post poorly translated signs and stuff
Bad translation thread
They couldn't even spell fucking hello right, that's how hard they try
"Thank you for using the toilet in a clean fashion."
The translator just had some fun, I don't think it's really a bad translation.
This is a joke
干 always does wonders in a sign because it means "dried" as in 干货=dried food, but it also means "fuck" in slang
Hot dog doughnut
Correctly translated, just complete bullshit and hopefully a joke
>His younger brother Isukiri
oh lawd
阴道镜检查室= vagina lens examination room
They don't beat about the bush
>Isukiri casually took christ's place and ended his life on the cross
>casually took christ's place
Taking your life for someone else is just an ordinary and mundane matter.
How do you manage to get AIDS from doughnuts?
That doesn't look like bad translation, just a legend.
Hilarious. Clearly deliberate.
Please clean the room
Please do not disturb
how does one remove room?
Убpaть = "remove" and "to clean", depends on the context
Ah, those were the days
You have been visited by Laura Dyatlov.
This thread is currently reading 22 replies (not great, not terrible).
I like to place fox on udon-noodle desu
I see you post this constantly, why do you do it exactly? I don't want to sound mean but its kind of annoying
I see, a bunch of Koreans opened a French-named restaurant in Australia and spelled the name wrong