>you wake up as a 18 yo white woman
what do?
You wake up as a 18 yo white woman
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Pic not related I assume
She's slavic.
Go to India and fuck men publicly
Start a Patreon.
have as many Aryan children with Chad as possible
god i would love to be 18 again
have lesbian sexn
Personally, I'd starve Warwick Davis.
Masturbate, and then continue life as an awkward virgin shitposting on Jow Forums
order an obscene amount of sex toys
Too old. I want to be a little kid.
Start selling homemade solo porn on manyvids and clips4sale, maybe start webcam whoring too.
Dress up in folk clothing and run through a field
i know a few white based and redpilled white chads who would love to marry a white woman with the mind of a male.
so yeah i'd probably do that.
Marry this one old friend of mine knowing we’d get along well because of shared intelligence and that his bright future would support me pursuing my interests (no homo).
>I wanna be a virgin pure, a 21st century whore
>what do?
Live my quiet and comfy life since I'm finally done with my dysphoria
have sex with my dog
Disgusting. A white girl should only fuck black and brown guys
Have sex with thug nigs and 14-15 y.o. white boys
lesbian marry the bisexual girl I am currently in love with
>18 yo white woman
Go to a retirement home because I know I'm TOO OLD and my prime years have finished.
Get on my way to find the next Black/Muslim BVLL to fuck
Come laugh at Jow Forumscel central @ all the virgins of all races that want to fuck me but never can/will
Based lezdom-loving pervert user.
dress up as a boy and post your ass to troll gayfags too
i would avoid a lot of my brown friends because they would all want to fuck me and i would no longer be physically strong enough to keep them away.
fuck hot lesbians i guess
Are Egyptian men white worshipers?
KMS for not waking up as a 5'2'' Japanese schoolgirl
yes. probably because of all the porn they watch and because 75% of egyptian women are obese goblinas. i personally prefer levant women.
Film a few BLACKED scenes and get rich.
Why are poor people always fat? Just cut the carbs and sugars out of your diet its cheaper
low iq
lack of self control
diet consisting of carbs and sugar since they are cheap. but they are stupid because they could eat a diet of vegetables, eggs, and chicken and it would still be cheap if they ate less and they would be in better shape. sure they won't be able to get big or muscular but they will be healthy.
submit application here
What are the odds I get raped in Egypt if I looked like this?
It should not take too long given his size. Make him stick thin and so feeble. Then I would feign pity and serve him a plate of delicious char siu meat, with rich, sticky sauce, perfect pancakes, refreshing drinks... go all out. Give that little bastard a banquet. Watch him greedily devour the meat. His lips, teeth, and fingers sticky with the sauce as he throws manners and decorum out of the window in a mad rush to satiate himself. Then, when he's satisfied and feels thing are looking up, I shall reveal he has not been feasting on char siu pork but... char siu Harrison Davis. Yes, I will have ensured Warwick Davis greedily gobbled up the flesh of his mutant son that I butchered after growing bored with torturing him. As the tears well up in his eyes and he refuses to believe me, I shall let out a truly evil, bone chilling laugh and upend the contents of a box I'll have near me; it will be the mangled remains of his son. His legs gone, his skin flayed, castrated, eyes missing, his fingers and arms broken, and head twisted around. That is what I would do to that little bastard. The louder he screams and cries in anguish, the louder and more evil my cackle becomes. Hell, it may just kill me because I'll be struggling to breath as I'll be laughing so hard. I will then loop the footage of his son being raped by a dog, tortured, and then butchered by me 24/7 at maximum volume. This is the fate that awaits you, you vile little goblin.
kys faggot
what this guy said unless you have a man who isn't a limp wristed beta by your side, and even then if you go into any area that is crowded and tourist friendly the subhumans will gang up on you and at the very least cop a feel, or at worst beat the man and rape you.
go fuck myself
Average Korean phenotype
- as pale skin as Russian slavs
- exotic Asiatic eyes
- well-developed jawline
- beautiful facial structure that needs no plastic surgeon
My cousins are fairly attractive blondes who went to Sudan a few years back cause "muh culture" and said they were treated with respect by everyone there. Are Egyptians more rapey than nogs?
nip/gook shitposters confirmed for literal spambots
egypt is the worst country in the middle east. also they probably went to a nicer area in sudan.
They went to visit the nilotic people cause they're like 7 feet tall
Did they get to fuck some local BBC?
Nilotics live in South Sudan, retard
Get blacked
Get boned as much as white womenly as possible, then marry a dumbfuck who wanted me for my good personality.
I didnt say they went to Egypt I said they went to Sudan
Absolute faggots
No of course not they've never dated outside their race but they are sjws
Become e-thot for money.
They are hypcrites. They pretend to fight racism but they won't let +6'3 ft black men with +8 inches phallus creampie them.
Because good food is expensive
Vegetables eggs chicken? That will amount to like 500 kcal
make stupid faces on camera, sell my spit for 100€, chewed gum for 50€, my bathing water for 250€ and my pee for 10000€
Fondle my boobs and ass. Basically the same thing I do all the time
Make Jow Forums seethe, simply by existing.
Girl in pic does Porn btw
blacked.com when
If you have done porn once, then you've ruined yourself forever.
Slavic is white you retard
that dick is not black so I don't care
Absolutely based
fuck traps
slavic is white but you russian asians are not
Go on Jow Forums and screech at the enlightened individuals who have realized asian women are superior to whites.
Cumbrain Autogynephilia thread caused by porn addiction. You guys will never believe me. It's as if this is a horror movie and I'm telling you about the monster but you insist it's just the wind.
Dude it's just shitposting. Unironically have sex.
post the image with all those studies linking cumbrains to low cognitive ability
t.Ameriglobo Khohlenko
I wouldn't. I like the man I'm growing into. 18 year old me was much more confused and insecure. You a woman? How old now if you don't mind?
>Dude it's just shitposting. Unironically have sex.
ching chong ding dong
Become a successful camwhore, making thousands off incel losers, while being a massive carpet puncher behind the scenes.
i wanna be black man rather
and acquire acrobats
Suck my tits, and then kill myself because I don't have a penis anymore.
post on 4channel daily
they have some crazy shit would like to try if im a woman
>and acquire acrobats