Aliens have arrived.... which coin will i need?

Aliens have arrived.... which coin will i need?

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take silver

Link obviously


Space cash.

Pepes. Not even joking.

project bluebeam
aliens are demons manifest into physical reality
the earth is a plain

buy chainlink


Realistically speaking if aliens are monitoring the internet to gauge whether it's time for the official first contact or not, they'd probably leave this galaxy just to keep away from 0xbitcoin shills

most like the aliens are actually the link shills. implementing the oracle is their end game.

I am stocked up and ready for Contact after checking and keking

Can LINK even work for connecting Earth and Alien systems?

No meme answers

The speed of light is too slow for crypto with short block reward times.
BTC probably has such a long block time in anticipation of using laser transmissions to the Moon (2 second lag) and possibly Mars (8 minutes to 24 minutes lag)
If ansibles are developed for communicating (faster than light data transfer) then the lag time is irrelevant.

holo, they built holochain on IPFs, (inter-planetary file system), it should be able to handle the latency required with no problems

A big stack of 7N6

It's not a PLANET ITS PLANE T. The T stands for tree cause that's were we decended from. Also christ on the cross is a symbolic representation of our original start as plant life and for what we can become. Our lowest and our most highest forms

That's bullish as fuck for bitcoin, them I'm buying my way off this rock. I'll try to figure out ways to improve life on earth while I'm gone, promise ;^)

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Link memes are now the highest quality memes, surprisingly. Universe might be trying to tell you something here...

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Yeah makes handling the brutal justing easier.

Maybe the quantum resistant ones.

You had a whole year to accumulate!

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Yikes. I'd rater be a broke wagie than be this unfunny

I think I reverse keked

That's how palindromes work.

>aliens land
>they instantly become another retarded meme

thats why they will never show up

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