>130 million people
>ocean to ocean access
>actually built a national identity
>neighbours to USA
They are gonna be a world power in about 50 years, mark my words.
130 million people
Other urls found in this thread:
mexico has more national identity than canada or the us. only thing holding them back is their deep rooted inferiority complex
este man
They won't be but when regions such as the Baja peninsula split off and become independent they'll be decent little countries.
>no resources no industry other than fishing, and tourism
Thank you Southern Chiapas. We are taking you with us as well.
IDK about world power but they'll definitely be as significant as nations like Germany or South Korea. I'm interested to see what Mexico will be like in 15-20 years and the PRI boomers are mostly dead and the majority of the population was born after the educational and political reforms of the 90s-2000s. I think we'll see lots of Mexican industrial firms become relevant. They're already pretty competent in the automotive system and aerospace field, but those industries are still young in Mexico. It'll be interesting to see Mexican car companies, aerospace firms and probably appliance/tech brands selling internationally.
That's perfectly fine to support a country of ~4 million people.
>best president that is not right or left but a humanist
>universal healthcare
>universal income
>universal housing
Even the guy from Stratfor predicted it. We just want to be the civilization we once were denied.
mexico has a rich culture but a toxic society with deep-rooted elitism, corruption, despotism, and anti-intellectualism desu.
It's better to not put a timer on these things. Otherwise they might end up like India with only a few months to become a superpower or look like failures.
as long as the drug cartels maintain their power in Mexico then nothing will improve
Not saying massive reform and upheaval is not needed, but the raw material for greatness is there.
has anybody heard about the mexican messaging app that's surging in popularity in hong kong rn, because of the riots? it creates its own network based on bluetooth, so not subject to censorship, and great for emergency situations. pretty cool. it's called bridgefy.
checks out
More of a reason to split Mexico. Regions like the Baja peninsula and the Yucatan peninsula should be their own nations so they are not affected with whatever Mexico City wants to do.
intresting... one of my IT friends told me about it but didn't payed that much attention. So it's a thing as I can see
>neighboring USA
user i...
national identity is overrated and worthless
>they'll definitely be as significant as nations like Germany or South Korea.
we just want to be free like we used to be... world power or not.
They are going to become a world power when everyone leaves earth for another planet
Mexico has always been a place where Chinese people who are anti-CCP can go to if they are not allowed to move to the US or Canada.
It is literally necessary for any state building and social reform.
God I hope so, maybe then they will stop hopping the border
as my jewish fren said: mexico is a beautiful country, except for mexicans
I'm sure we'll have a hitler type scenario once the recession hits in Mexico, they'll take back Central America and side with China for ww3
It never will because the government is too corrupt
yeah, like jews are really pretty and handsome... was your friend Sheinbaum or Meade?
Mexico massacred millions of chinese around a century ago.
Mexican emigration to the United States is the lowest it has been in almost 30 years though. Maybe if the United States was friendlier to Mexico they would make more of an effort to stop dirty Hondurans, Salvadorans, and Guatemalans from trying to hop the fence.
In Mexicali and Sinaloa, the national dish is chinese food... kek.
oy wey, where is my jewish bf / gf
good goy
Yes they did but since the 1960s Mexico has been very welcoming of Chinese immigrants as can be seen in cities such as Mexicali and Tijuana.
We have always accepted migrants from around the world, they'll always be welcomed.
we don't really wanna leave our country, but shekels are shekels
Tell that to the recent waves of hondurans.
>It never will because the government is too corrupt
If you truly believe this then you should be advocating for a military annexation of Mexico in which the Unites States can police Mexico while Mexico has limited rights as an American territory.
they don't wanna stay here... what's the problem then?
mexico used to be a peaceful country before the central americans came in waves
Or I could just continue living my life..
Mexico truly does need a new wave of low-level manual laborers but Hondurans, Salvadorans, and Guatemalans are just too scummy. How can you let in a wave of people into your country if all they want to do is move to the United States?
In that case our country will be overrun by illegal Mexicans and Central Americans. You can't be so jaded.
That's the point retard, they are being held in immigration centers like the border cages you have.
so hong kong and singapore?
what is it called
why so mean?
Based Guatebro.
Based Stratfor fag.
central americans have the same culture and race as us.
Don't fall for the jewish meme to balkanize us and keep us splited. They are our BROTHERS.
Also having an average iq under 90 + insane systematic corruption
They had 200 years to be a world power. It won't happen.
we used to talk about using bluetooth for an internet without ISPs.
Other way around, they should take Chiapas and Oaxaca and fuck off.
Mexico you need to pull a Singapore.
because we don't want to be a world power... we want to be like Finalnd. Comfy and autistic AF.
This loser has been making threads trying to do just that lel
¿Jaulas? ¿Que es eso?
Are you okay? How does saying that Mexicos gov is too corrupt to be a global power mean I have to become activist now?
Esto deberia ser nuestro sueño
You're an idiot
are you aware singapore is only 5 million people and the size of a small munipality
we'll annex you bros.. .just give us time.
You are our clay.
who is going to be the one to annex first? Guatemalans already study in Mexico.
Our president sent you some cash, have you received it?
You're an idiot
If Mexico's government is legitimately too corrupt to fix then push for America to have a heavier hand on Mexico. No matter how many walls are built, Mexico is still our neighbor and whatever happens there will ultimately affect us.
Yo soy tico y no quiero esto
siempre hay espacio en Canada.
And Mexico was always poorer than America. Do you genuinely believe mass migration of Mexicans to America only to be used as cheap labor never happened before? Cause you need to open a history book if you believe that.
100 years of constant wars, invasions and chimpouts.
100 years of being next to world's largest drug addict country
yo personalmente te voy a matar cuando aztlan es reconquistado, maricon
tu paisano lo hace por los bius, ¿que esperas?
OP is a troll who has on several times gone on rants about Mexicans. Don't know why you idiots even bump his thread unless you're all newfaggots
>haha duuud im oldfag look at my name!
t. newfaggots
that guy is costa rican? wtf i always thought he was mexican
he even says it on the video... that he is costarican and loves costarican coffee and nobody knows it in Mexico... kek. Su vieja es mexicana y esa morra si hace buenos videos.
jeje pues yo ahora vivo en los estados, no me puedes matar
ew canada que asco
estaba bien buena, ahorita ya no me gusta.
¿que? ¿no te gusta la nieve y coger perros?
you both have no idea what you're talking about
Mexico is a denied civilization... look it up.
eh no se, es que los estados es superior en casi cada manera
>t. Federico Maria Ek Huexotl
This thread is full of mexicans and chicanos
Why do you bump Chicano threads "go back" user?
I have a theory that if mexico could harness both east and west ports, build a modern port infrastructure on both sides of the country and establish low tax it could become a booming port industry
well why doesn't mexico do this
It's more important for Mexico to institute a Pinochet-style rule of law where criminals are executed on sight.
props true. trans-national trucking is already huge.
soy mexicano