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hello fellow Jow Forums browser
how come? wouldn't it be likelier a liberal win according to that image?
>tfw will probably never date Lorde
>date Lorde
bruh cmon youre worth more
why are you anti-lorde?
I've never seen a diamond in the flesh
I cut my teeth on wedding rings
>feel like playing vidya to get my mind off stress
>only games on my backlog are RPG's i dont have time for
take some shits
Watch anime instead
ikr, every time I want to get into an rpg I remember how terribly long most of them are and it intimidates me
I prefer shorter games tbqh
hell i wish i could work up the motivation to go play some vidya, at least i could feel like i accomplished something even if its meaningless
her music is poopoo and she looks like an abomination
watching the walking dead for the first time
grim grim grim grim grim
>Shigella infection (shigellosis) is an intestinal disease caused by a family of bacteria known as shigella. The main sign of shigella infection is diarrhea, which often is bloody. Shigella can be passed through direct contact with the bacteria in the stool.
>tfw starting to get targeted ads for anti depressants
my ads are in polish now for some reason
you don't need to reply to OP you retard
okay i won't
I am this cat
I am this panda
ive found the perfect girl at my university and she doesnt have a boyfriend, but she doesnt know i exist at all. what do
>not using an adblocker
>not using duckduckgo
>not using bitdefender
>not using a proxy
just b urself
evens i pick up a four hour shift, odds i ignore the calls and play wow
testing webms also holy fuck the captcha is taking forever
tbf you can't get that if you're phoneposting
>tbf you can't get that if you're phoneposting
duckduckgo app
what do you do for work
accept 8 hour shift
i have to sumerge myself in the language
i have to play dota 2
Bay Area anons do you still post here? Did you guys ever meet the kiwi visiting?
hey. yeah, it was fun.
fail miserably and regret it forever
sure, bud. wanna meet up this weekend?
this girl is slowly starting to piss me off again. every fucking time.
I did it anons. I got a job. A good one too. I could stay my whole life there. It actually happened. Tomorrow I just need to go in to fill out paperwork and get my ID card. I'm going to go cry now.
you gonna prep for penis inspection or just gonna wing it?
sure where at
one less neet in the world
grats user, what job?
bowling alley?
i feel like crying
i thought this too and then i realized how awful working really is
talk to me
please dive under a bus
>talk to me
lets go to this one. hands down the comfiest trip there with scenic views.
post comfy music now
I dont know who that is
That seems like the likely outcome.
The only reason I know of her is because I saw her one night after I took a final last year in college. The final was for general chemistry one so had a lot of different classes to accommodate the number of people and a list of names for the exam for each person to find their location for the final exam was given. I unironically search through the list of 400+ people on facebook or twitter until I found her. From her facebook I found she likes almost all of the things I like (except she's into dr. who and capeshit). Later on I found out one of my roommates friends that I went to high school with is rooming with her this semester so that is some sort of in I guess. Im just hoping i find her on a dating site so i dont have to tell her how i know her
what time
really need to stop drunk ordering shit from ebay
wish i had /cum/ or Jow Forums friends irl, i dont think there are many nebraskans here though
"What people don't realize is that brap posting was a psyop to lay the ground work for the new food agenda. Desensitizing people to disgusting bodily functions through humor was step one on the road to eating bugs and drinking shit"
~Alex Jones (Christmas Special 2018)
tell your mutual friends you like her
They inspected me today, I guess I did ok!
It's a position in the big airline company, one of the guys I talked to said he was going on 35 years. They like their employees to stay long term. The hardest part is getting your foot into the door. Somehow I fell in by just sending my resume onto their job website a couple months ago.
Working is awful, but I was doing terrible manual jobs for low pay before this. I even worked as a UPS assistant last year, that was awful, I don't recommend it. Or any warehouse work either.
or you could flirt with her
drunk you is just spending $300 on pizza for future you
its all good
unironically seething rn
>playing telephone
do people do this outside of middle shcool
I would maybe hang with someone from here. i'm from Indiana tho
what did you buy? i only buy shit i actually want but am too cheap to buy. well that and stuff that i secretly deep down want..
>Or any warehouse work either
literally and unironically work in a data warehouse. some dumb piece of shit put salt in the hvac system and now we have to replace all the rusted containers
11am ish, boomers wake at dawn to bowl, and zoomers plague it at nights
acne jeans from lithuania. i'm pretty sure the shipping charge is more expensive than the actual price
one of my nostrils is RAW after blowing it so much
my roommate knows, but the awkward thing is his friend that the girl is rooming with has/had a crush on me so im not sure if she will set us up. also im very introverted/shy in general and barely talk to anybody, let alone some girl i want to date. shit will be awkward
im to depressed and lazy
it works. Even just asking your friends if they know people is better than picking up some slag at a bar/club.
also doesn't have to be telephone styled, they could all go to a restaurant or whatever
my ex
>I even worked as a UPS assistant last year, that was awful, I don't recommend it. Or any warehouse work either.
I used to do that driver helper shit on the holidays. Basically rode around with a boomer in the truck and helped him unload things. Was prime comfy, guy convinced me to buy a motorcycle and shared lots of his stories when he was 'back in korea'. Management tried to convince me to stay and do assistant work after the holidays, but I've seen the damn zombies that work inside the facilities and dont wish that fate. Currently work at a warehouse, but I really need something more solid and painless.
Memes aside, the real Anne Frank was a cutie.
i feel fucking amazing lads
I don't think that matters, if you don't like her she can't force you to like her, so she might do it (worse case scenario she doesnt and it wouldnt matter).
That sounds better. When I was doing the UPS helper stuff, the first several weeks it was raining all day so we both got soaked. Then the snow started. One day I couldn't see anything and I actually fell. The driver started yelling at me, but literally 3 houses away he slipped and fell too. We decided not to mention it afterwards. And people ordered a bunch of fucking trampolines! Those boxes are bigger than I am.
called my dad a nigger today
>that part in her diary when she was writing about her vagina
i actually didn't read her diary but kek
why was your dad being a nigger
he was pestering me so I said "nigger are you serious right now" then he laughed and walked away
Just got done shaving my back
I gotta say it feels slick
The holocaust? Fake. Girls writing about their cunt? Jesus hates it.
how did he react?
how did you do it? do you have a lot of hair there?
you and me both, friend
are you urkel?
I used a back shaver. I had a medium amount of hair.
The only downside was a cut I got on a skin tag on the back.
whoever invented protestantism mustve been an incel