The next recession is gonna be really bad bros
How will your cunt cope?
The next recession is gonna be really bad bros
we are already in hell , im almost enjoying the ride
Well, if we don't cope we will drag the world with us literally
I have savings in gold and renmimbis.
I'll be fine
You really think those wont be dragged down as well
>How will your cunt cope?
by not changing anything about the system in which a recession every ~10 years is completely normal
can someone explain why a recession is inevitable?
what's gonna happen to mediterranians who have never even overcome the last recession?
Tbh i dont even know why it's inevitable
I think it has something to do with speculation about the future market
We're good
Business cycles user. Recessions are inevitable after every 10-11 years or so. Sustained economic growth can only occur for so long before it slows and ultimately contracts. That's the beauty of our wonderful capitalist system prole, don't dare question it!
Once they find that there is no gold in Fort Knox gold will skyrocket though
hopefully i will be done with grad school and get my well paying job before hand so i can buy up cheap shit during the recession, i doubt it though
What field
Invest in guns.
the underlying system is the cause, but the trigger (the straw that breaks the camel's back) is different each time.
A mixture of both. It's fixed in the regard that business cycles expand and contract in a generally predictable pattern but each time has a different catalyst that initially triggers the event. The early 2000s one came from the dot-com bubble and the big one in 2008 came from the housing market, etc.
>Really bad recession right as you graduate
Heheheheh everything will be fine im sure..
Why you don't get the job before finishing the grad?
I'll cope by gathering as much euros as possible, then I'll invest in tech industry after everything hits the bottom.
I think there will be bad stuff going down here. As for me I live in the north and am not dependent on economy so it doesn't matter.
What's it gonna be this time around
Do you live innawoods or some shit
Not sure, some people are pointing to the housing market again and others have mentioned the student debt bubble being a possible cause.
Np fren. Read Marx and Lenin for a better analysis. Watch some Richard Wolfe videos on YouTube for a more modern Marxist interpretation.
hell yeah dude
Recessions are inevitable because of the tendency of the "rate of profit" to fall. A capitalist economic system isn't a stable closed loop, it finds and exploits a market or resource, and over time projects are completed, demand is satisfied, and competition drives down profit per unit. At that point the economy needs to grow to remain healthy, which is why economists and politicians are so concerned with growth. It's a necessary part of the cycle.
But how to grow isn't always a simple question. By now the capitalist system covers most of the globe, and every obvious resource and market is already commodified to the point of absurd things like product placement in the tweets of popular people, gourmet bottled water, fidget spinners, etc.
When a capitalist economic system isn't able to grow it begins to break down, as the falling profit in existing markets can't be offset. This is why recessions are inevitable.
Most likely america will try to cope by forcing open a country where our access to their markets is limited, and by forcing the poor to make do with less.
lasers and optics
i got an internship so maybe that will help. also i will have a masters degree if i just want to drop out of phd and get a job, but it would be more of an engineering job rather than a research/scientist position with a phd
all of the norf here is woods, friend
Based and Marxpilled.
no :) that would obviously make me dependent on economy
being employed would also make you dependent on the economy
completely depends on your line of employment
Then how are you independent of the economy
>he thinks he can be independent of the capitalist economy
no it doesn't you braindead moron
>have family farm
>hunting license
>savings to last a long time
>live geographically isolated
we could sit out here for a lifetime or 2 without any assistance from the outside
feel free to explain how it would have an effect on my life, I'm not insisting you're wrong I just don't think it would. we have everything we need and plenty of it.
>cites savings
>somehow independent of a recession
>The next recession is gonna be really bad bros
Explain why you believe it'll "be really bad".
sure but how will it effect me? no trips outside sweden? fine I don't travel except across the border to Norway and Finland sometimes. no more fancy products? I don't use them in the first place.
>family farm
Where do you get the seeds to plant and the fertilizer to grow them? Where do you get the tools and machinery to plant and harvest the crops? Where do you get the raw resources to run these machines? Where do you get the component to maintain and repair them? Do you manufacture all of these things yourself?
>hunting license
Where do you get the weapons and ammunition to hunt? Where do you get the tools to dress your game? Where do you get the refrigerator and electricity to refrigerate and preserve your spoils?
>savings to last a long time
Why is this savings worth anything? Merely because you can exchange it on the capitalist market for goods that you cannot produce yourself.
>live geographically isolated
How does this reduce your dependence on the capitalist system for all of the aforementioned things? Where do you get your electricity, water and heating from in your isolated location? You still rely on the capitalist system for these things.
In an extremely disastrous recession, whatever currency yoir savings are in could be worth 50% less overnight. Sure you own your own farm, and likely live off your land. But are you really self sufficient? Electricity? Your internet? Petrol? Etc
This was meant for this
The tradewar fren
my dad’s company went bankrupt in 2009 and put him into debt that he just finished paying off last year. he had to work multiple jobs, sell our house and miss out on things like vacations and eating out. but it has given me a healthy relationship with money. i see my friends blow their money off stupid shit and it makes my stomach turn
a fair point, but we have enough of this to last a lifetime except for the petrol as user here mentions we will never starve. I can sleep in my sleeping bag under the stars and be content with that so I dont fear a recession that would maybe make gas more expensive or maybe make my savings worth less. I dont care about these things.
>The tradewar fren
lmao u lil pussies afraid of recessions, how cute
how do you know it's gonna be really bad?
by having a huge crisis right now.
>we have enough electricity to last a lifetime
Do you have solar panels that don't ever need repair or replacement or a home nuclear reactor or something?
If the recession happens while trump is in office, i believe he will double down on his tradewar
>lasers and optics
Sounds like something China could be interested in. Imagine, a gweilo like you could make weapons for the People's army.
why would a recession mean we no longer have electricity?
>If the recession happens while trump is in office, i believe he will double down on his tradewar
OP (maybe that's you?) stated that "The next recession is gonna be really bad bros".
What reason do you have to believe it'll "be really bad"?
because recessions are always really bad you idiot
>Blumpf starts autistic trade war with China
>largest market for US agricultural goods eliminated
>only country capable of producing things like electronics and heavy industrial equipment for Western corporations is no longer available
>one of the world's largest and fastest-growing consumer goods markets is now off-limits
Western corporations are incredibly dependent on China. China is dependent on the US to a large extent too, but they were already in the process of reducing this dependence when the trade war began. The trade war is only expediting this process. China is doing fine since it isn't a retarded neoliberal consumer capitalist state like the US is.
It's more of, "The recession is so bad i can barely afford my electric bill"
I'm not talking about the recession, I was addressing your ridiculous claim of being completely independent of the capitalist economy.
i don't think that will happen. we pay 400 crowns a month for this.
No need to he rude fren
i guess not completely, but more than most people. you are right, but I just think a recession would not have an effect on me or mine.
You built your own computer too?
Except for the richs. It is their black friday.
>because recessions are always really bad you idiot
Then why point out that it's going to be really bad?
And what if the bill is 700 crowns? And your savings have a negative interest right? Then the value of your currency is severely inflated?
I think it would affect you but you’d survive fairly unharmed. The vast majority of people don’t have that luxury though.
yes, I built it from parts that I bought. do I need a computer to survive? will a recession take away my computer?
user im sure you wouls survive just fine. But really the point is, to suggest that you are somehow immune to the economy is ridiculous
yes, you are right. my first statement was flawed I think.
If renewable prices increase, you know it is time to send porkies to the guillotine.
It might have less of an effect on you since you are more independent than your average resident of a consumer capitalist society, I'll give you that. But a recession will effect everyone to some degree. You can't be entirely unaffected by it unless you were to go full individualist anprim and live in the woods.
This is what I am most afraid of. Does the trade war even really hurt China? I feel like their country can weather the storm much better than ours
yes. but just so you know I could survive in that scenario too, it would just be miserable and tough. I was taught that stuff all my life and my dad forced me to spend weeks with him hunting and sleeping outside. but I dont know if you are allowed to use modern technology when you say "anprim".
>Why yes, I do not have an understanding of basic economics. Let's discuss the next recession.
this is me except I don't look like chad
How else are you supposed to understand it without talking about it?
Stupid gigachad poster
It hurts them to an extent yeah, just because they are dependent on our economy to a great degree. But their plan was to reduce this dependence even before Drumpf was even elected. That's one of the many reasons they're investing so much in the Belt and Road so they can trade more with Europe and develop new markets in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The US doesn't have a coherent, defined plan like China does, their corporations are entirely dependent on China for manufacturing goods and providing a massive market. China has already been cutting into the profits of US corporations by building their own homegrown tech industry. They're in the midst of the Made in China 2025 plan which will put China's tech industry virtually on par if not ahead of Silicon Valley since they'll have both the innovative side of things as well as the industrial base to manufacture high-tech goods as well. China is unstoppable and that's a good thing.
That's fair. You could definitely survive but not with the standard of living you enjoy now. You'd have to live as a survivalist with the bare minimum to get by.
I've been hearing people say Shenzhen is the next silicon valley, even people saying they want to move their soon so they have a step ahead
Shenzhen is the next Silicon Valley. They'll have both the innovation and the manufacturing expertise whereas Silicon Valley will only have the latter. China has been pouring money into their domestic microchip industry to be independent of Western chip manufacturers. They'll have a world-class fully-automated tech industry by the middle of the next decade. China has outmaneuvered the US entirely and people are only now starting to realize it.
*whereas Silicon Valley will only have the former
>can someone explain why a recession is inevitable?
Because a large part of what is counted as "growth" and "GDP" is actually just the speculation on future developments and profits. So people are getting "wealth" for things that might happen in the future, but once the future arrives, often none of that actually pans out. Now its possible to keep pushing this off for some time, but inevitably the market speculation will catch up with reality (or the other way around) leading to a correction of the inflated values.
Most GDP in the world literally doesn't actually exist.
Its not really helped by many modern developed economies believing in the cyclic nature of the economy, that every boom follows a bust and decline. Leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy because people make decisions to prepare for the downturn, which in itself causes the downturn.
I made a thread on Jow Forums about trying to find a job in Shenzhen when I graduate, weeks ago. And everyone made fun of me
Nobody is really considering disrupting supply chains for now.
Seems like the plan is to make amerigoyim pay more and that's it.
This worries me desu
Why do Americans not want to cooperate and grow?
it hurts them more than us because they are mostly a manufacturing economy, although they are moving away from that
I hope it happens no earlier than the end of next year. Optimally 2021. I need to graduate and find a job and settle in in a few months.
Do it. There are already plenty of Westerners there. China is the future and Shenzhen will be the gateway to it.
That's the only thing they can do. America is so dependent on Chinese goods that all the tariffs will do is increase prices of goods for the consumer. The US made a conscious choice to deindustrialize and build a retarded service economy based on minimum-wage cashiers. China gave the Western corporations a deal; they would provide cheap, efficient manufacturing labor in exchange for Western investment and technology. The corporations took that deal since all they gave a shit about was profits. Now Blumpf is trying to spin the narrative and make it out like le ebil China is playing unfair. China made an offer and the Western bourg accepted it and are now worried that China is now eclipsing them. The Western bourg can eat shit for all I care, they have noone but themselves to blame.
It generally is because a certain sector builds impulse for material reasons, and people start investing money.
Seeing people investing massive amounts in a sector builds confidence, and more investors flock in.
More and more money pours in, until eventually it goes way beyond the real value of the sector, but people keep buying it because the stock market is based on belief and not objective reality.
That is, until the money in the sector is so blown out of proportion that something stops working. For instance, maybe investors stop coming in once the price is high enough so it stabilizes. That makes investors that invested start pulling out en masse to get their profits.
And now we enter the mirrored image of the phenomena: The prices fall and people start selling because they lose confidence. Investment stops so no businesses are made and the ones that exist either go bankrupt or enter into hard times.
That in its turn makes people more conservative with their money spending so the economy slows down even more.
I'm afraid of being wrong, and wasting years of my life in mainland China
Why would I care about that? It didn't affect me before and it won't affect me in the future.
Eh, it all depends on what you like. I'd just stay in the states and get a job if I were you. There are plenty of well-paying jobs in the tech field there. Silicon Valley isn't going anywhere any time soon, even if China catches up and rivals them.
And what will you do brit fren? Flee to China when it gets really bad?
I'm actually American studying abroad lol. I'll stay in the US. The collapse of the neoliberal order will bring about the inevitable socialist revolution in the West and I want to be part of it and truly help make the US a better place. It's my home and I love it, I just hate the psychopathic elites that run it.
my dad had a failed restaurant like 10 years ago and a loan which he had to pay back
he's just a normal middle class office worker
the loan will be paid off after new years, I asked how much more money he would get each month and he said 20k SEK
fuck loans desu
Are you in the tech field?
Not personally, I'm in the econ field.
keep dreaming retard