>on the contrary
>rolling r
this, ugly as sin
is it true only ANGLO BULLS can pronounce the "th" sound properly?
no, arabic has that cringe sound too.
Not going to lie this makes me seethe. How the fuck am I supposed to learn Russian if some of the sounds are literally impossible for my body to produce. I’m tired of Russian people telling me that I “speak funny”
you need to replicate the accent i think that goes with speaking any other language
you can do exercises to not be a lisping cunt
>capable of pronouncing th
>replace it with t or d anyway
Russian is pretty easy to pronounce. Besides the ы sound, all letters can be replicated using english phonetics
Rolling r is easy, you just have to become a petty criminal piece of shit and then you become fluent in any language that rolls their r's.
what is this thread for?
>guttural r
>only anglophones pronounce the word "roar" correctly
>hvorfor ja, I am too based to show up on this incel website. how did you know?
i never learned how to do a rolled r, i literally can't pronounce my last name and i don't give a fuck, maybe russian relies more on the rolled r sound but you can definitely get away with not being able to do the sound