1) Your country
2) do you support the death penalty for pedophilic sex offenders?
1) Your country
I support the death penalty for normies
but i think i'd be better to have gulag style camps open
have them slave away till they die
the day of rope the only problem will be get enough rope
I support the genocide of all pedophiles. either this, or labour camps
its not my call
what if pedosexuals decide to murder us for being deffirent ?
would you accept that
Fucking yes. I fully public burnings at town squares.
Yes, being sexually atracted to girls under the age of 10 is disgusting.
Pedophilia is at best a mental illness and at worst a deliberated fetish, not a sexuality, and it's not a matter of being different it's a matter of taking advantage of the most vulnerable unsuspecting members of society and inflicting not only physical damage but also permanent mental damage as well. Also you're a fucking idiot.
Here, have a vegan hamburger.
I support death penalty for all crimes.
Yes, death by burning at the stake
I'm up for legalizing everything as long as both parties give their consent. The well-being of other's children is not of my concern.
found the sjw
pedosexuals are humans too
K m8 hope you have a kid one day and it gets raped
Hoping ill upon someone's kin isn't mature nor makes you look right. You absolute mong.
no i dont want to die
i hope you become pedosexual for a day to understand their sufferring
I said pedophilic SEX OFFENDERS not necessarily pedophiles. Did they not teach you reading comprehension in school?
I don't support executing anybody. They should get imprisoned though.
you also said i hope your son gets raped , a person like you does not have a moral high ground and cant judge others
I think that people who have the genetic propensity toward serious criminality like violence and antisocial behavior should have the choice between some kind of a manual labor camp and the death penalty. In the case that they're kept alive, they should definitely be kept away from the rest of the population but not in a punitive capacity.
I think we're probably 10 years off from showing that people like this are dangerous because of genetic mutations and not because they're just "evil" or possessed by demons or whatever was the prevalent thought to this point.
No. There might be some criminals that deserve the death penalty but it's usually not a good choice and pedos aren't even the worst criminals. Maybe the worst cases of child rape should get you killed but definitely not just being a pedo.
Nah. I work in law enforcement and most of the ones that I've met know they're fucked in the head and hate themselves for it. Mostly they're just sick people that need to be kept away from children and should get psychiatric help.
That's sad
I support electric chair for gays
>I support death penalty for all crimes.
Even speeding tickets?
About pedophiles? Most of them when confronted with what they've done will break down crying.
We executed a warrant on a pedo once and the sergeant that was supposed to be watching him took his eyes off him for a second to allow him to take a piss. The guy drank 1/3 a bottle of floral scented Clorox spray. He was fine.