So which regions of France are liked by Jow Forums (French) anons? I usually see Île-de-France and Bretagne(?) being hated here.
So which regions of France are liked by Jow Forums (French) anons? I usually see Île-de-France and Bretagne(...
They are all blacked and muslimed
Best is Normandie. Second best is Alsace.
>They are all blacked and muslimed
How is Corse viewed by others?
It's called Corsica even in English you stupid Finn
Culture ok kill
Can't stand this new map CHANGE IT BACK
Big whiners
What do they whine about?
all the based regions are in the south, except for PACA which is an absolutely corrupt and ugly shithole with shitty people
IdF is definitely the worst though, Paris is the shittiest city to live in or nearby, even worse than Marseille
About how 'continentals' are ruining their island.
Of course they allow themselves to come on the continent and drive like retards.
Also they think they are superior.
Nothing is worse than Marseille.
>Île-de-France being hated here.
>and Bretagne(?) being hated here.
I like Normandie, Bretagne, Pays de la Loire, Nouvelle Aquitaine, Occitanie and Auvergne-Rhône Alpes
I hate Grand Est, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane and Mayotte.
What about Reunion? Do these meme regions even matter to the mainlanders?
It's beautiful.
They worth more than your meme country.
How about the French Guiana?
People seem to forget that although it's in South America, it's still very much a part of France (using Euros, French License Plates, Commercial Distribution, Welfare Benefits, one of the Highest Minimum Wages in the world), and one of the few still unrelinquished colonies of the old world.
So much so, you don't even need a passport to go there if you're from the EU (just an ID), from what I hear.
dont forget Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon
absolutly disgusting
>How about the French Guiana?
litteraly the worst part of France alongside mayotte and marseille
Saint Pierre et Miquelon n'est pas la France à proprement parler c'est un territoire d'Outre Mer comme la Polynésie pour ne pas dire une colonie, ça fait mieux pour des jacobins, comme dire une petite personne pour ne pas dire un nain.
marseille est pire lel
d'ailleurs quand est ce qu'on récupère le reste?
its not a colony. its way better than the average south american country. still there are a lot of issues with violence, immigration and shit.
nowadays people tend to flock the south of france hoping that it would be better than whatever place they came from
protip: its not
It's not a colony cretin. They have the same rights and everything than someone from Lille.
I add that if it is a colony for you because they are detached from the mainland, then Alsaka and Hawaii are colonies too.
>except for PACA which is an absolutely corrupt and ugly shithole with shitty people
I had expected the inland mountainous areas to be different
its not inland. most of the people live here: in the aix marseille urban cluster which is quite a shithole comparable to the main cities in california