Coffee or Tea?

Coffee or Tea?

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Coffee is tea

Definitely coffee.

Coffee in the morning, tea after lunch

Korea, I

contains drugs, tastes like bitter shit, too hot, gross, only for old people
tastes alright, not too hot, not gross, for the cool kids

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Coffee to get the day going.

Tea for chillan and bingan at home.

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bubble tea/starbucks' nitro cold brew

Tea has caffeine in it as well, you literal retard. Also coffee is bitter if you buy burned beans or overextract them.

How does the East Med man take his tea? Black, or drowned in sugar like Arabs?

coffee is for people that cant or dont have time to enjoy a tea.
tea is for people that have too much time to enjoy a drink.

Irish tea with a dash of milk.

Objectively coffee by far, if you say tea, you are a fagho5t, a t*rk, an underage, a contrarian dumbfuck, or even worse, God forbid, a Bong

i doubt tea has as much as coffee usually, and coffee is either bitter or really sugary here in merica

Dark red with couple sugar spoons (small)

Brewing coffee takes more time than making tea.

not if you have the machine.
on another note i dislike the smell of coffee. its too strong and smells like death.

What about Russians?


As opposed to the lengthy process of pouring water over leaves? And what does "smells like death" even mean?

if your answer is tea, that is why you live in a failed state

Coffee is the ultimate soy drink

Coffee has been linked with an increase in testosterone in men.


green tea

Attached: chiya.png (682x720, 523K)

>Coffee has been linked with an increase in testosterone in men.
Caffeine in coffee increases cortisol which decreses testosterone.
Meanwhile the polyphenols in green tea have been shown to negate the effects of caffeine and to actually increase overall testosterone production.
Ya fuckin coffeeboi


I like my drinks like I like my women: as dark as possible.

t. Fattie

>Our data do not indicate a consistent effect of caffeinated coffee consumption on SHBG in men or women, however results should be interpreted with caution given the small sample size.

>As opposed to the lengthy process of pouring water over leaves?
it depends how you make your tea. sometimes its a simple teabag.
>And what does "smells like death" even mean?
i mean to say it smells strong and like shit, and the odour stays there for a long time.

Coffee is for benders.


Attached: cawfee.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

I drink coffee for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, before bed, etc. Like 20+ cups every day.

Coffee leaves stain on my teeth
So I prefer tea

Coffee in the morning to wake up and tea for relaxing.

Right now having coffee as well as an energy drink after two glazed chocolate doughnuts.