Take the test edition
Take the test edition
Based china spending billions in Greece so we can get Aliexpress for $0
Bb Germanoids, the Gooks are here
This nigga is like 100kg lmao
This is a no-bulli sub-reddit.
We should help him instead...
he looks like a fucking blob
no because he annoys me
Also, DO take the test...
Let's see your score, /balk/...
He would be 100kg if he was 2m tall, now he's like 70kg the manlet
Is pic related good or is there something better?
did score 104 on the TOEFL IBT bout a decade ago, and reading some old comments does show noticeable improvement
Only poopzed and euflag (boomers) would score anything south of C2.
Honest answers no cheating
Is there a c3 possibility?
>is there something better
No lel
This is prolly the first level test I've taken so far.
How is TOEFL?
Oh noes
How can you even score something lower than C2? Like seriously what the fuck.
What do I win?
>not speaking perfect English
lurk moar faget
It seems the questions are not the same.
>pay for CAE and TOEFL training
>they don't teach you any actual skill
>all they teach you is the exam format and some words/phrases that the examiners wanna hear
Foreign universities have such low language requirements, I think I last saw something ridiculous like a 90 pts. TOEFL iBT minimum requirement, which is literally show bob and vegana-tier.
TOEFL iBT has 4 components - reading, listening, speaking, writing (at least that was the case a decade ago). I think the whole thing took 3-4 hours. It's kinda annoying when you have to do the listening/speaking thing because everyone around you is doing the same and it's hard to concentrate.
The writing part is just sandbox storytelling of your choice. The reading bit is basically just a comprehension test. The speaking segment goes together with the listening segment. You listen to a bunch of situations and then have to explain in your own words what you understood.
It's ez pz but a pain in the ass.
To be fair, we're not good representatives of the average of our nations.
>the whole thing took 3-4 hours
I'll have to take it or some other credible level test.
>Foreign universities have such low language requirements
Over here you can get scholarships in foreign language programmes based on piss easy high school olympiads
>t. did that
I hate tests that don't tell you what you did wrong. In some questions, all the possibilities seemed equally weird
When I did my FCE I had to be paired up with another dude and face actual b0ng interviewers.
I don't remember much about the FCE test but it must have been a lot shorter and easier.
Oddly enough, it's classified as B2, which is what foreign universities require. Yet I had to take TOEFL cos it's a more "recent guarantee" of your language skills, cos it's only valid for 2 years. So you take the exam in grade 11 or 12 and have a year to apply to foreign universities.
>all the posters scored C2
>I scored C1
I feel like a cuck now...
Aye. And yet I saw somewhere on the page that the correct answers would be shown.
I mean we'd naturally have better than average typing, english, computer skills sure... and most things actually... Are we?
Turks in general are shit tier in foreign languages, so don't feel too bad.
>cos it's only valid for 2 years.
I also didn't know about this. Hmm...
I wonder if this is the case when it comes to employment because the reason why I'll need to take such a test is that I'll need to proove that I've got a sufficient knowledge of the language.
apparently none of that shit matters
if boomers like poopzed's employers think his english is good enough, that should tell you a lot about how forgiving normaloids are
It's ok I am kinda shit with prepositions mainly. I got C1 on my first attempt and C2 on the second.
>to proove that I've got a sufficient knowledge of the language
to my would-be employers, that is.
Same lel
kek I've applied for sales and call center jobs where the team leaders' english was high school-tier "so how do you making a descriptioning of yourselfs"
cringiest shit ever is when provincial private foreign language class teachers become pompous with their ridiculous chinese store discount british accents
>how do you making a descriptioning of yourselfs
That's more like pajeet tier
tleast i didnt have to post manbob and penene
Why are people here so high-skill but struggle to fit in?
>Only poopzed and euflag (boomers) would score anything south of C2.
I think EUfag only fucks up his english grammar on purpose to sound "cool" and get laid with foreign girls
normlords don't care about embarrassing themselves with their shitty accents and skills, they aren't JUDGEMENT-sensitive
My High school English teacher who was supposed to teach us "advanced" English, since our class was specialised in that, was horrendous. She barely made any effort to teach us something and not only that but her skills in the language itself were worse than mine and a couple of other guys. This teacher kinda redpilled me about the "stressful and hard" job of being a high-school teacher. She even admitted her salary was around 1k leva - she was paid 1k to sit on her ass all day.
You are better off if you have a slavic bylat accent in the west. Girls think you're interesting unlike normal americans or brits who have to have personality
dis onli vork if you olredi atrektiv
>tfw can perfectly imitate english accents and mannerisms
>lose the extra points with the girls as a result
>>lose the extra points with the girls as a result
It's the opposite for me desu.
The accent is a big bonus.
I made one mistake where I thought there was a coma, meh.
what's the point of getting c1 or c2 even
past a certain vocab volume you're basically talking to a wall in under 3 minutes when you're talking to normies
To read literary works.
The point is you're not supposed to talk to normies. Once you reach a certain level you're bound to feel more "at home" in highbrow circlejerks.
based hipsteroid
bahti bavnqrite
To get past the other applicants when applying for a position.
Unless you're applying to become a translator or language teacher, that shit won't matter past B2.
You might even be given the boot cos you're overqualified and might feel entitled to promotions or your higher-ups might be scared that you'll take their job lel. Happens in 3rd world countries.
>To get past the other applicants when applying for a position.
Do you even know how people hire? It's either friends or people already in the company and it's very hard to get into the company if you're overqualified as the bulgar stated.
>macedonia is bulgarian
appliCANTs lmaooo
>bulgaria is macedonia
ako get sa6ko e tatar
af af af af af
singles prove i'm not a cuck lamooo
Singles prove I'm not Macedonian.
dubs 4 trayvon
I worked as a language teacher (or a teaching assistant as I haven't got a degree) earlier this year and I'm deeply involved with linguistix. So yes, I'd need a high score.
>It's either friends or people already in the company
In both of my working experiences, I was hired as an acquaintance now that I think about it...
>Happens in 3rd world countries
If that happens, I'll migrate to the closest 1st world country (Bulgareli).
dubs are only for me
Lamooooo cuck t b h poetry guzel gule gule, Effendi now away
Also singles proove I'm straight.
a sad day for /balk/
It's not just 3rd world countries. It's the same bullshit in every country unless you're willing to work for lower pay like an immigrant for example.
That was a close one.
Still in the form I guess.
dans dans dans dans
You're wrong retard. Even Bulgarans will fight for a qualified person. Here not because there is no money or business.
>Isaac Cheat Sheet
>Isaac in the taskbar
>song starts in the background
nedei vika tva che e sega shte doide pe6o s fla6kata
im just reading what some items do
4ekam go
That's what is written on the tab
kaji zele
>pe6o, trebe ni da si izmislim otnekade o6te edin terorqga, da moe da ne ni sa smeqt kat napraime kontrateroristi4nia centar. puskai prizofkata.
Nikakvi (You)a za tatarskite gnidi
maa kat go 4uam twa mi prizleva
vtori suden bgposter?
Why dont you have a kadana gf yet /balk/?!?
What are makke posts always so full of agression?
Caшкo бeшe y пpaвo. Tpeбa дa ce мeшaмe co Aлбaнцитe, тc ceкoј Maкeдoнeц тpeбa дa дoбиe плoднa pacнa Шкиптapкa.
Because they have small male genitalia.
osh ne za shtastie
smallson complex
Samo za incelchugite.
Штo aкo нaидeш нa ticc кocoвapкa co гoлeми цицки и гaз?
Kje otstapam na incelchuga da zeme toa poshto ja vekje imam ticc makedonka.
tuka sme vse huligani....idvaite v lyulin 5 pred 9-to RPU da psuvame kukite.
>pred 9-to RPU da psuvame kukite
za sega pas
Heлoвкo ce cъбyждaм cyтpин c пpaшки в ycтaтa He знaм квo cтaвa aмa пpиятнo ми e-Maнaтa