Ford Edition
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Other urls found in this thread:
first for fuck the union
vroom vroom epic edition haha
Thanks, brother.
nice dubs
we commit wrongthink by electing Democrats with Southern accents from here governor/senator instead of Republican lobbyists from New Jersey.
not to defend shit like voting for Hillary in 2016 or anything, but it's just partisan political shitflingling. We're "bluer" than other Southern states because of the DC suburbs in the northern portion of the state, but outsiders fail to take into consideration that many of our Democrats still have decent conservative streaks and that the Virginia Republican Party is a shitheap that pushes completely unelectable candidates on us every election. The last time a Republican was governor here he won in a landslide but then got sent to prison for corruption.
the Yanks from /cum/ think that being Southern is a political ideology and not a way of life like any other culture, so they bait with it constantly in the hope that it will validate them posting here
>the Yanks from /cum/ think that being Southern is a political ideology and not a way of life like any other culture
none of the examples I gave were political but ok. shant be continuing this
agrarianism, common values, strong localized government and common history are not political ideologies
tl;dr of course is that the CommonWEALTH of Viginia has never done anything wrong ever and basically you should go back to the jizz bucket and seethe eternally over my tobaccobux, rich literary history of Pokemon/hedgehog crossovers, and Jim Webb posts there
Good image
Virginia you didn't even know what the fucking Piedmont was so you can fuck off.
agrarianism cannot mean the complete absence of cities, and Nawlins and Nashville are both invaluable contributors to Southern culture
Washington leaned towards the side of the federalists, and was a Virginia aristocrat intermarried with Robert E. Lee's ancestors. He is still a southerner despite some "unsouthern" leanings, because there is room for political debate within cultures.
I'm secure enough in my cultural identity that I don't worry about my opinions leading me astray from it. At the end of the day I'm still a good ol boy who gets along best with other good ol boys.
legit have no idea what you're talking about
can a .22 seriously not kill a man or am I getting memed
It can
choice use for REAL gangsters for executions because it doesnt exit the other side of the skull, it just rattles around in there
oh well fuck my neighbor then
>tfw you'll never be american talking to your american neighbor about how to kill a man
could kill you with my bare hands
no I was just saying to him that I was thinking about buying a .22 for home defense and he was convinced that it wasn't up to that task
he's not a Jow Forumsommando tho, just some tard who plays CoD
couldnt kill me with 16oz everlasts on, nibba
might not be the best for home defense but if you shoot someone regardless of caliber they`re gonna fucking feel it
I would get something bigger if I had a large property with yards and shit but this would (if it were ever to be used) be for near point-blank situations inside of a condo
sometimes they dont actually feel it cause adrenaline and junk
a maverick 88 is cheap and strong for home defense I think
yeah desu i would go for a home defence 12 ga as opposed to a .22 pistol
im not 100% but im pretty sure the 12GA bb`s are less likely to shoot through the wall and accidentally kill your neighbor while they are sleeping, as opposted to a .22 which doesnt transfer a ton of energy when it goes through something
>last column
just rack the slide and send one through the door
t. joe biden
lads what meal plan should i get
.357 Magnum is objectively the best caliber for home defense
i wasn't even the one who started calling you a lardass, pretty sure that was cobb
i don't think i started being argumentative 100% of the time until after turkbud left
just ate some fried apples, ama
>fried apples
apples fried in butter with cinnamon
sounds good i suppose.
they were
>he doesn't know
it was you, it doesn't matter though, my point was that they didn't know what it was calling back or referring to
i'll take your word for it i guess
boy i sure do like how primitive tech's vids are now all under 10 minutes long
FUCK australia
just realized after I caught that guy taking my picture in my truck that there are probably people out there who have pictures of me and I don't even know it.
the government has you in a list of people without gfs that they'll use when they finally roll out their plans to eliminate everyone over 25 without a gf/bf
I'm under 25
you'd better get to getting a gf then
girl I did not know who was walking on the sidewalk waved at me today as I drove past.
did you get her number
Did you wave back
No, I was driving
Yes, I waved
Thinkin about buying some new boots
Thinkin about buying some new beans
thinking about thos beans
time for cultural enrichment
germans get the rope too
Can't wait for spookychannel
sperging about Germans is overplayed and cringeworthy
that's not going to stop me
For me it's Horsetown
Is this what you and Macon eat?
macon's dead so he doesn't eat anything
He's alive
i wish that he wasn't
I miss macon
just got a virus
I think you mean disease
Yeah, I hear HIV is common among the homosexuals
most of the new infections are amongst drug users
I hear gays do drugs and have sex parties
god i wish
nobody gave their opinions
Damn, I'm on fire
Debunk this
beer tastes like piss
You drink alot of piss?
How do you know what it tastes like then?
i don't
Your claim of beer tasting like piss seems spurious then.
it makes no difference to me whether you believe me
But I know that to be false
That's a Georgia State secret
Thanks for your understanding.
>boomer on the internet complaining about his western wear being made in Mexico
*runs in panting*
more like macoff
because he's dead
Mugabe just died
hope he sucks a billion dicks in hell
nice meme