Saffa caught napping on the job edition
Good lad
most commonly get accused of being diego
tend to take that as a compliment of being utterly based
>this is totally a woman, to call her otherwise is offensive!
the STATE of the left
leftypol dragging his itchy arse across the carpet
any devon man in?
totnes here
Jokes on you, I only pop in here twice a month
where's 190
Went to Combe Martin as a kid
Will my sex drive ever die down?
23 and still the same horny perv rapist I was when I was 16
Yesterday i had a look at porn and when i saw her nude body it drove me insane
doing heroin
dont really know anything about norf devon
never been north of dartmoor except for rugby
lads how likely is it that trannies are being pushed as a way of getting rid of the ever increasing incel problem? (i.e. incel goes tranny then fucks another incel)
yes finlad it must be the grains
have you been heavy on the bread/pasta lately?
never been south of the lake district
silly cumbrain
I hope so haha
>$100k patreon bucks/month
got so many stories about gitmo but they’re shit since i’m not allowed to disclose names
when you start bashing any ethnic/religious or other group or immigrants for any shortcomings or misfortunes then you become far right, there are plenty of right wing policies which dont involve that
silly cumbrian
transgenderism and queerness is being pushed so that cosmetics and fashion companies can make more money
Yeah, they're not just calling you boring or anything.
any new flicks out to download?
The Lake district is easily the best national park in England. The North has that going for it at least.
Personally I believe Dartmoor to be the second best.
good post
What do you call a dog that can do magic?
did we speak on kik before
about some DUDE
near torbay
>pass paki posting ignorant short-sighted shit
Where have we seen this before?
shut the fuck up you unfunny cretin
whats gitmo
can I have a job?
the tea: bangers and mash with sprouts and carrots smothered in onion gravy
a proper brexit dinner. get in de lads.
There was a vixen with a black chick I saw the other day worth a download
theres a poster who thinks one of my gimmicks is dave's so he calls me dave whenever he sees it
the iq system doesnt work in that scenario, it is not possible for someone with an iq of 65 to survive or even thrive in an environment as harsh as africa and yet you have multiple countries where the iq is at that level
wahey security lad
Tell Tim Chalamet come get at me
>theres a poster
yes, we all know who he is.
been called both rorke and rasheed, don't know what to make of this seeing as they're enemies
where near torbay
got a very small willy
She is so grim without makeup
ulcer messing me about
teeth starting to ache from the constant clenching
doxable info. anyway, moved away long ago.
>an environment as harsh as africa
if your gimmick "london paki"
cos if so
you are dave
>an environment as harsh as africa
missus has cooked this for us:)
She cornered the market on acting like a retarded anime girl for pedo weebs.
don't know about this lad, social engineering of this magnitude would not surprise me at all considering now even young children grow up with pocket sized jew brainwashing devices, literally an unreal time for jewish scheming
near brixham
we talked about elberry cove a while back
its a filename i give all my phone pics
why can't leftypol just admit that black people aren't intelligent?
I mean it's pretty fucking obvious if you have eyes and ears and you're aware of your surroundings isn't it
Africa is abundant in food you mongo thats why they have never innovated
looks terribly northern
too many potatoes and how are they even cooked? you boiled them but didn't mash them after? weird
> The Earth is round. (Yes oblate spheroids are round.)
> The Moon landings happened and space travel is real.
> Newtonian Mechanics is an accurate and incomplete description of reality.
> Quantum Mechanics is an accurate and incomplete description of reality.
> Special and General Relativity are accurate and incomplete descriptions of reality.
> The Standard Model of particle physics is an accurate and incomplete description of reality.
> The Lambda-CDM model is an accurate and incomplete description of reality.
> Faster-than-light communication is impossible.
> Perpetuum mobiles, over-unity devices, energy-from-nothing generators, propulsionless drives and the like can not and will never work.
> Likewise, it is impossible to extract work from the zero-point energy of the vacuum.
> More generally, if you disagree with thermodynamics, you are wrong.
> Climate change is real, is happening right now, is a real threat and is mostly caused by humans.
> Approved vaccines are effective and much safer than the diseases they prevent.
> "I don't understand this" or "this doesn't make sense to me" are not legitimate criticisms of established scientific theories. The fact that the universe is not simple enough for you to understand is your failing, not the universe's.
> Anyone claiming to have an alternative theory to established science should be able to explain why established science seems to give accurate answers and be able to give a concrete prediction that can be checked by experiment, where it should outperform the current theory.
For those who will start arguing about "accurate and incomplete":
"Accurate": The theory accurately predicts the outcomes of experiments and does not differ appreciably from reality within the theory's domain of validity, which is large enough to be useful.
"Incomplete": The theory's domain of validity does not encompass the entire universe.
If you want to argue this, first read >
having a watch
>Call Africa a shithole and leftypol will call you racist
>Say Africa is totally fine leftypol will call you racist for ignoring their problems
Think leftypol just wants to call white people racist.
guantanamo bay detention camp
*Visible confusion*
can tell that this isn't a gimmick post and you're actually serious
in which case I would advise you to sack her off immediately
dont know or care what any of these things are
stick it on a plate and have it for tea you fat fuck
is that worchester sauce?
>Want to sniff African shitholes and leftypol will call you BASED
sad to see some people who havent realised the passmong is a legit retard.
I didn't read any of this and neither will anyone else ITT
england btfo
rorke mate are you ‘avin a laugh
hes a fucking cumbrain lol half his posts are about wanking
Peng nips
the key giveaway for me was the little icon telling us he's a pass user
hasn't she disappeared off the face of the earth?
props to her, she got sad thirsty incels to donate double the average annual salary in one month
looks scrumptious
fuck southern poofs
huh forgot about that one
I reckon this is tops like 550 kcl + the bread which might be like 150 kcl
if it's north of Cambridge it's Northern
He's such an argumentative cunt too. Never see him laugh and lark about. The highly-strung thin-skinned cunt.
Well, lads?
i would like to touch it
She got banned iirc
*Sniff*sniff oi..
what even is this lad
looks like she was making a cottage pie and gave up half way through
enjoyed the bit where the labour mp went campaigning to a mosque while the bnp went to a soldier's funeral
that peng slag with the violet eyes that mogs that blonde girl to shit, what her insta ?
>london paki education
I would like to see her grow up to not be an attention whore.
if his idiocy gets called out (like this very thread) he'll just ignore the posts blowing his shit out, go anonymous for a bit, then pretend like nothing happened. such a cunt.
i think i might love mayonnaise lads