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all I want is guns being sold like in the USA
bolsonaro disappoint so far
damn... that's deep
You truly believe he was going to give guns a bunch of nibbas? kek
>Expecting actual improvements for common people coming from far-right populist on bourgeoisie payroll
Epic buzzwords
This desu
Based smug anime camarada
>Uh I can't come op with counterargument
>Let's say that he tries to look smart with the smart words
You talk like those nibbas don't have guns already and when they don't, they rent. true shit guns are rented in favelas lol
this picture makes bolsonaro seem incredibly based, which he isn't.
>solution? more guns!
good luck.
I can't believe people honestly think that the dude who got stabbed by crazy last year will let burger level gun legislation pass here.
it's not the solution. in fact, there's no solution. the only way latin america will ever be relevant is the same way that happened with the us
a world war
Rich talk with that flag of youra
You saying Putin is Brazilian?