Why are Australians so racist?
Why are Australians so racist?
Christ they are so desperate to remain a part of the anglozone.
I want to visit Australia and spend a lot of money there also.
>However, the NSW government said in a review issued late on Thursday that, while it found no specific evidence of interference, it was improper for the program to continue.
>“The review found, however, a number of specific factors that could give rise to the perception that the Confucius Institute is or could be facilitating inappropriate foreign influence in the department,” the review said
Influence such as...?
What about japanese language program in there?
Some Australian poster was very gud at japanese skill.
Promoting the idea that contemporary China is a legitimate state.
It doesn't even matter you do random bits of japanese, chinese, german, french and probably others in different combinations depending on each primary school and high school so you learn nothing
moshi moshi
anonu desku
auf vieta sen
Same here, you are taught enough to ask for a glass of water. Then maybe your last year in high school you take trip to Europe or whatever and are forced to follow teacher.
Australians hate the Chinese, but to my knowledge they have no negative feelings about the Japanese (though I imagine some people who work in tourism might dislike Japanese tourists, but that can be said of every tourist and every nationality).
please kick out all mainlanders who can't speak english and behave like utter retards
people thought of the japanese in basically the same way we think of the chinese in the 80s and 90s when japan was still rising economically and investing a ton
Aussies know Japs as whale hunters.
Based. I have no sympathy for xenophobic asians.
We've had chinese schools and arabic schools for decades and nothing has happened yet
t. Zhang
Huezilians are so fucking retarded.
>fearing foreign influence, aboriginal chiefs end english language program
The is the power of a conservative government; who the fuck stands to benefit from a little bit of extra insight into the language spoken by our largest trading partner.
The sooner the Anglo/WASP/Western/UK&US - whatever you want to call it- is removed from our politics, the fucking better. This country is governed by sociopaths who don't give a shit about the country beyond a four year period.
Unironically the most dangerous foreign influence we have is from the elites in London and Washington. Those fuckers have undermined our political process, spy on us and have dragged us into war.
>and spend a lot of money there also
That's a given. You can't be a tourist here without spending an arm and a leg, unless you have some free homestay lined up.
el chino enojado, seniores
This would have absolutely no impact on Chinese people who already know Chinese.
You dumb cunt.
Back to , fuckwit.
Based Austrailian Bros fighting back against the Yellow peril.
o no no nooooo so enojado el chino gay asjkjakjakjkajka
Assuming simplified Chinese is basically what is used in Japan, wouldn't that be:
Back to , fuckwit.
lmao its like the rebirth of communist paranoia in 1950s america, i hope xi turns the screws on them for being this dumb
Go back to your polluted garbage dump slope.
I'm not Chinese, you fucking worthless, racist subhuman piece of shit.
Absolute nothing I posted was inaccurate. Your country, along with his country represent the two most vile and dangerous foreign influences on our politics.
You need to fuck off back to
imagine thinking the US is actually cleaner.
>I'm not Chinese
>fucking gwailo, the real threat to austlalia is jewSA and opium tradesmen
Good to know. Say, you mind telling us all about Tianamen square in great detail? I know a real aussie would have no problem describing it.
by the way, one not racist should be called Australian?
>Say, you mind telling us all about Tianamen square in great detail?
I don't need to, the CIA and western media already have. Get reading:
Here, a direct link:
>he thinks this will distract the from the fact that the US is a filthy, garbage-ridden trash heap
Ultimate cope
australia was always rotten to the core, it might as well be america 2.0 since it was founded by exiles who genocided the aboriginals and then had the nerve to enact a white australia policy
>the CIA and western media
and you actually tell others to "go back to Jow Forums"?
Thank you government.
Get the fuck out of my country you slant eyed dog eating subhuman.
that's hilarious. why can you Americans point out racism even 2019 now you can't deal with racism in the USA. just get along with filthy blacks and brown ppl
Ahahaha, he can't fucking say it because he knows he'll get executed. Just cite the Western resources you don't believe. You fucking commie infiltrator.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Yeah, how dare European Austrailians want Austrailia only for themselves, the nerve of them!
Yeah, I know a fair bit about our history. It's not pretty and barely covered in high school or at least it wasn't during my time. We should be so much better than we are.
Actually fucking read it, moron. It isn't conspiratorial or based on opinion. It literally goes over western media coverage of the events, including declassified US government documents.
To deny it is to literally deny the very media sources which have been pushing the massacre narrative. See, that's the beauty of it: you cannot refute it without refuting the very media sources which you form your worldview upon regarding the so called massacre.
Where do you fucking live, cunt. See how tough you are in person, I'll make you carry your fucking jaw home, cunt.
>Just cite the Western resources you don't believe.
The entire fucking document I linked is made up of western sources, you pig ignorant cunt. You didn't spent even one fucking minute reading it.
Fucking hell you cancerous fucking Jow Forumstards are the absolute worst breed of outsider to have graced this entire fucking site.
Yeah how dare they. It belongs to the austronesians.
>Jow Forumstards are the absolute worst breed of outsider to have graced this entire fucking site.
You are part of the problem
FUCKING SAY IT BITCH. I know you can't. You just cite western resources because you don't want it being associated with you. Fucking type out a summary of all the human right violations in your own words. I know you can't. Get the fuck outta australia you failed double agent.
fortunately their influence is limited on Jow Forums because of the staunch anti american sentiment, boards such as /v/ and /tv/ have been less fortunate
Why is Jow Forums against Nationalism?
No mate, you are. I've seen your posts on Jow Forums over the last short while to know full well that you are a cancerous subhuman that in the past would have been smashed with the ban hammer back when moot and his goons used to swat you vermin the moment you creeped your way out of /new/.
Fucking die, Jow Forumstard scum.
>You just cite western resources because you don't want it being associated with you.
No, I cite them because it is a body of evidence that cannot be denied without denying the entire base of evidence you use for your current opinions. You dumb cunt.
>Fucking type out a summary of all the human right violations in your own words.
What human rights violations? You are literally telling me to write your argument. You dumb cunt.
You will never be British, you Pakistani scum.
That's mostly because of generals. Outside of SvE, for example, I highly doubt Swedes really have that high a share of the posts.
what you americans dont seem to understand is
nationalism = bad
patriotism = good
Because most people here are shitskin leftists. But it's only nationalism in Western countries they hate.
well im not british im european but ok
you're proving everybody right you know
Ironic that you should say that, as that dichotomy is 100% an americanism (a Republican one, to boot).
>nationalism = bad
Why is it bad?
we had 2 world wars because of nationalism
Your kind will never be welcome here. If we ever have a Cronulla 2.0, I will smash your skull in.
Those aren't my posts, you fucking moron.
My knowledge and interest is in Japanese, not Chinese.
You dumb Jow Forumstard.
You're not that either, shitskin.
Ahaha, you fucking retard. The reason I keep asking you to make the argument is because I know chinese bitches like yourself refuse to say it yourself. I'm winning the argument by virtue of you refusing to associate yourself directly with Tianamen square (which really happened regardless of what your commie government tells you.)
[spoiler]>What human rights violations?
Holy shit, you are bad at your job Mr. Xiao
Fuck off back to china, chink. We would have hung you a hundred years ago.
lmao I've only ever seen americans differentiate the two
>stop being raycis waaaaaaaah
>is racist himself
Stinky chinky poo hypocrite
You are an embarrassment to all Chinese people, Xi is very disappointed and you should be ashamed of yourself
Sure zhang, I totally believe that it wasn't you
I love Japan. I am not Chinese. Just believe me. I don't want to take over Australia. Tianamen square never happened either. That is just lie told by CIA.
I'm not Chinese, you fucking moron.
>I'm winning the argument by virtue of you refusing to associate yourself directly with Tianamen square (which really happened regardless of what your commie government tells you.)
It doesn't work like that. You are desperately trying to get me to conform to your strawmen, which I have no interest in. I have no interest in what the Chinese government says about the events, my interests lie in what the west has said. What it has actually said and how it differs from the offical media narrative, that's why I've been referencing a source which is based entirely on the opinions and recorded body of evidence of the media and governments which are pushing this metanarrative.
>Holy shit, you are bad at your job Mr. Xiao
I'm not going to provide an argument for you, you intellectually dishonest cretin.
I'm not from China, mate. During the Cronulla riots I broke the jaw and kneecap of a little pissant proto-Jow Forumstard and I'd do it you all the fucking same. You are scum that doesn't belong here. Your kind should be dumped a few hundred kilometers into the Pacific.
Those posts are by a Jow Forumstard pushing what you cretin refer to as a "false flag". Are you a legit sperg in that you can't see that?
Schools here are putting it in their curriculum for years now but nobody cares even the teachers, so you pass by memorizing phrases and speaking it phonetically then forgetting about it hours later.
Kill yourself, ice nigger. I'm not a damn chink.
Yeah, you really are a sperg.
You are not Australian. This country since colonisation was always supposed to be white.
>I'm not from China, mate. During the Cronulla riots I broke the jaw and kneecap of a little pissant proto-Jow Forumstard and I'd do it you all the fucking same. You are scum that doesn't belong here. Your kind should be dumped a few hundred kilometers into the Pacific
If you are not with me, then you are my enemy
Are they dumber than Americans?
Fucking btfo me then Mr. Xiao. Give me a summary of Tianamen square in your own words.
You never will and you know it. It's not a strawman, it's just a basic fucking test.I just know you can't pass.
>my interests lie in what the west has said
Jesus christ, maybe work on your english a bit more so you don't sound like a fucking chinese robot.
Wrong, according to it was always supposed to be CHINESE.
He already BTFOed you
Now you're resorting to reddit arguments, sad really
Nice vpn. How long did it take you to set it up Mr. Xiao?
Classic redditor
>someone says something positive about china
>T-tianamen square!!!1111
>shill shill shill shill shill shill shill
You niggers legit sound like NPCs
Only delusional and brainwashed retards believes that mainland China has done more good for the world than bad
Classic chinaman.
>shill gets bullied because they can't even get past the tianamen square meme
>a fucking """american""" defends them
>"muh reddit"
Fuck off retard. I know it's you. You got fucking destroyed so now you're just fucking throwing random insults.
>I have no interest in what the Chinese government says about the events, my interests lie in what the west has said.
What an obscenely retarded relativistic mindset
China has only done good for china because they don't give a shit about the rest of the world
>shill shill shill shill you're just a shill shill shill shill
Is that the only word you redditors know
The bad overshadows the good sadly
This kek
If were talking about counties that do bad to the world wouldn't the US be first?
Don't even try Mr. Xiao. Americans don't fucking defend Chinamen who can't even talk about Tianamen square.
>China has only done good for China
You gave yourself away with that one you fucking mongoloid. China has done good for no one.
No, you are brainwashed and delusional