Yeah..... he did that.
Yeah..... he did that
Chadanaro can't be stopped
absolutely based
oh... my... god... he did WHAT?
Bolsonaro is fucking insane. He thinks being a good friend of Trump is enough at the international stage. Just imagine if Trump somehow loses his reelection, Brazil is absolutely doomed.
He's another spineless dunce that will achieve nothing but the mentally handicapped will worship him because of some funny things he said.
Dude got stabbed and still ran, he isn't spinless.
Like all politicians then?
At least he said something funny.
>so this politician
>he acts like a cum-guzzling retard
>OMG this is so BASED I think I'll become hos fan
>what? He's doing another stupid thing? BASED BASED BASED BASED
>he's so relatable and he owns the libs, I don't even care if he's bowing to Israel and the US
>he so BASED like Daddy Trump who's also a bumbling fool I adore
>who cares that they lie, all politicians do anyway, at least they say something funny
>OMG did you see the last tweet from them? So BASED they're owning the libs
What are his actual policies?
omg stfu u antisemite
>What are his actual policies?
Selling everything to foreigners, realigning with the US and Israel, pissing off neighboring countries, pandering to evangelicals, sucking the military's balls so they don't coup him.
- Very tough on security and combating violence
- Tougher laws for criminals overall
- Free market economy
- Free internet, freedom of speech, gun ownership is legal now
- Cuts lots of money for universities and spend on lower levels of education such as primary schools
- Zero fucks given to native brazilians or eco-zealots overall
That's pretty much it.
>pissing off neighboring countries
We wuv you Fwance
Killing niggers
Not letting the retarded state break itself like argentina is doing aka not expending more than you make
Political, law and economic reforms
Brazil is a behemot, idk presidents dont even have that much power but i guess its better than electing PT again, you can only go that far with socialist policies for 20 years and zero changes in society.
>killing niggers
You have more than 50% niggers, the rest are self-identified "white" mutts like Bolsonero himself.
Bolsonaro is a MED BVLL, you wish he was part of your pathetic race wh*te pig.
Violent niggers*
fixed it just for you, g*rman dog
Bolsonero looks like a bag of mashed potatoes, like a rubber on the south end of a pencil. He might as well lack any sort of defining bone structure in his face.
nigga look like a thumb lmao
Who cares, are you gay or what?
It sure beats looking like a wart, pic related.
>who cares
You said he's a "MED BVLL" which is certainly untrue. Looks more like polentoni mystery meat.
Further enriching the rich while gaping to western elites, like all right wing cunts in power.
All corporate cocksleeves end up looking like a discarded corpse.
You are talking with more than one brazillian, incel
Literally have sex and stop talking about how old people are ugly
give him a blonde wig and macron will defect
> yeah i love to be ruled by a few oligarch families under the protection of the state, how could you tell?
>(((Yair))) Bolsonigger
a communist's daughter is allowed to be 'UN rights chief' ?
trump dosnt matter, he's friends with bibi
also he's gigachad, he'll do great no matter what other nations think
so pretty much 100% based lib-right on the political compass ?
im honestly fucking jealous of you guys if we had our equivalent of this guy (feiglin) as PM here israel would be 10 times richer and more prosperous.
>you are talking with more than one brazilian
Don't blame me, you monkeys are all the same faggots. Don't pretend he doesn't look like a bag if shit.
Don't be, the president can only change that much
Brazil has too many problems, the left only lost because of its retarded defense of the muh lumpen proletariat and brainlet economic policies (always too afraid to make reforms and lose popularity)
Go back to fapping to bbc strap-on videos, little cuck
I just think its funny af
I dont care wether jungle hitler is bad or good
UN 'Huan' Rights Commission absolutely BTFOed by BVLLsonaro
Yeah, my grandpa also look like shit. So what?
Macacos will pay for this offence to our (former) madam president
Dont mind him, he’s a grandpasexual that likes to have sex with old men that look better.
Actually and utterly obsessed with being a cuck to niggerdicks.
Can't say I'm surprised from huezilians
Not the point, as seen here
Im liking him more and more
im assuming if he's your president then his party of like minded people are controlling the parliament and people who know economics controlling your parliament is how you turn a shithole country into a prosperous one.
I wish the US had a closer alliance with all of Latin America but especially Brazil, we're nearly identical.
Haha, no. The party had no history or people on it before he got elected, it was a fucking mess of oportunists and amateurs competing against the old wolfs, we even had an ex porn actor trying to run as a "conservative"(he got kicked out of the party a few months ago)
It will take a lot of effort and political bood to fix this mess, we can only hope and pray for Bolsonaro. I dont even like him, but anything was better than the fucking labour party again, they only made the wolves bigger.
>and people who know economics controlling your parliament is how you turn a shithole country into a prosperous one.
This is where things start to go wrong for brazil
you're saying his party dominates the parliament but they dont share his political stances ?
>things go wrong because parliament isnt a bunch of economically illiterate retards (AKA leftists)
Have the tougher on crime laws had any effect? Also, has the increased budget on lower level education a noticeably positive effect?
Yes, crime is down around 25-35% this year. It's a pretty impressive number if you ask me and it's his first year of presidency.
Things in Brazil are going to go very badly wrong in the next decade or so because their current government is too retarded to see the connection between their local rainforest and the rainfall that stops their crops failing
>economically illiterate retards (AKA leftists)
His party emerged from thin air. Before 2018 it had only 1 congressman and now it's the second largest (with 58 congressmen). Most of them are newbies and have no previous experience with politics. They're generally saved from gaffes by Bolsonaro's establishment allies. At least his gabinet is nothing short of professional, perhaps the best we've had since 1985. Even those ministers who'd usually be minor are doing an extraordinary job (the ministries of infrastructure and human rights for example). And Bolsonaro actually lets them work.
That's actually kind of impressive. Is the free internet actually usable or only a thing that's used to say "but oh we have free internets"?
If the government is oriented around the work of ministers, what does Bolsonaro himselfactually do in all of this?
The fact that you know nothing about Bolsonaro and Brazil besides some funny quotes doesnt mean he does nothing but funny quotes.
We've had a 22% to 25% reduction on homicide rates this year alone. He and Sérgio Moro are doing a wonderful work regarding public safety. Drug busts, police operations and respect for authority all increased while all kinds of robbery, rape, homicide attempts and assaults have fallen. He was elected for this, after all.
They will agree with him bc it was the reason they got elected "we are with bolsonaro, vote for us". But they dont control alone the chamber of deputies.
Here in brazil we have this thing called "curral eleitoral", were some old and influent political families control entire regions with gibs and propaganda for generations. Those people form what we call "centrão"(the center), some sort biological corrupt organism that only care about their own interest, they have no ideology, you can not rule without them.
The reduction started before is presidency though
who cares lmao
>Is the free internet actually usable or only a thing that's used to say "but oh we have free internets"?
What do you mean? If you mean how free Brazil is in terms of personal freedoms, it's extremely free I would say, including doing whatever the fuck you want on the internet with little to no consequences. Torrents and such aren't banned in here, for example.
Funny bc in brazil a company that got gibs and influence in the leftist gov literally sold meat mixed with paper, we had to stop selling shit to europe for months until we fixed that mess.
Bolsonaro oversees cohesion within the work of his cabinet, ensures the enforcement of what his voters actually want and talks with the other branches (at least he tries). For example, when Moro chose Ilona Szabó to head the national council of prison and crime policy, there was an outcry among the right because she was a leftist globalist with connections to Soros and Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Bolsonaro intervened and suspended her nomination.
But only could possibly reach its current rates with Bolsonaro. Temer reversed the crime-friendly policy of the communist Workers' Party. But he wasn't as tough on crime as Bolsonaro is. Not even close. Sérgio Moro would never be minister of justice outside of a Bolsonaro government. He's intensely hated by the establishment.
why was the labour party in brazil so neoliberal? Did they reject marxism?
>when companies do something bad and leftists are in power it's the government's fault
You all sound like obvious government shills, it isn't subtle in any way.Or you simply can't stop sucking his dick. I don't know if your former government was corrupt, chances are that every government that will ever govern Brazil is corrupt to the very core.
It's just amusing how you all slobber it up and post brainless mindpieces forcefed to you.
incel chin
Thank you for the answers again. If you don't mind me asking one more thing, if you follow the Brazilian news cycle and all that, what arguements does the opposition in parliament usually use when discussing the current government
When the company is supported and involved in corrupt scandals with the gov? Yes, they have a finger on it. Ok i get it, you are a leftie, but you have no idea about how much fucked up the workers party was in here.
Our education tanked despite massive investment
Our economy tanked and corruption scandals appeared left and right
Our crime sky rocketed and the retarded lumpemproletariat policy did not work
And all the promisses of change? They were too afraid to do it. Banks made shitloads of money during the lula years.
The left party just use obstruction when they can. Normally they put the blame of everything that happened in Brazil on Temer while going against policies that they used to defend in past (like the pension reform), double thinking all the way. They don't hold any power anymore, all the game is about centrão and PSL. And it becomes a battle of interests and protagonism.
>We've had a 22% to 25% reduction on homicide rates this year alone.
How could he possibly make such a big change so fast? Like what did he do to create this change?
Sending criminal leaders in normal prisions to federal ones might had a big impact(they cant smuggle cellphones in there)
The moral boost in the police can be another one (many cops were completely blackpilled with some abolitionist judicial bullshit that was preached in here)
It doesn't matter if I'm left-wing or right-wing, my point is if you suck Bolsonaro's dick like many Brazilians did with PT/PD candidates he'll be(come) just as corrupted as they became.
Many posts ITT from Brazilians sound like Bolsonaro is some sort of saint who broke the cycle of "le ebul socialists".
I for one just sit back and wait until Bolso gets entangled in his own corruption cases and watch his fans double down in sheer disbelief.
They think this is europe where the criminal can actually regret mudering someone
The left will use anything to sabotage the government. But thanks to the catastrophe caused by the Workers' Party in power, and the arrest of Lula, they're more weakened than ever before. They have lost 25% of their seats and now their only electoral stronghold is the poorest region, the northeast. The big problem comes from the Centrão (big centre), the coalition of establishment oligarchic parties that are very hard to bend. The Workers' Party had big problems with the centrão in their first term and resorted to mass bribings to have their projects approved (mensalão). The centrão has the presidencies of both houses and a majority of the Congress. It has no established position or ideology and acts out of self-interest only. Bolsonaro relationship with the centrão has been a rocky one (mainly because his presidency comes out of the staunch hatred Brazilians feel for corruption) and he has Sérgio Moro, the mastermind of Operation Lava Jato, in the Ministry of Justice. The Minister of Economy Paulo Guedes helps to ease the tensions with the centrão, since they both share the view that the economy must be liberalized, and his relationship with the president of the Chamber of Deputies has been a good one (generally). They're afraid of Bolsonaro and fear a coup d'état. The large presence of the army in Bolsonaro's cabinet is another thing that leaves them sleepless. The leftists also fear the army. So far the centrão has been trying to undermine Bolsonaro's powers, creating some sort of informal parliamentarism.
What's your point here?
Temer made some changes before Bolsonaro, reversing the crime-friendly of the communist Workers' Party. But now Bolsonaro and minister Sérgio Moro have been very tough against crime. Criminals know they won't be arrested and released the following day anymore. In the very first month of Bolsonaro's government the drug factions in Ceará launched terrorist attacks in order to intimidate the government. Bolsonaro sent the National Guard and crushed them. The era of crime and violence unleashed by this shitty regime since 1985 is one of the conditions that led Bolsonaro right into the presidency (together with corruption and communism).
Car theft
Intentional homicide
Assault followed by murder
Bank robbery
Cargo robbery
Car robbery
Robbery followed by death
Homicide attempt
>Criminals know they won't be arrested and released the following day anymore. In the very first month of Bolsonaro's government the drug factions in Ceará launched terrorist attacks in order to intimidate the government. Bolsonaro sent the National Guard and crushed them.
Are you saying another president wouldnh't have sent the police to terrorist attacks? (if the president was at all involved with the choice to begin with) I agree with the fact that a simpel change of resident can scare people, but i am not sure it could happen thsi fast and by this much. Seems to me there has to be something else he or some other minister otr police person did.(or the crime simply fluctuated down)
>I for one just sit back and wait until Bolso gets entangled in his own corruption cases and watch his fans double down in sheer disbelief.
Good luck waiting for that just like every leftard did for the "muh ruhsya collusion!" and nothing came out of it.
Thanks based austria user
Holy shit
What happened to him
I remember him looking younger
Is he actually getting fucked by western componies?
>Is he actually getting fucked by western componies?
Yeah they are focusing a lot of chemtrails and aging rays on his house. Hopefully he can fight through it.
>based lib-right
As in based based or s0y based?
He's 64 now
Boeing just bought Embraer and isn't even going to keep the name as Boeing-Embraer as originally planned. Probably just going to use the Embraer E-jet designs then let the company die in obscurity. I have no idea why Latin Americans trust the US at all. Fun fact, Mexico used to have it's own decently sized car company before the US and French bought it and killed it off. :^) Ironically Bolivia and Peru are the only Latin American nations that don't capitulate their industries to US interests.
>60000+ brazilians murdered every year
>UN sleeps
>a couple criminals killed
Thanks based malasyia user
You misunderstood me. Temer did send the army to Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo when crisis broke there. I'm saying that the uneaseness of the criminals with Bolsonaro is such that they resort to terrorism in order to intimidate society and the state. This kind of thing didn't happen with Temer. Much less with the Workers' Party. Recently an audio was revealed showing PCC (the largest drug faction in Brazil) bosses talking among themselves how the Workers' Party was lenient and wailing the inflexibility of Bolsonaro and Moro. Crime in Brazil was massive and widespread and there was hardly any repressive disposition within the federal government before Bolsonaro was inaugurated. A major crime reduction was to be expected when action is finally taken.
My grandpa is in his 80s and doesn't look as bad
Something about runnning for presidency just kills the man
It was satire you dip.
He's subhuman trash. He should be tortured with Pinochet methods for a few months. Let's see how much he likes it. After that hand him over to natives so they can sacrifice him for their Sungod's blessings or whatever.
That's why I said thank you
I hope you have a great day
Wait until you die. Bolsonaro has been in the Congress for 27 years and has not a single corruption scandal on his back.
You welkem, here have keropok, finest malaysian fish sausage
Funny of you to post this when your retard of a president is turning Brazil into 90s Russia
Isn't that a good thing considering they are starting from 2019 brazil?
That actually looks quite good user
I am quite hungry at the moment so it looks even better. I think this is the first time I heard about fish sausage, I could be living under a rock though
Looks like shit and blood
>- Zero fucks given to native brazilians
Hey, don’t they kinda... own their land under brazilian laws?