex.
Because most Swedes speak English well enough that I don't have to learn their unimportant "language."
vill inte ha bögsamlag
Most Ikea products are easy enough to put together once you get the hang of it, you don't really need Swedish.
I like the language too, the ancient literature is cool but it has almost no practical use outside of a few small towns on the west coast who still speak it on a daily basis. If you're in a city you have to seek out other enthusiasts or you'll never hear it spoken
Hey! Some Estonians still speak it.
haha juu jag talar lite svenska :) Jag talar pekka och jag bor i finland. jag är 26 år gammal. Rumpapumpa och ärtsoppa i här. Vi ses!
no need to i understand them perfectly, fuck them if they dont understand me
heter* fy fan xD
It's neat that finns also like pea soup
Can't wait till Binland :DD annexes Sw*den and reemerges as the great Suomi Empire (without sandniggers).
I'm.not gay nor desire to cuck for others
det finns inget bättre :)
Lol not likely, they are even planning on imposing stricter rules for language tests. You can't be a part of our society without knowing the language. News, signs, all conversations in the workplace and school, everything is in Swedish.
why not?
>Lol not likely, they are even planning on imposing stricter rules for language tests. You can't be a part of our society without knowing the language. News, signs, all conversations in the workplace and school, everything is in Swedish.
Even the gay clubs?
Varför skulle någon vilja lära sig ett språk som är så pass oviktigt?
I think we've probably heard enough, already.
jag tycker om homosex
yes we speak English but most people aren't interested in speaking it on a day to day basis
homopeter :D
lol. do foreigners really think we speak english to eachother?
english isblike latin was in 800-1200
>Latin before 1100 AD
>in Scandinavia
bröh take a history lesson '
I'd imagine a majority speak English daily in cities like Stockholm/Malmo. I've not visited, but hope to one day. I have no clue how I'd be viewed by the locals as a South Asian-American. They'd prob think I was straight from India although much lighter/cleaner until they hear my Uncle Sam voice.
>I'd imagine a majority speak English daily in cities like Stockholm/Malmo
I've lived in Stockholm all my life and never spoken English in my daily life except for during English lessons in school and when shitting up Dota and Minecraft games with harassment
Everyone knows english. Even the older generation.
>I'd imagine a majority speak English daily in cities like Stockholm/Malmo
what? why?
Literally every swede of note speaks English. Hence why they are disproportinately represented on English speaking/American websites. And the famous ones leave, and speak English in other cunts. Swedish is a dead language
I'd imagine hearing more english simply because of the presence of more international companies in those cities. Then again, I haven't visited and have no family who visited scandi countries.
I rather learn Spanish
Nice bait leafoid
You sometimes hear English if you pass an IT company in the inner city absolutely. We have many Americans, Brits and Indians working in such companies now. They'll never become part of Swedish society unless they learn Swedish fluently though, it's just not possible. Despite that I still don't mind speaking English to them, not that I actually talk to them but anyway.
Useless language, and soon don't exist.
>absolute cope
One of the most Americanized European cunts there is, which is strange given that Americans had very little to do with your cunt
We're not even. This is the problem with learning everything you know about a country on Jow Forums. Fun fact there has never been more Swedish speakers alive than now.
And it's only spoken along the coast.
You're Finnish. You're naturally gay.
Jag heter Peter och jag impar erikeper :D
Terve. Mitä kuuluu? Jag heter Snopp-Olle och jag älskar att äta blåbär.
Pretty much, every Swede i've met acts like an American normie lol. They even wear attire of American sports teams. It's fucking weird.
I am learning Scandinavian.
On the contrary, most things on the internet or things that swedes perpetuate and want people to believe about swedes are memes or completely untrue.
>don't think you're special
Swedes generally do think this
>don't overly brag or flaunt
All swedes overly brag about EVERYTHING, humility is not a concept known to swedes
>do not talk loud or shout, swedes don't like it
You guys LIE, never trust swedes
Thanks for giving me the details about my own countrymen and the place I've lived in all my life bro. Appreciate it. Now let me tell you about the Texans and why they hate guns so much.
>swedes always brag
kek true *pewdiepie sees a wrench*
>did you know the wrench is swedish
>did you know ikea is swedish
>did you know sweden is swedish
its litterally useless since i will never go to sweden
>seething foreigners cant cope with how amazing we are so they make up shit
>They even wear attire of American sports teams.
Same here. Teens and working class young adults think it's cool.
>dkn de alla lär sig om sverige från jagjag och PangDöPaj videor
>dkn de blir utsatta för vår ärorikhet genom det faktum att vi härskar över sociala medier (PangDöPaj)
>dkn de handlar antagligen på vår skitdåliga möbelkedja
>dkn de måste underkasta sig vår vilja genom att använda svenska uppfinningar varje dag
Det känns bra att tillhöra härskarfolket Svitjód, ty vi måste låta de underlägsna folkslagen sola sig i vår ära
Detta favä
Heh, seems like you know your Swedes. Do you live in Minnesota or Michigan?
Finn territory, I don't think Swedes settled there? Swedes were mostly in Minnesota and Delaware while Finns took to Michigan a lot
According to Wikipedia: "Large numbers of French Canadian, Finnish, Swedish, Cornish, and Italian immigrants came to the Upper Peninsula"
Thu á ath fara heim.