>argentnian pizza
they are no longer italian
Argentnian pizza
Looks based, I love onions
Eso no es pizza capo me estas cargando?
>fugazzeta rellena
That's a pie
Would eat anyday
stop making pizza threads, pizzaman.
>onions on pizza
>amerifat is afraid of vegetables
Fuck off onions are great on pizza.
>a fugazzetta es una variedad de pizza argentina, originada en Buenos Aires, que consiste en colocar el queso entre dos discos de pizza, a modo de relleno, sobre el cual se agrega cebolla.
The thread about Brazilian pizzas got you worked up and decided to vent on us, huh? Everything's going to be alright bro
basil is the only vegetable that belongs on pizza mario
That's the definition for fugazzetta, not fugazzetta rellena. It's as much a pizza as a calzone is.
Well its pretty much the same shit as in the pic.
Two pizza disks with a cheese filling and onions on top
wtf I love Argentina now
another reason to hate argies
stuffed pizza
Whenever I order a fugazzetta it just comes with a bit extra cheese underneath the onions, not necessarily on between two disks like on the pic. I'm not sure you can take the """""definition""" on the wiki literally
I prefer the ones with fries and egg
Looks delicious.
The fugazzeta is not stuffed like the one in your pic, baiter
why do you think he's baiting? he's clearly just obsessed with pizza
Molto ebinatto.
That's just an inside-out sandwich